Chapter 31

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My vision was blurry as soon as I opened my eyes. My body was sore beyond belief and I was freezing cold. Although a heavy and thick blanket was already placed over me, I still felt the wind hit my face and skin. I curled up into a ball and hugged my knees to attempt to keep myself warm, but even that didn't help. 

My eyes adjusted to the light and my vision cleared up. I felt someone tap my shoulder, and when I turned to see who it was, he almost scared me half to death.

I scrambled up into a corner only to find out it was Canada still in his monstrous form. I sighed in relief and brought myself to the edge of the bed I sat upon. I wrapped the blanket I had around my body as I stood up.

“You scared me, Nada.” I laughed. He opened his mouth and made a movement which suggested that he was laughing too.

“Anyways, where are we?” I asked him.

Canada spun around and bent over, taking a few items from a purse he had found. He turned back to me and wrote in a journal. It took him a couple of minutes, but he presented it to me.

“We are in your world, the human world. Currently, we are in a cave hiding from Third Reich. The human world is in chaos right now. He is taking over this world too. He announced that if the governments of the world did not surrender their lands to him, he would personally take them by force.”

“What!? Where are the others!?” I handed him his journal back. He scribbled in it again and gave it back to me.

“I don't know. It seems that when we were all sucked in through the portal, we were all separated and possibly—I'm not 100% certain, by the way—thrown into different parts of this world. I am really worried about my brother, and I'm sure Germany is worried about you.”

I began to panic. “Alright, uhm… shit. Is there anything else I should know?”

Canada took the journal and sat down. He wrote for some time, erasing and scribbling out words. Once he was finished, he handed it over to me.

“We are in my country. How do I know? I went out exploring and found a map and some items, which you can see behind me (and the bed you were sleeping on).” 

I looked over his shoulder and saw bags full of canned food, water, medical supplies, and so on. I continued reading his writing.

“Oh, and you've been out for about two days. When you were sucked into the portal, I made a decision to go with you, so I came above ground. I made a promise to Germany that I'd care for you if we ever wound up together, so yeah. Plus, when we went through the portal, we ended up falling from a high altitude. You were out cold so while in midair, I extended my arms out, grabbed you, and encased you in the gooey substance I'm made out of. Once we landed on the snow, I still held onto you and walked for hours until I found this cave. If it weren't for me, you and your baby would be dead.”

I gave him back the journal. “I didn't need to know that, but okay.”

He wrote a couple sentences in the journal and held it out to me with a frown on his face. 

“At least say thank you! I had to feed you soup and other foods and drinks for two days to keep your baby alive!”

“Oh, thank you.” I said. “Shouldn't we get going? Wild animals can come here and try to harm us. Plus, I want to find civilization and go into an actual house. It's freezing here!”

Canada nodded and stood up. He packed up a few things and left some supplies. He also wrote a little note beside the bags. I read it, and it says:

“Australia, UN, British Empire, or whoever finds this note, please take these supplies. (Y/N) and I (Canada) are heading East in the hopes of finding some humans to help us. Be safe out there.”

I smiled at the note and headed over to the exit of the cave. Canada grew a tentacle out of his back and held my wrist with it. 

“Let's go.”


UN and EU walked along a river with the puppies trailing close behind them. They figured that if they followed the river, then it must lead them over to civilization. They had no idea where in the world they were. All they knew is that they were in the realm of the humans and that they would most likely be hated by them once they introduced themselves. Earlier, the two organizations had been lost in the forest and almost got spotted by a human, but they managed to be sneaky and get away just in time. Just an hour ago they found this river. They drank some water from it and eventually made a choice to follow it to humanity.

Germany, ASEAN, and British Empire were in the Australian Tropical Savanna. Animals lurked everywhere they went, both predator and nonpredator. Right now, British Empire was running away from a pack of lions. Both Germany and ASEAN were up a tree already. British Empire screamed for help from his friends, but they refused to go down. Eventually though, British Empire climbed up the tree and joined the country and organization. His clothes were torn a little bit, but he was okay. He had a couple of cuts, but that's about it. It wasn't anything worth going to the hospital for.

Iran, KKK, Roman Empire, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and Australia walked among the grass of the farmlands in Texas. From time to time, they would duck in the grass and hide themselves from the humans. There was a forest nearby, and their goal was to make it there. They planned on camping there for the time being to steal food from the humans. The countries really did not want to do this, but they had no choice. In order to survive, they must do what they have to do. Australia was the one who was going to get the food since he was a master at being sneaky, plus he has had a lot of experience with animals. If one gets out of control, he can calm it down. 

Third Reich, NATO, and his army were laying low and building a headquarters for themselves. The Nazi had given the countries of the world a week to make their decision to surrender themselves to him. He had everything planned out. With the experiments he performed back in his world, he has everything he needs in order to fulfill his plan. All he needed now is to wait for the responses of the human leaders of each country. If they declined and refused to give their land to him, he'll simply launch his most powerful weapon on their land and take over easily. If they cooperated, then they might be spared or killed. Third Reich thought of other options for them if they cooperated, but he's debating on whether he should use those options or not.

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