Chapter 15

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"Traitors!" Germany exclaimed in pure anger. "The states treated them with kindness, gave them food and shelter, and this is what they give them in return? They led you over here to get us captured? They exchanged their lives just so they can save their own? Selfish, I say! Selfish!"

Third Reich burst out laughing, his white, razor-sharp teeth revealing themselves as the old country gazed into his little brother's eyes after he had finished laughing. He tilted his head downward a little bit and grinned widely, his attention still completely focused on his brother.

"They lied, Deutschland. They lied!" He paused and cackled softly. "All FBI and Spain were doing is spying on you; they were my eyes and ears! They gave me every piece of information that I needed, and they managed to do it without breaking character! Isn't that wonderful?"

Germany grinded his teeth together and glared into the eyes of his opponent.

"I found Spain in a hidden area within my facility not too long ago. He found out the truth, and I had to get rid of his memory once more." Reich explained. "FBI chased him for a few minutes before catching him. You witnessed the chase, did you not?"

"I did." His younger brother said. "How did you know?"

"Oh, I know mostly everything." Reich pulled out a gun and twirled it in his hand. "The thing is, I also had to extract FBI's memories. Apparently, he also knew the truth."

Germany positioned himself into a battle stance.

"I told them the very thing that they had explained to the states and countries who were already here, and later on, you. It is funny, is it not? FBI and Spain took it as a false cover up story when in reality I actually did do everything they said!"

"Broth-" Germany powered up his cybernetic parts. "No, you aren't my brother, you are a freak! Nothing but a murderous, ruthless, careless monster! How are we even related at all!? I am nothing like you!"

The Nazi smirked. "We are very much alike, Deutschland.~ You simply have not opened up your eyes yet.~"

"I have my eyes opened! I am my true self! I hide no demon, no wicked creature within!" Germany was growing tired of his enemy's little speech. "Now, leave."

"Oh my sweet, little brother..." Third Reich aimed the gun at him. "I know that Mrs. (L/N) and New Zealand are in the cabin behind you. I am not leaving until I have every single one of you."

Germany, without turning his head, glanced at the cabin, then back at Third Reich. He glared deep into his soul, letting out an animalistic growl.

"If you want to get to them," He transformed his one mechanical arm into a big blade, "you will have to get through me first!"


New Zealand paced back and forth across the small space, pondering about what you and him could do. Yes, Germany ordered for the country to guard you with everything he's got and to remain in the room, but you simply couldn't sit around. There must be something that you can both do to help, whether it is distracting Reich, or sneaking up on him and hitting him over the head.

"Germs told us to stay inside, New Zealand. I know you want to go help, but it's best if we stay put or find a better place to hide." You said. "Honestly, it would be best to go search for a new hiding spot somewhere in the cabin since being in this room isn't enough."

"We could do that, but come on (Y/N)! Sitting here and doing nothing doesn't escalate things. Besides, it's boring just standing around and waiting."

"Understand that we must stay here! If we go out there, we will either get captured or even killed! Knowing that stupid fucking Nazi, he'll hurt us, and I don't want that happening!"

New Zealand looked off to the side and sighed, frowning. He really did want to go out there and help fight, but he understood that he had been assigned to protect you and not to run outside and aid Germany.

"Now," You stood up from sitting on the bed, walking back and forth around the room attempting to discover a secret hidey hole or room, "come and search the whole room for any hidden areas we can hide in. If you cannot find any, leave the room and try to find any in the other rooms."

"Aye aye, (Y/N)!"

You and New Zealand frantically moved along the room searching for a better place to hide. Neither of you could find any, so you both moved on onto the other rooms. As you were looking, a few screams and small explosions echoed throughout the area. It scared you and Kiwi because you didn't know what was going on out there.

What if Germany was growing weak and was about to be defeated?

You knew, however, that Germany would rather want you to be somewhere safe. No matter how many bad sounds you heard coming from the outside, you kept on searching while silently cheering for Germany.

Unfortunately, no secret spots were found to shelter down into. You were stuck in the small wooden building, and any second from now, either your worst enemy or your boyfriend could come through that entrance.

"Wait!" New Zealand grabbed your wrist and dragged you into a room.

"What is it, Kiwi?" You questioned.

He pointed to the window across from them. It was quite high near the ceiling.

"We can hop out through there and make our escape! We just need to stack up a few boxes, or scoot the bed over!"

You examined the room and nodded, agreeing with his plan.

You and New Zealand rushed over to the bed and pushed it to the point where the bed frame was beneath the window. It was just high enough for them to climb on top of it and jump through.

Kiwi motioned for you to go.

"Go ahead, (Y/N). Ladies first."

Such a polite gentleman.

As you climbed onto the window, the country aided you and continuously asked if you were doing okay. Soon enough, you made it up.

"Come on, Kiwi!" You held your hand out.

He reached his hand out to grab yours, but the door to the room was suddenly kicked down.

You and Kiwi turned your attention over to the doorway and witnessed Third Reich enter the room. He was cut up badly and quite bloody. He looked angry.

New Zealand whipped his head around to look up at you.

"Go! Jump!" He exclaimed worryingly.

"No! I'm not leaving-" Third Reich grew closer.

"I said go!"

"No!" You leaned forward a little bit. "Please! You can make it! Give me your hand!"

The country glanced back and forth between you and Third Reich, then quickly hopped up onto the bed.

You smiled.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)."

"Wait wha-"

Without another word, he shoved you out of the window.

"New Zealand!"

The last thing you heard from your friend was a scream, and after a few seconds, silence.

One Last Chance [Countryhumans! Germany x Reader Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now