Chapter 34

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Canada and I walked through the night with flashlights in hand. He would constantly pick me up with his tentacle and carry me through areas which were too difficult for me to climb. I would sometimes trip over a few roots and rocks, but he was there to catch me. He would let me continue to walk, but at times he would decline to put me down when I told him to. 

The blizzard left a lot of snow, leaving about four or five inches of the white substance on the forest ground. I could feel the wetness through my shoes, and to make it even worse, the wind was blowing, making it colder. I had a jacket on and so did Canada, but it wasn't going to be enough to outlast the cold temperatures. We will soon freeze to death. We should have stayed in the cabin and waited a little longer.

Canada stopped in his tracks and squinted his eyes to attempt to see more clearly what was up ahead. He turned around and ushered me behind a tree while he crouched and hid in a bush. He pointed his flashlight towards the direction he was looking before and poked his head out of the bush, tilting it slightly. He raised a nonexistent eyebrow and lowered himself a little bit.

“What do you see, Nada?” I whispered loud enough for him to hear me. I pointed my flashlight over where he pointed his to see for myself what he was witnessing, but there was nothing there.

I came out from behind the tree and stood by the country. I looked over once more and saw nothing. Is Canada going insane, or was he simply just hallucinating?

“I don't see anything. Are you sure that you saw something, Nada?” I asked. “I mean, we would have heard its feet crunching as it walked along the snow. Are you just seeing things?”

Suddenly, a hand covered my mouth, yanking me back and pressing my back against their chest. I dropped my flashlight, which rolled and landed pointing towards me and the person holding me hostage. They wore gloves, but the obvious give away that helped me figure out who they were was his evil, wicked, and bone chilling chuckle. 

I extended my hand out at Canada, pleading for him to save me. It seemed like he was coming up to me at first, but then he passed me and stood by Third Reich. He looked up at him with an innocent smile, and in return, the Nazi pat his head.

“Well done. You know what to do next.” 

Canada nodded and sunk into the snow below, waving goodbye before disappearing from view.

I did what I could to attempt to break free from his tight hold, but to no avail. 

Reich ran his free hand down my body, eventually reaching my waist. He rested his chin on my shoulder and breathed onto my neck. He forced my head to the side, and before I knew it, blood began to seep out of my shoulder.

A scream escaped through my mouth as Third bit down harshly onto my shoulder, it obviously being muffled with the gloved hand over my mouth.

Reich licked up all of the blood that came out of my wound.

“Did you really think that Canada was on your side?” He grinned widely. “His soul basically belongs to me now. I control him—every movement he makes, it is all me.~”

I struggled in his grasp even more. His only reaction was a smirk and another chuckle.

“You, my dear, you, my brother, and your friends always foil my plans to not only rule the world without any trouble, but to also have you be mine forever.” He paused, removing his hand from my mouth. He picks me up bridal style and starts to flap his wings. “But that stops today, because we are getting married once the sun begins to rise.”

“Why me!?” I said. “Why?”

“Oh, you really want to know my reason? Or would you rather know how you were brought into our world?” 


No, he must be lying.

He knows how?

Third Reich shot himself into the air and began to fly toward what I assumed was his new facility.

“One human always randomly appears in our world every few years and they always die within a couple months, whether it's because someone kills them, or because of other causes.” He explained. “When you arrived and got used to living in our world, you respected everyone and offered to help whenever there was a problem. You were different from all of the other humans who came before you. You didn't try to harm them, you instead treated everyone kindly. Although North Korea may have tried to kill you once, you managed to avoid his attacks without even noticing. He got caught by the organizations and was punished. UN never told you anything about that incident.”

I didn't know what to say.

“I have read that once a human survives in our world for more than a year, then humans will stop appearing in our world. Since you survived, humans stopped coming, but the others never realized that because they were always so busy with their work.”

“Do you know why this happened?” I asked.

Reich shook his head. “No one knows. Just by listening to my description, I think that I have also answered your question.”

He looked at the ground and slowed down, finally stopping. He lowered himself until he landed on the snow. 

I glanced at the surrounding area seeing countries working hard on building a facility. Off to the side was a small building made out of steel and wood. 

Reich carried me into the building and put me down on my feet. Spain, Netherlands, India, and Spanish Empire were inside patiently waiting for us, from what it looked like. They stood beside a door.

“Inside the next room is where you will get dressed for our wedding. India will help you for the most part, but Spain, Netherlands, and Spanish Empire will help later on.”

I spun around and shook my head. 

I glared up at him.

“I already said so before, I am not marrying you!”

“You will marry me, whether you like it or not!”

Spanish Empire and Netherlands grabbed my arms and pulled me back towards the door.

I squirmed and tried to run the opposite direction, but they were too strong. As I was being dragged into the room, I saw Reich smile.

“I will be seeing you soon, liebling.~”

One Last Chance [Countryhumans! Germany x Reader Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now