Chapter 17

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He reached the rooftop of the tall building and looked over the edge. He was really high up, and if he were to jump, he would definitely break a few bones. The next building wasn't too far off from the one he stood upon. Maybe, just maybe he could jump to the rooftop of that building. If he didn't make it, there was a metal pole sticking out of the wall holding the Nazi Germany Flag he could easily cling onto. Using his upper body strength, he could bring himself up. It depends on whether the pole could handle his weight though.

NATO whipped around and noticed the soldiers finally made it through the door onto the rooftop he was on. They aimed their guns at him and demanded for him to come with them. The organization only took a step back and clenched his fists tight.

It started off with multiple gunshots being fired at the military leader. None hit him of course due to his incredible reflexes and swiftness. More bullets were shot out of the small weapons and the organization dodged them with ease as he grew closer to the soldiers.

One was knocked onto the floor by being swept off his feet. They dropped their gun, which NATO snatched from the air as it was falling. He rolled and got onto one knee, shooting the rest of the soldiers on their arms and legs and knocking them out by continuously dodging, ducking, and rolling. He couldn't kill them since they were his friends. Injuring and knocking them out were the only things he could really do as of now.

He walked up next to a soldier's unconscious body and crouched down, removing their mask. It was Kenya, an African country. He felt her forehead and determined that she was still at normal temperature, from what he could tell. The organization stood up and removed every soldier's masks. He also tore pieces of their clothing to tie around their bleeding wounds.

Niger, Nigeria, Ghana, Morocco, Uganda, Mali, Benin, Togo, and Malawi. Those were the countries he identified as he aided them. In less than ten minutes, NATO finished dealing with them. He stole a few guns off their bodies and stuffed them into his pockets (and anywhere else he could hide his newly found weapons).

However, he failed to realize that one of the soldiers was only pretending to be unconscious. The country carefully and quietly grabbed a gun and pointed it at NATO's back. They shot him nine times in nine different spots ranging from his back and his legs. NATO screamed then collapsed onto the floor, but he refused to go out. He began to rise up, but he would struggle a couple of times.

Mali raised onto her feet and stumbled over to the doorway. She leaned against it and pulled out another gun. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a syringe. The country loaded it into the gun, aimed it at NATO, then pulled the trigger.


Time passed, and soon the big team of states and countries arrived to Third Reich's facility. There were no guards on the towers, and neither were there any outside circling the area. This made the team think twice before simply barging in. It was too quiet, and it was weird how no one had noticed them yet. By now they would have known they were there, but somehow they didn't. Or did they already know and they are just planning an ambush?

"They know we're here." East Germany said, Weimar agreeing with her sister as they both looked up at the tall buildings.

Minnesota turned to the sisters. "How do you know that?"

"We know Reich." Weimar tilted her head down, a shadow covering the upper half of her face. "He planned an ambush already. As soon as we step inside, we'll be doomed."

"Then how are we supposed to get in without them knowing?" Texas asked with her cigarette in her mouth, muffling a few of her words.

"Maybe we can throw a grenade up on one of the towers and figure out whether there are guards up there." Minnesota suggested. "If there are, they will be running out of there."

"Great idea, Minn!" Kentucky exclaimed.

Minnesota took a grenade from a small bag and activated it. She then threw it up through a window on one of the towers. The countries and states waited for a response. The grenade exploded, but no footsteps or screaming was heard.

"Huh. That's strange." Weimar said.

"Yeah. Reich must be taking a different approach then." East Germany went up to the gate and looked straight up.

"Or maybe you two are paranoid and this idiotic Nazi does not know we are here." Texas puffed smoke out from her mouth.

Minnesota shook her head. "No. I think the sisters are right. He must know we are here. He is one hundred percent trying to lead us into a trap."

Prussia, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and Swedish Empire prepared themselves for a battle. The others saw what they were doing and did so as well.

"I agree." Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth said. "He is probably patiently waiting for us to enter."

"Oh please, Reich isn't patient at all." Weimar said. "He once got angry for not receiving an art set he wanted. His mother went to go buy it, and in less than five minutes, he started to wreck his room since he was so impatient."

The group all looked at one another, and in a couple seconds, they all burst out laughing. Their laughter echoed throughout the facility and the forest surrounding it.


"Wow, I would have loved to see that!"

"Angry little Reich, haha!"

The laughter continued for a little more before a blur of someone with wings could be seen landing behind them, following with a huge cloud of dust covering them. The states and countries quit laughing and immediately focused on who it was that landed.

The dust cloud cleared up, revealing Third Reich carrying New Zealand with his henchmen and many, many vehicles behind him.

"Why all of the laughing, if I may ask?"

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