Chapter 16

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He was badly damaged, blood gushed underneath his cybernetic eye and a big scar was left on the other, from near the top of his face to bottom. Although he was injured horribly, he still caught you in his arms and dashed off from the scene as fast as his legs could take him.

You stared back at the cabin with a shocked expression on your face. "G-Germany! We can't- We have to-" You pointed back toward the opposite direction where you just came from in panic and worry.

"We can't go back for him." The cyborg responded. "I'm sorry, but it is too late for him. He made a noble sacrifice. I wish I could thank him for that." He mumbled the last part to himself.

You continued to stare at the camp as it got further and further away from your field of vision. The fire burnt away at the wood of the cabins and tents, the wind guiding it to different sections of the small circular area.

Once you were far enough, you could see a tall figure carrying someone in their arms. They turned around and faced you, somehow knowing that you were looking at them. It was obvious who it was, Third Reich holding an unconscious New Zealand. You couldn't make out any face expressions, but you could tell the wicked Nazi was grinning.

You tilted your head down and slowly turned your head away to quit making eye contact with the man. You buried yourself into Germany's chest and waited for him to eventually find another safe haven for you to stay and get comfortable in.


"Are we there yet?" Weimar complained as she fell behind. The rest of the group was up ahead while she was far back. Her legs were tiring out and she wanted to stop and rest, however the states said that they must keep moving.

"We're not even halfway there yet, amiga." Veracruz said.

"Yup. If we had vehicles, we would have already been about less than three hours away from our destination." Texas explained.

"Can we stop to rest? Please?" Weimar begged.

East Germany rolled her eyes and nudged her sister's arm.

"How about you hop on my back? I'll carry you."

Her sister raised a nonexistent eyebrow.

"One, why are you suggesting I do? Two, I'm too heavy for your weak ass."

"Bet." East Germany lifted her sister up and threw her over her shoulder.

"Hey! I did not agree to this!" Weimar punched at her sibling's back.

The states and countries up front laughed, which embarrassed Weimar.

Texas pulled the cigarette out of her mouth and let out a puff of smoke. She led the way using a map and a compass her and the other states had marked up while having spent their time here on the territory of the countries.

"Alright, we're about to reach a waterfall in about eleven to fifteen minutes from now. We can rest there if y'all would like too." She put her cigarette back into her mouth and looked down at the map.

"See, Weimar? You could have walked another fifteen minutes!" Mississippi spun around and walked backwards as she spoke.

"Yeah, sis." East Germany nudged her sibling again.

"Ugh, whatever." Weimar folded her arms and glared at the ground below.


NATO awoke to bright light entering his room and shining onto his face. He shook his head from side to side at a slow pace, carefully examining his surroundings. The dizziness continued for quite some time until it went away after a couple of minutes. He sat up, using the sides of the bed to hold onto as he did so.

Nothing around him seemed familiar. He tried remembering whether he had been here before, but no such memory came into his mind. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, his legs wobbled a little bit, but it quickly stopped. It had been a while since he had last gotten up on his feet, so it is understandable that his legs would shake.

Walking up to the window, he looked outside. The sun was high up in the sky, the wind was blowing the bushes and the leaves and branches of the trees, and very few clouds were visible.

The organization observed the different buildings he could see, then he looked over at the walls that protected the place he was in. He quickly realized where he was and rushed to the door. Grasping the doorknob, he twisted it slightly, but it wouldn't budge. With no other option, he took a few steps back, then sprinted towards the door. He knocked it down, and without any hesitation, ran into the hallway to his right.

NATO peeked around the corner and saw a few guards standing near a stairwell. His main priority was to get out of this facility, and that stairwell was his path to his freedom. He patted his pockets and military clothing for any weapons, but he couldn't find anything. He reached down to his boots and patted them until he felt something. Now he remembered that he always kept a spare pocket knife with him whenever there was an emergency.

He popped the blade out and readied himself. Taking in a deep breath, he lifted his foot to take a step forward, but suddenly an alarm rang, lighting up the hallways red. The loud noise caused NATO to cover his ears. A familiar masculine voice spoke through the loud and annoying alarm.

"NATO has escaped from his room! I repeat, NATO has escaped from his room!"


He peeked around the corner again and saw that the guards were no longer there. He took the chance and booked it.

The organization rushed down two flights of stairs, which led him to the second to last floor. All he needed was to go down one last flight of stairs, but some soldiers prevented him. They made eye contact and aimed their guns at him.


[If any of you would like to request a specific country or state you wanna see in the future of this book, then request here! I'd be happy to add them! If you're requesting a country, make sure to request a country that I hadn't killed off in the first book.]

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