Chapter 36

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Warning: It gets a little hot and steamy, if you know what I mean.


Germany was alone. 

He had no idea where British Empire or ASEAN were. 

One second they were walking alongside him in the tall grass, and the next they were missing.

No screams were heard from them, so they weren't pounced on by wild beasts of the Australian Tropical Savanna.

He already searched for his friends around the area he last saw them, but they were nowhere to be found.

It was dark out and all he had with him was a torch he had to relight every couple of minutes due to the winds.

Most of the animals in this part of the world were asleep, is what Germany was hoping. 

The tall grass was his ally in this case because he could easily hide from the wild creatures wandering about during daytime or nighttime.

However, it was also a problem because who knows what can lurk within the grass.

Every noise he heard around him frightened him, including the noises he accidentally created himself. 

A gasp escaped from his mouth as something wrapped its arm around his leg. 

He was yanked underneath the grass into a black puddle below his feet.

A small yelp came out of his mouth before he resurfaced and landed on a wooden floor, the black puddle quickly shrinking until it was no longer visible.

Germany placed his hand on the side of his forehead as he got onto his knees. 

He adjusted his glasses on his face and quickly cleaned them before putting them on.

He got up onto his feet and took a look at his surroundings, almost instantly noticing that someone was standing across the room from him.

The country jumped back, smiling once he recognized that it was Canada. He was relieved.

“Oh, Nada! It's just you! I seriously thought—” 

His vision spun in circles and the blurriness became more and more. 

The pain in his neck hurt less and less as he slowly began to lose consciousness.  

He struggled to push away the person grasping him, but his arms gave in as he grew weaker and the medicine taking its affect inside his brain.

His muffled screams reduced and died down.

His eyelids felt heavy, and in a matter of seconds, his body went limp.

Third Reich lifted his brother up into his arms and allowed Canada to lead the way to the church.

The Canadian country opened a secret underground compartment in a separate unknown room of the building. It was also still under construction, but Reich entered the area.

Canada unlocked a cell with a two way mirror and a high security door, letting Reich go in first. It wasn't too big, but it wasn't too small either.

Third placed Germany onto the white padded floor and left the cell, taking the keys from his servant and locking him inside with his younger brother.

“You know what to do.” 

He exited the underground prison and returned to the dirt above, heading towards the room you were held in while India helped you change for the wedding.

You stood in front of the mirror practicing what you were going to say. 

You messed up over and over again, stuttering and failing to speak in the right tone of voice.

You didn't want to lie to Germany about loving his evil older sibling, and neither did you want to lie about willingly marrying him. 

NATO stood outside the door preventing you from being able to leave.

A pair of footsteps reached the door and you immediately knew that Third Reich was here. 

The door swung open and closed once he made it into the room. 

He locked it and walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your head.

“Is everything going okay, meine Liebe?” He asked, caressing your stomach with his hands.

You sighed and stared at the floor. “I—I can't. I just can't bring myself to tell him such a horrible lie.”

Reich cupped your chin and tilted it upwards to make you look into his reflection in the mirror.

“Oh my Queen, are you trying to stall so we don't do our little session with Germany?~” 

“No, I am not. I really can't do it.” You said. “I suck at lying.”

“I doubt it, but if you really cannot, then I can help you!” He ran his claw-like fingers down your curves on your body.

You brushed his hands away  and stood up. “No, I'm fine. I'll just try harder.”

Third Reich took your hand and spun you around, afterwards he raised your chin up, fully exposing your neck. 

“Wh-what are you doing?” 

“Satisfying my needs.~” He leaned in and began licking your neck and nibbling on your skin.

“R-right now?”

He didn't respond and instead continued with his work. He lifted and sat you up on the desk without stopping.


The Nazi chuckled darkly and abused the one sensitive spot on the crook of your neck. 

Small moans escaped from your mouth.

He shoved two fingers into your mouth and pulled them out after a few moments.

The country slowly slid his hand up under the dress he had given you and lowered your panties.

He smirked as he heard you let out a gasp. He pumped two fingers up your p***y. 

You threw your head back and moaned loudly as he added two more fingers and thrusted them deeper into you. 

“Good girl.~” He said, stopping and picking you up.

Reich carried you over to the bed in the corner and laid you down upon it.

He walked over to a drawer and pulled out a couple ropes and a blindfold.

He tied your wrists to the bed frame and covered your eyes with the blindfold. 

Third Reich stared down at you like a beautiful piece of art. 

He licked his lips and shoved his fingers back into your p***y, this time quickening the speed.

“We are going to have one hell of a time, meine Schatz.~” 

One Last Chance [Countryhumans! Germany x Reader Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now