Chapter 46- The End

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"Warum hast du uns hier gefangen?" Germany asked his older brother, standing in front of you arms folded. He didn't let him go anywhere close to you. 

"Ich habe einen Vorschlag, da Sie nirgendwo anders hingehen können." Third Reich answered. "Sie können mein Angebot entweder annehmen oder ablehnen. Abhängig von Ihrer Antwort werden bestimmte Ereignisse eintreten." 

You couldn't understand what they were saying and you wanted to know what they were talking about. It worried you because Germany could say something and accidentally trigger his brother, causing something horrible to happen. They exchanged words for a little longer until your boyfriend turned to you and gently pushed you, sitting you down on the bed. He sat beside you as his older sibling left the room and locked the door.

"What did he say?" You looked him in the eyes, showing your fear.

"He has a proposal for us, and I know you won't like it as much, but we have to take it." He held your hands and rubbed his thumb in circles, feeling your soft skin. 

"Tell me what the deal is then. You can't be the only one to make the decision, I have to too." 

"I know, meine Liebe." He took a deep breath. "He elucidated that if we join him, he will divorce you and let us marry. We will get to live and have a happy life together here. We'll be able to rule the world by his side too. However, he wants to take the puppies and have them…'trained'. Our friends will also still be under his control. He is giving us this whole day to make a decision."

You shook your head. "I won't let him take Lennard, Maxie, JJ, Pumpkin, and Alostar. All he'll do is harm them and make them into something different! I also don't want to have friends who speak dull and monotone!"

You turned away from him, Germany letting your hands go. "I want everything to go back to the way it was before."

"I also wish that too, but that was the past. We have to get used to this new lifestyle now." 

"I'd rather die than live here, Germs. At least I'll be in a better place with everyone else." You stood up and walked onto the balcony.

"Think about our baby though. You can't..." Germany followed you, cutting himself off.

You looked at the bump on your stomach and sighed. "Fine, I'll think about it. For now, just please leave me be." 

"Alright. If you want anything—." 

You snapped your head around and glared at him. He frowned and went back into the warm room. 

Third Reich stared out the window with a smirk, holding a black and red cube in his hands. There was a line in the middle going around the object for it to crack open. He tossed it up into the air and caught it, repeating this action over and over. He sat on his newly built throne, thinking about when he should reveal this secret to you and Germany. 

Fascist Italy entered the room with a tray which held a mug of hot chocolate with some marshmallows. He went up to his king and let him take it. The evil man thanked him and patted his head before ushering him away. He drank his hot chocolate in peace, listening to the sound of silence. 

Canada appeared from underneath the floor holding Australia in his arms. His brother was unconscious and unharmed.

"Hm? Why do you have Australia with you?" The Nazi asked.

The Canadian explained telepathically that he wanted to keep his brother the way he is. He didn't want his boss to have him wear a mask or be experimented on, he just wanted Australia to be normal. He also became nervous and disgusted when he said he wanted to keep him like a pet since he didn't know how else to word it. 

"Go ahead." Third Reich said, not really caring. Canada smiled and disappeared into the floor. There was no point in the Nazi caring anyways if—

He got up and walked around his facility, happy with the results that he got this time. It could have been better, but he quite liked it. 

He was close to taking over the human world. Soon the humans would surrender to him and he'd have succeeded in taking over two worlds. Well, his old soldiers from World War II are still back in the Countryhumans world taking care of the states, but he didn't care about the states. He won both worlds fair and square.

Third Reich went into the room where the puppies were kept. He could see the fear in their eyes as he stared at them. He grinned and gave an order to his henchmen taking care of them. They obeyed him and did what they were told. 

Let's just say that they're gone.

The hallways were full with countries and old Nazi soldiers walking around and speaking with each other. They bowed before their leader whenever he walked by. 

Entering his room, he saw both you and Germany sitting at the foot of the bed. 

"So, what will it be?" Third Reich asked, grinning.

"We...we accept." You said with a frown, looking down at the floor.

"Good! Now, if you will both come with me please."

You and Germany got up and held hands as you followed him into the hallway. He led you into the laboratory, where you saw your friends being experimented on. It was a horrible sight to see. 

He showed you around the newly built facility and took you from one country to another as he finally took down 'all' humans and was declared the king of the human world. You and Germany lived in despair and sadness for a while until you got used to the new laws. Third Reich made sure anyways, he didn't want you both feeling uncomfortable. :)


Third Reich took over two worlds for decades, rebellions were built to battle against the wicked countryhuman, but they never managed to successfully take him and his army down. You and Germany got married and had your baby and lived alongside your husband's brother. You raised your kid and had two more. Third Reich would watch from the backgrounds. However, soon enough the Nazi got bored of rein over the two worlds and unlocked the cube. When he pressed the button in the cube, everything would reset from the very moment you and Germany met. From there, Third Reich would start all over again in trying to rule his world and the human world. Different results would come out each time, for example in the end he'd kill his brother and keep you alive as his wife. He'd also do the complete opposite and kill you and keep his brother alive to simply break him and treat him like a pet of his own. However, in the end, he chose one ending:

Having you, Germany, the puppies, and your children live together 'happily' alongside him.

The End

Hope y'all enjoyed this story. Thank you for reading! I will see y'all in the next book! :D <3

"Not all stories have happy endings." - ???

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