Amazing Grace

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God, why me?

Why do You love me? 

My hands are completely empty,

and I have nothing to offer.

But still You pour Your love and grace over me,

drenching and so sweetly drowning me in mercy.

I keep trying to earn Your love,

and fail miserably--

I fall so short of everything You are,

and I hate myself for it.

Even if it had been only me,

You still would've come down to this earth,

filled with wickedness and sin,

to lift my small, lost and wandering heart out of the darkness.

Why me?

I keep wandering off the path You've laid for me,

after things I think are more beautiful.

But every time,

I come back to You broken and shattered,

and I have no one to blame but myself,

because when I stay with You,

You keep me safe.

But even after I keep wandering off,

disappointing You and letting You down,

You keep putting me back together.

When I lay in the stillness,

fighting off rhe blackness of my soul and my sin,

I can feel You take me into Your arms,

and chase the fear away.

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