Chapter 19

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Australia and Canada snuck into the armory, packing as many weapons as they possibly could. The brothers wore the strongest armor they could find stored within the room. They moved throughout the halls once they exited the small room, hiding from any of their allies to avoid being detected. No one can know that they're fleeing the facility, not even their most trustworthy friends. They can tell Third Reich, and if they do, both brothers will be in major trouble.

After witnessing the tragedy of their third brother (and plenty of other people) being murdered by their leader, they simply could not stay. His face showed no remorse; there was no sign of sadness on his face. It was clear: they had to leave immediately. Their leader clearly had no care in the world for the deaths of his own people. The brothers wished they could tell their friends, but they would obviously not believe them and report them to Reich, which is something they don't want happening.

The siblings reached their rooms and packed up any items they could carry into backpacks. Australia made sure to take his pet python with him, and Canada took his favorite hockey stick and helmet with him. Soon enough, they finished packing and left the building without being seen. They exited the facility through a hidden door in the wall on one side of the facility and ran. They ran as fast as their legs could take them and did not stop once to take a look back at the horrible place they once called home.


It wasn't a nice building to settle into, but with some repairs of the damaged walls and parts of the floor and ceiling, it would be a place to call home. It may take some time, but in the end, it will be worth it after putting in the hard work and effort into it.

You sobbed into Germany's shoulder as he patted your back. He too was devastated after the disaster that occured, but he didn't let it get to him. You, on the other hand, couldn't get that tragedy out of your head. New Zealand, the only person you really trusted (besides Germany) was now gone, taken away by the one man who you despise. Sure, everyone hates him, but you are the one that hates him the most.

"(Y/N), liebling, look at me." He said once you pulled away. You wiped your nose and sniffed, afterwards nodding and looking straight into his eyes. "I know that what happened was...not good, but you have to move on-we have to move on. Don't let the disasters of the past pull you underneath, instead continue to fight...for everyone. We still have a chance of destroying Reich, even if it is just you and me. Understand?"

You nodded. "Okay..." Your voice was shaky.

He smiled and kissed your nose. "Alright, come on. We have work to do."

For half of the day, you helped Germany fit in the missing puzzle pieces into the house. The holes were covered with newly crafted tools and cut wood, the windows were reshaped, but no glass was put over them. Some big leaves were woven together to create a curtain for the window, and long vines were used to replace the broken door at the entrance. Many renovations were made, and it took a while, but now the small house was completed. Only minimal damage was done to the house beforehand, and not many things needed repairing, so not much time was wasted with doing this one job.

The rest of the time left in the day was used to move and clean furniture around the building. It was tiresome, but soon enough, you both finished before midnight. You ate along with your boyfriend, stayed up an extra hour, showered, then fell asleep in the living room. Germany was on his way up to your guy's room when he spotted you on the couch sleeping peacefully. He snuck up beside you and picked you up bridal style, carrying you to your room. He carefully placed you down on the bed and joined you after blowing out the candles.

"Gute Nacht mein Schatz."

(I used Google Translate, correct me if I'm wrong.

Translation: Goodnight, my darling.)

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