Chapter 29

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“I've had enough of this!” The voice of Third Reich shouted from behind you and the countries. He appeared underneath the doorway stumbling to his feet as he used the side for support. 

His eye sockets were completely black. His eyes were no longer there; he couldn't see at all. Beneath them blood ran down his cheeks, dripping onto his neck, clothing, boots, and onto the floor.

“Kill them! Kill the organizations and countries, but leave (Y/N) alive!”

Canada transformed his arms into two dangerously sharp spikes along with his four tentacles on his back. He sunk into the floor, his black puddle disappearing with him.

NATO powered up his cybernetic abilities and activated his self defense and attack mode at the same time. His robotic eye flickered a red color for a second before glowing brightly.

Australia charged at Third Reich and jumped onto his back, taking the advantage that he had to harm him. He squeezed his neck as hard as he could without any mercy.

Reich gasped for air, grabbing at Australia's arms to attempt to pry him off. He flapped his wings and smacked him, but that didn't knock him off. Gathering up some stamina, the Nazi leaned forward quickly, causing Aussie to fly off of him and slam himself against the hard metal floor. 

Australia raised back up onto his feet holding onto his arm as he angrily gazed at the opponent before him. He breathed in and out from his mouth heavily, meaning that he was ready for a right.

Third wiped his face with his sleeve, and like magic, his blank white eyes reappeared. Blood still seeped through the bottom of his sockets though. He smiled at the Australian and adjusted his hat.

“I know what you want, and you won't be getting him back!” He said. “There is no antidote or cure to reverse your brother's transformation! He will forever remain as a monster, my puppet to control!”

The Australian clenched his teeth together and dropped onto his knees, still holding onto his arm. He squeezed it tight as a lump formed in his throat. 

The Nazi walked up and crouched down in front him. He grabbed his chin and lifted it up to make him look up at him. With a smirk, he examined his facial features as he reached into his pocket.

“I think that you will look much better in red.” He raised the knife up above his head. “Don't you think so too?” 

Before he could swing, he was suddenly bitten in the wrist. Third screamed in pain, releasing the knife and standing up. He stumbled backwards as he held onto his wrist.

Australia smiled and took the knife. “Good girl, Rachael!” His python slithered up beside him and glared at Reich.

Canada threw British Empire and KKK into a wall, afterwards wrapping two tentacles around their ankles and slamming them into the floor.

You and UN have been trying to open the door to climb up the stairs and get onto the surface while the rest have been battling Canada and NATO. So far, you had no luck. You knew that you needed a keycard and a passcode, but UN figured that there had to be a way to open it up without needing to use those items.

EU was pinned to a wall with a blade up to his neck. NATO pushed against his arm to attempt to cut his head off. EU almost gave in due to how strong NATO was, but ASEAN covered his vision and pulled him back. EU sighed in relief then tackled the cyborg onto the floor. 

Canada thrashed around to try and get Roman Empire and Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth off since they were holding onto them tightly. KKK and British Empire also grasped onto his tentacles and were being thrown all over the place. 

KKK let go of the tentacle, and in midair, he wrapped his arms around Canada's neck. The Canadian only thrashed around even more, making it difficult for the countries to hold on.

“Watch out!” EU shouted, alarming the countries. KKK, British Empire, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and Roman Empire let go of Canada and let themselves be thrown into walls. 

NATO crashed into Canada, making them both slam into and break the wall behind them. A little bit of the surface above them collapsed down into the prison, creating a hole for them to get out of. NATO was knocked out, but Canada wasn't. He shoved NATO aside and sunk back under the floor.

“UN! (Y/N)! Go!” KKK said.

UN picked you up bridal style and flew you out of the prison. You told him to go to a specific area of the facility, and at first he thought it was too risky, but then he agreed to go.

The four countries who were fighting Canada gathered up and looked over at the direction NATO was thrown. There stood Iran with a confident smile.

“Hello.” He said.

Australia smacked Third Reich with a metal pole he found, causing Reich to fall clutching onto his side. He growled and got back up, wiping blood off his face once more. 

“You took everything away from me, Nazi freak! Even if I don't kill you here, one day everything will be taken from you, and you'll see how it feels, mate!” The angry Australian said.

“No one can kill me, fool!” Reich said, standing up. “I am a demon, and I only act to make you feel like you are so close to grasping your victory, then I take it away from you to make you feel despair! Hahahaha!”

“Are you sure no one can kill you?” Australia asked.

“Of course I am sure! Why?” He tilted his head.

“Because you are about to feel despair yourself!” England yelled as he opened the cursed chest.

Third Reich turned around, seeing a bunch of souls come out of the rectangular shaped container. 

Then everyone was blinded by a white light.

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