Chapter 9

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One of the most terrifying things to hear when you're trapped within the cell walls of Third Reich's underground prison is a door opening by the evil country himself.

Whether it was just to speak to a prisoner or to give them food, you always have to be on your toes, for who knows, he may just choose you as his next torture victim.

Not only that, but you may also end up being his breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

He feeds on fear and destruction to gain power, and to fill his hunger, but his stomach sometimes craves living beings.

It is a horrifying sight to see; a friend or ally being swallowed whole or being torn into pieces just to be eaten by the cruel and villainous Nazi.

Entertainment is another thing.

If chosen for entertainment, you have a fifty-fifty chance of surviving.

This event occurs every few days, since Third Reich does not get bored often.

However, when he wants entertainment, it includes controlling the victims like puppets and making them hurt or kill each other.

Pretty much when it is time to entertain the King and his people, it involves violence every single time...

...and no one seems to question this.

No one at all.

Florida's wounds had been dealt with, and now he was in the same situation he was in before.

He knew he was going to be stuck here for a while.

With the technology that the people in the facility had made, Reich could easily heal him over and over again, meaning that he could be tortured endlessly until he broke.

"If you want me to start begging for my life, then you are going to have to try harder and do better, Nazi bitch."

Third Reich did not like the attitude he was giving him, especially since he wasn't getting what he wanted.

"Oh? Are you insulting the way I perform my torture sessions?"


He was so close to snapping, to killing the state and moving on to other business he had to deal with.

You know what?

Maybe he will do just that.

It'll give Florida something to beg and cry for.

An idea popped up into his head, and he immediately untied his prisoner and cuffed him.

"What stupid idea do you have now? Hanging me over a pit of lava? Burning me alive?"


The country hoisted Florida over his shoulder and turned around, heading toward the exit.

He carried him over to a forbidden part of the facility, where only him and a few others can go (with permission).

Reich opened a door and switched on some lights.

Florida did not know what was coming for him.

"Wake up my beautiful hounds, it is feeding time!~"


Three hounds got onto their feet, their sharp teeth baring as they growled and barked at the state Third Reich held.

"No! I don't want to die!" Florida cried as he struggled.

The Nazi walked up to his hounds and grinned, readying himself to toss his victim down.

One Last Chance [Countryhumans! Germany x Reader Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now