Chapter 35

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The clock struck five thirty as the sun began to rise from behind the mountains. The land lit up with its beautiful colors, leaving shadows of the different plants, buildings, and objects on the snow. The decorations around the outside of the church moved gently against the light breeze in the air. It was cold outside, but the sun would soon change that.

India fixed the floral laced veil around my head with a joyous smile. She hummed a melody out loud as she examined me, checking if anything else was missing. She put her hand on her hip and carefully placed the veil over my face, nodding once she was finally finished.

I turned and faced the mirror, staring at my reflection with a look of sadness. The bite mark left by him was clearly visible, and even though I wanted to hide it from other people's eyes, it was requested by the evil man himself to have it exposed for everyone to see.

"Why are you so gloomy, Ms. (L/N)? Today is an exciting day! You should be merry!" India exclaimed.

"You wouldn't believe me if I explained to you why." I said unhappily. "If you really want to know though, I don't want to get engaged with the Third Reich. He isn't who you think he is, India. He erased your memories a long time ago and made you believe his lies."

"Ms. (L/N), stop speaking such nonsense." The female country was taken aback. "Yes, his ways of doing things are questionable and unnecessary in some circumstances, but he is only getting rid of those who rebel against him and that is evil."

I balled up my hands into fists. "You haven't seen his true form yet. He isn't getting rid of those who are evil, he is evil! He captures, tortures, and sometimes even kills people! If he's up for it, he'll even wipe their minds clean and have them join him!"

India sighed. "I see. I guess I will have to-"

Spanish Empire, Spain, and Netherlands entered the room with their fancy attire on.

"It's time." Netherlands said. "Everyone is waiting for you, Ms. (L/N)."

I raised up from my seat and walked out the door with the three men leading the way, India followed close behind me. I noticed that the trio were holding spears. Just in case I attempted to escape, I assumed that they would use them to block me. There were probably other countries in the church with weapons too.

Climbing up the stairs, I saw the doors being held open for us. I took a deep breath and walked inside into the aisle. I could see Reich look at me with a shocked expression. I faked a smile and stood next to him, turning to face him. He opened his mouth to say something, but I stopped him from saying anything.

"Not a word." I angrily whispered to him.

The pastor spoke his words required by the law of marriage. He welcomed everybody to the ceremony and described what was happening at this very moment. Throughout his speech, I silently pleaded for someone, anybody to barge in and stop the wedding, but nobody ever came.

The Nazi grinned at me as he took my hands and held them. I could see the evil, happiness, and lust in his white eyes. This disgusting son of a bitch, I wish I could strangle him, but sadly it's impossible for me to do that. I kept my fake happy expression and mentally sighed in defeat.

"Do you, (Y/N) (L/N), take this man to be your lovely, lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" The pastor asked.

I hesitated.

Third Reich glared at me. "Say yes or else." He mumbled loud enough for only me to hear.

I had no choice.

"I-I do."

"Do you, Third Reich, take this woman to be your lovely, lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do." He said almost instantly.

"By the power of your love and commitment, and the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride!"

Third Reich lifted the veil and pushed it behind my head. He leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I kissed him back, and in a matter of seconds, the guests in the crowd cheered and clapped.

Third pulled away with a smirk and cupped my cheek with his hand.

"You look so dazzling and graceful." He said, staring into my pupils. "Come, let us go dance."

He led me to a dance floor where he took my hand and wrapped his arm around my waist. I placed my free hand on his shoulder.

A song started to play and we began to slow dance.

"I will admit, you do look handsome with that suit." I said. "It doesn't mean that I love you though. I will never be attracted to you, and I will never give off any sort of love or affection to you."

Third Reich laughed softly yet maniacally. "Hate me or love me, either one is completely fine with me. Although I do prefer you love me more, I will accept your hatred towards me. All I want is you by my side ruling as my Queen with our beautiful children, Ms. Queen Reich.~"

I was absolutely disgusted by the last few words he said.

"Go ahead, try to think of a way to escape, I know you want to." He grinned widely. "You won't be able to take one single step out of the gates when this place is fully built. It will be tough trying to get out of my facility."

"I'll find a way out. I may have a low percentage of ever escaping from you, but I know that it isn't impossible."

He stayed quiet for a few seconds. "You are so determined and persevere through the hardest of obstacles. I knew that you were the perfect one for me.~"

"Fuck off. We'll find a way to destroy you." I growled.

"We'll? Oh no, no, no! No one is going to get in the way, not even Germany himself once he finds out that you married me willingly." His grin turned into a smirk.

"Wh-what?" I became worried and very concerned.

"I know what you will say, he can't be fooled easily, right?" He tilted his head in a creepy way. "Well, he will believe it once you confess that you chosen to love me and marry me instead of him.~"

"No! I am not lying to him! I am not going to listen to you!"

"You must," He raised his hand. "or else..."

He snapped his fingers and Canada appeared from the ground with the unconscious and badly injured bodies of Australia and ASEAN.

"...the blood of the rest of your friends will be left in your hands."

One Last Chance [Countryhumans! Germany x Reader Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now