Lost Too Much

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  • Dedicated to My dear friend, Jessa

My dear beloved friend,

you've lost too much.

I don't even know what to say--

it cuts me to the core that you should have to endure this,


That you should lose two people

so close and so dear to your heart

in such a short amount of time...

Words cannot express the anguish I feel for you,

but it pales in comparison to the excruciating loss you feel.

I'm so sorry.

It's so hard for me to see people I love grieving

that are naturally happy, outgoing, and good natured,

because I want to shield them from the hurt,

and take their pain for my own.

But you're so much stronger than I am.

Even after all you've been through,

you have the strength to smile,

and you ask me how I'm doing.

Even though you may feel like cursing this world,

and God for taking them away from you,

hold on,

because they're in a better place,

and they're together.

Don't hide the tears,

don't stuff it away inside--

let me be there for you,

even if I really can't help you,

because I love you,

and you need shoulders to lean on.

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