Chapter 30

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We turned the corner, hitting Ethiopia and Rwanda over the side of their heads with blunt objects. We didn't want to accidentally kill them, so we swung with enough force to knock them out instead. Just in case, we checked their pulses. They were breathing and their hearts were still beating, so everything was fine with them.

All we had to do was go down this last hallway and take a right to get to where we were going. We snuck our way over, peeking our heads around corners to make sure no one was there. Italy and Senegal stood on both sides of the door with armor and guns in hand. 

UN and I waited for the perfect moment to make our next move. The second they looked in the opposite direction, we would strike.

Senegal pointed to a door across the hallway and Italy nodded, looking over at the door. UN stepped up behind Senegal and covered his mouth, smacking him then dragging him away.

Italy spun his head around only to be met with a blunt object to the side of his head. He fell onto the floor with a thud, and with the help of UN, we put him in a room with Senegal's unconscious body.

UN tried opening the locked door, but this also required a keycard. We both returned to Italy and Senegal's bodies and searched for some keycards. Italy had one in his back pocket.

I scanned the keycard and the door instantly opened. Inside, Germany sat in the middle of the room with his legs crossed. He stared into the white wall in front of him, but once he heard the door open, he turned his head.

He did not seem happy at first, but when his gaze landed on me, his eyes lit up with joy and his frown formed a smile. He didn't hesitate to get up and run up to me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close. UN kept watch of the hallways. He didn't want anyone sneaking up on us. 

“Are you alright, meine Liebe?” Germany asked as we pulled away from each other. “Did he touch you in any way? Did he harm you? Is the baby—”

I placed my finger over his lips. “I'm fine, seriously. Besides sleeping with him and almost getting myself punished, everything turned out okay.”

I lowered my hand and smiled up at him. “I freed our friends from their cells.”

“Speaking of our friends, are they doing alright?” 

I frowned. “Reich transformed Canada into this freaky monster. Right now, EU, ASEAN, KKK, Australia, Roman Empire, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and British Empire are battling him, NATO, and Third Reich. However, Texas, Minnesota, and the rest of the states are dead. I tried escaping, but Reich caught me, and I received a punishment. Basically, I was the reason why the states perished.”

Germany looked away for one second and sighed. “What about the puppies? Where are they?”

I shrugged.

“They are probably somewhere in this building.” UN said. “Come, let's go look for them.”

“Wait!” I said, walking around Germany. “We need to take this straitjacket off of you first.” I began to help him remove it.

I clung onto Germany as he carried me up the stairs. Once we left the padded room, UN and Germany rushed up the stairs while I had to take my time. Germany came back down for me and swept me off my feet though. 

He commented on how heavy I was and that he was struggling to hold me. I questioned him how he could carry me beforehand, and he explained that it must have been his robotic powers that gave him strength. 

One Last Chance [Countryhumans! Germany x Reader Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now