Chapter 20

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"I don't know what to do, Kiwi." Australia said, staring at the gravestone with a saddened facial expression. "I have been trying my best to care for Canada. I've searched everywhere for medicine, but I can't find anything that will cure him. Should I go searching out farther? I know the risks, but..."

He paused, a lump forming in his throat as a tear ran down his cheek. He grasped his arm and let out small sobs.

"I don't want to be alone! I-we already lost you, I can't lose Nada, I just can't!" He took a leaf off the forest floor and crushed it in his hand. He tilted his head up and looked up at the sky. "Give me a sign, any sign! Please..."

Silence filled the surrounding area as the countryhuman waited for a response, but nothing ever came. Australia sighed and stood up, turning toward the house to head back inside, but a sudden gust of wind caught his attention. He spun back around and smiled.

He had gotten his answer.

Rushing inside, he entered his room and put on his armor. He also grabbed a few weapons and quietly went into his brother's room.

"Hey Nada, how are you feeling?"

His brother lay on his bed, two pillows were underneath his head holding it up, and a warm blanket covered his cold body. He slowly turned his head toward him and opened his eyes.

"I feel like absolute shit." He said.

Australia knelt down beside his sibling and placed the back of his hand on his forehead.

"You're burning up." He said and got back up. "I'm going out to try and find medicine, alright? There is some food and water right here if you want any. I don't want to have you getting up and collapsing like you did a few days ago."

Canada nodded and smiled weakly. "Don't get spotted by any one of Reich's henchmen. Be safe out there."

"I'll try my best not to be seen. Goodbye for now, brother."


I sat on the couch and patiently waited for Germany to return. He left to go find some food for the puppies and other valuable supplies that might be useful for the future.

The puppies were all huddled together on the couch beside me. They knew to guard me whenever Germany was gone since he had taught them to. Although they knew little about combat still, they had enough knowledge of it to prevent me from getting injured by an enemy.

I grabbed a cookie from inside a jar and bit into it. A couple days ago when Germany came back after going on a supply run, he gave me a book. I recognized the title and the cover art. It was one of my favorite books that I read when I was younger. Right now I am halfway done with reading it. I still have a lot of pages to go through, but it is nice that I get to reread one of my favorite books again.

With the smart brain of his, Germany also managed to repower the house. The TV was on and connected to it was a VHS player. A recorded episode was in a VHS tape and was currently playing on the TV. It was a funny show because of its jokes, but also one of the characters really hated the song Sunshine and Lollipops. Another character had called him that instead of his real name, and well, he got a rocket shot at him.

Suddenly, the puppies perked their heads up and started to growl. They ran over to the window and looked through the curtains. They clearly saw someone because they began to bark loudly.

I stood up and called for the puppies. They listened and ran up to me.

"Go upstairs! Come on!"

They followed me up the stairs but kept an eye on the window. Once we reached my room, I hid inside the closet along with the puppies.

I heard footsteps downstairs. They were slow, like the person was trying to find me or sneak around. For ten minutes we stayed hidden and the person underneath continued to search for us. I hope Germany gets back soon because these puppies and I cannot handle them on our own.


I could feel my body start to heat up. He was in the room! It was Australia, and knowing him, he can and will be able to catch me if I attempt to escape from him, but I have to try.

JJ and Maxie growled, lunging at the closet door and swinging it open. It caught Australia's attention, and he pointed his gun at the puppies. He backed away from them as they started to try and bite him.

"Woah! Easy there, mate! Easy!" He looked up.

We made eye contact.

"Umm...Hello?" I said.

"A...a human?" He mumbled to himself, however I could still hear him.

"Yeah, a human. Now, if you're gonna take me to Reich, then you'll have to go through me first."

Australia shook his head. "I am not taking you to him. As a matter of fact, I am not working for him anymore. I found out who he truly was and fled with my brother. We've been out of his facility for two months now."

"Really?" You tilted your head, but then you remembered the betrayal of Spain and FBI. "Hold on! I am not falling for your tricks!"

"Tricks?" Aussie raised a nonexistent eyebrow. "No, no, no! I am not trying to trick you! I mean it! I only came in here in search of medicine. My brother is really sick and may die soon. I need medicine now, or at least a doctor or something."

Canada is sick?

Oh no.

"I can help." I hesitated to say it at first, but if Canada needs help, then I must go to him.

" can?" He smiled brightly.

I nodded. "We just have to wait for Germany."

One Last Chance [Countryhumans! Germany x Reader Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now