This Pen

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After wasting time,

and procrastinating like a pro,

I sat down at 9:30 on a Monday night

(we had the day off)

to start my homework.

It's not that much,

should take me less than a hour--

so I needed a pen,

and I grabbed the only one I had on my chest,

next to my bed,

Black Paper Mate flair pen,


But as soon as I put that pen to paper,

things started flooding back--


and things I've tried to lock away.

But this pen opened the safe,

and I was powerless to stop it.

I don't want to think about you anymore.

I don't want to remember you anymore.

I don't want to think about all the words I wrote with this pen--


But I can't stop remembering,

all those words I wrote every night when you were 5 steps down the hall,

when I saw you every morning for 12 days,

and spent every hour with you.

But I especially don't want to remember the day when I tried to write,

but all I could do was try to hold onto the pieces of my heart as everything fell apart.


I didn't write any stories that day,

any poems.

I wrote the 8 lines to my last song,

played it until my fingers were ready to bleed,

and then set my pen down--

for a really long time,

 and depression came to collect me.

And now I've picked it up again,

to do my AP Human Geography homework.

But this pen--

it's so much more than that.

But I really wish it wasn't.

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