My Heart Is In Afghanistan

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The other half of my bed
Is empty and cold tonight
Without the sound of your breathing,
The warmth of your body.
The rain on my windowsill
Plays a lonely tune
And I curl up tighter,
Trying to fight away the black.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder,
But right now your absence
Sits in my gut like cold lead bullets,
Filling me with shivers
As I try to remember how it felt
To sleep beside you.
Thunder cracks like a gunshot,
And I think of you,
Oceans and worlds away,
And how you would kiss me.
I reach for your pillow beside me
And cuddle it to my chest,
And for a split second,
I imagine I can smell your scent.
I miss your arm around me,
Pulling me close to your chest
As I would drift off,
Feeling your steady heartbeat
Against my back.
6 months is a long time,
And no amount of letters,
Phone calls
And emails
Can make up for the feeling of your skin,
The roughness of your 5 o'clock shadow
And the twinkle in your eyes when you laugh.
Come home to me-
I love you.

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