Chapter 40

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The world war continued with one-third of the human world already taken over by the wicked Nazi himself and his unstoppable army. Most cities, towns, and villages had nothing but rubble remaining on the ground left behind from their buildings. The Northern half of America has been taken over, along with parts of Asia, South America, and other continents. The predictions that the presidents had made were wrong, they could not take down these beings. Now that they have gotten into this mess, there was no way out of it. 

A portal opened in an empty room within the Third Reich's facility, and four Statehumans came through it with disguises. They had killed off some of the undead henchmen to steal their uniforms. Once they replaced their clothing with the uniforms they got, they picked up some random items in the facility in their world and opened a portal to the human world. 

The four states dropped off the things they collected onto the floor and snuck out of the room. They walked past guards and soldiers without being detected by them. With this advantage, they explored the new facility, eventually reaching the basement. The states separated from each other and looked for anything that could aid them in their mission to stop Reich from successfully completing his plans.

One of them approached a door, curious about what was inside. The door needed a key, but the states did not have time to look for a key, so they kicked it down. They discovered nothing but a woman, you passed out on the floor tied to a pole. The states immediately got to work, untying you and carrying you out into a more open area. 

They discussed among themselves about what they should do, and soon enough they decided that two of them would go back home and have you checked out while the other two stayed behind to see if there were any more people who needed to be rescued. Two states lifted you up and a third state summoned a portal with a small gun they created. You were carried through it and soon you would be brought into their emergency room where you would be treated back to full health.

The two states wandered the halls peaking into rooms trying to not look suspicious. Sometimes they would receive confused looks and glares from others, but they ignored them. They continued searching—specifically for a prison where their Countryhuman allies could be kept. 

Looking out a window, one state noticed that there was a church. They chose to go outside and enter the church. Before they did, they scouted the area to see if anyone was heading inside or exiting the building. Just in case, they peeked through windows to see if anybody was inside. 

The church was empty.

They explored the building and the different rooms. Knowing Reich, he had some secret passages to go from one place to another, or an underground prison like the facility back in their world. They touched the walls and tried every single thing they could think of. Finally, a secret hatch opened up. Stairs led underground, probably to the prison. 

They made their way down without getting caught. The states checked for any enemies, but saw nobody, which meant that they were free to roam anywhere they wanted. They just had to be quiet.

Moving around from one hallway to another, they searched the cells for any prisoners. There seemed to be no one until they found a body in a corner. After recognizing their clothing, they figured out that it was Germany. There was no one else in the cell but just him.

"What do you want, Reich? You already took everything away from me, what else do you possibly want from me?" The prisoner asked. 

"We aren't him." Maryland said. 

Germany perked his head up and whipped around. 

"We're actually here to save you." Delaware said, pulling out a tablet. He started hacking into the software to open the high tech door.

"No." Germany said, shaking his head. He slowly got up onto his feet. "He'll come and simply kill you guys. It almost always happens. You arrive to save me and—"

He glanced around at the space he was in.

"Where...where is Canada?" He asked.

Maryland shrugged. "Is he normally in there with you?"

Germany nodded. "Yes, he is!…?"

The door to his cell opened. He walked out as Maryland prepared the portal gun. She set up the correct coordinates and pointed it to the wall. She shot a laser, and as soon as it hit the wall, a portal appeared. 

"Come on, let's—" 

Suddenly, Canada emerged from the floor in front of the portal. He growled at them, sending a few tentacles their way. Maryland shot them with her gun. Even if those lasers summoned portals, they also acted as actual lasers if it hit a living being. Once it hit a living person, it is not a good experience at all.

Canada screeched loudly, and with this opportunity, while he was distracted, the trio ran past him and into the portal. It closed behind them as soon as Delaware entered last.

Germany was taken into the emergency room too, and although he did not see hurt at all, they still checked him for any sign of sickness. When the states found out that he was alright, he was taken to a room, where he saw you lying upon a bed, unconscious and hooked up to a few lines running water and inserting food into your body.

One Last Chance [Countryhumans! Germany x Reader Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now