Chapter 25

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I was in charge of keeping an eye on the human while the others left to go pick up UN. Some instructions were written down on a piece of paper for me to follow if they did end up waking from their unconscious state. There are multiple scenarios that may play out once they awake, and I really hope that they do not panic and try to run away or harm me. I checked their vital signs after fifteen minutes and they seem to be doing well.

Poland had found them floating in the river about to go over a waterfall, but he swooped down and caught them in his arms. He flew to Russia's house since it was the closest shelter near the river. He told Russia about where he found the human, and soon enough the owner of the house let him inside. He let Poland place the human on his couch while he called UN.

UN said that he was busy, so he sent America, Canada, Australia, Canada, me, Britain, and France to look after them while he finished up his work. Russia told Poland to put the human on his bed upstairs. The Polish country did what he was told, and soon all seven of us arrived. I set up my medical equipment while everyone else was observing the human.

UN finished his work and needed a ride, so Britain told me to remain here and care for the human. I don't know why everyone had to go, but they did. This is where I am now, looking after a human who randomly appeared in a river who was saved by one of us. I wonder how they managed to get into our world. The last time we ever saw a human was two years ago, but they died because someone had poisoned them. We never found out who did it and why. However, each and every one of us received a punishment because no one confessed to doing it.

I leaned against Russia's desk and picked up a bowl of grapes. I popped one into my mouth and adjusted my glasses. I was startled by a sudden scream coming from the human. dropped the bowl, which shattered it into pieces and spilled the grapes everywhere.

The human backed away and ended up falling off the other side of the bed. I laughed a little, which only made the human angry. They lunged at me and tackled me to the floor as I headed towards the door.

"How and why is a country like you alive, and where the fuck am I!?" They exclaimed, clearly confused.

"Get off of me and I will tell you!" I said.

"No! I don't know who-well I do, but-ugh! Whatever! I don't trust you, so just answer the damn question!"

"You are in our world, Countryhumans. Countries and Organizations are living beings walking around just like you humans!"

The human thought to themselves for a second, which gave me the chance to switch things up. I rolled us over, now the human was the one lying on the floor and I was the one on top.

"Hey! Get off!"

"Not until you calm down and tell me how you got here."

"Fine! I don't know how I got here! All I remember is being in a boat in the middle of the ocean with my friends. I got knocked off the boat and into the water due to a storm. I blacked out, and next thing I know, I woke up here." The human explained.

"Oh, I see. What's your name?" I asked.

"(Y/N) (L/N)."

"Just to make sure, what pronouns do you use?"

(Y/N) sighed and rolled their eyes. "She and her."

"Alright, just clarifying." I stood up and took a few steps away from her.

She got up and dusted herself off. "Germany, right?"

I nodded.

"So if you're alive, then other countries are alive too?"

I face palmed. "I just-nevermind. Yes, there are others such as Poland, America, Australia, Canada, Russia, North Korea, Japan, France, Sudan, Ghana, Mexico, and so on."

(Y/N) sat down on the bed and crossed their legs. "Do old countries exist? Like, Soviet Union, Spanish Empire, Austria-Hungary...?"

I shook my head. "Well, yes, they used to, but they died a long time ago."


The air was soon filled with silence. After a minute, I spoke up.

"Help me pick up these grapes."

(Y/N) looked over at the grapes and the broken pieces of the bowl.

"Yeah, sorry about that."


I stared up at the security camera with an emotionless expression. I knew that he was watching, or at least one of his henchmen. I stood up and walked over to the camera and looked straight up at it.

"I know you're there, watching me. Listen, your leader isn't who you think he is. Please, you have to pay close attention to his behavior and you'll soon find out who Reich truly is. Third Reich is evil, he killed millions before because of his hatred toward a certain group of people. He made them work and killed them in gas chambers. He erased your memories, every single person here has had their memories wiped. There is a reason why he keeps you from entering certain rooms. Please, trust me. I am telling the truth."

Hopefully the country on the other side heard me, if there is even somebody there.

One Last Chance [Countryhumans! Germany x Reader Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now