Chapter 32

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We've been walking for a while now and we have had no luck in finding anyone so far. We found an abandoned cabin and rested there for a while, but soon we got back on track. We could not waste much time though, for the sun is starting to set and the dark, heavy clouds are starting to roll in, meaning that a storm is coming our way. Who knew how bad it could be, so it was best we hurried up.

Canada stopped and turned to me, pointing his finger at me then making a circle motion.

“Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a little tired.” I said, taking a careful step over a rock. “I can manage though. Come on, let's keep going.”

He gave me a thumbs-up and smiled before turning back around and continuing to walk the direction we were heading. He grasped onto my hand tightly as we passed a rocky area, sometimes using his tentacles to move some rocks out of the way or create steps for me to make my climb easier. 

Shortly after climbing up and down a couple of more hills, we found ourselves another cabin. With the way it seemed, at first we thought that it wasn't abandoned, but after knocking on the door and taking a look through the windows, we figured out that there was no sign of anybody living in this cabin. 

We made a choice to stay here for the night, or until this storm passes. We couldn't take the risk of continuing to walk toward civilization with a storm up ahead. For all we know, a blizzard could hit or rain could start pouring onto us along with lightning strikes and thunder. It simply wasn't worth the risk.

Canada tossed a plank of wood into the fireplace and wrapped a blanket around my body as I huddled up near it. I lay myself down on the couch that he quickly dusted off and cleaned for me. I thanked the country and placed my head upon a fluffy pillow. 

I closed my eyes and wondered about how the others were doing. I hope that they are doing okay out there, wherever they may be. Hopefully they were doing better than how both Canada and I are doing right now, stuck in a cabin with a possible blizzard approaching us. 


A pair of hands blocked my vision as I squirmed, attempting to break myself free from the restraints. I froze and stood as still as a statue while shaking like a scared puppy. My mouth formed into a frown, which only showed off how afraid I was. My hat tipped forward a little bit as droplets of sweat formed on my forehead.

Those gloved hands and red wrists, I recognized them instantly along with his evil and demonic chuckle. I felt his hot breath hit my neck as he inched closer to it. He tilted my head to the side and rested his chin on my neck. My hat fell completely off my head and onto the wooden floor below me.

“It's been a while since I've last toyed with you.~” Reich goaded. “How about we resume our little play date with another few rounds?~ Or maybe we can play an actual game?~” 

“I—I don't l—like e—either of those o—options—!” My body shook even more with his tone of voice suddenly becoming serious.

“If you won't choose, Fascist, then it looks like I will have to make the choice for you!” He backed away, removing his hands from my face.

It went silent for a few moments before he dropped down in front of me, causing me to jump and yelp. He walked up to me and spread my legs to make room for him to put his knee on. 

He glanced at his sharp and pointy fingers on his right hand then looked back at me. He towered over me and forced me to look up at him by pressing his razor sharp finger against my chin.

“I want to play a game, my old friend.~” He said, gently running his finger down my neck and stopping on my chest. “I will set you free, and I will allow you to try and escape.~ You have five minutes to run, but once the time is up, I will come for you.~ If I catch you within ten minutes, you will become my personal maid and toy to play with permanently.~”

“Wh—what if you d—don't c—catch me within the t—time limit? What will h—happen then?” I asked.

“You get your freedom.~ You get to flee somewhere far away, but once we meet again, the game will restart.~ Until I finally catch you, that is when the game ends.~” He explained.

I stared down towards the floor for a moment. I thought about whether I should play his game or not, and if it was worth it.

“If you don't want to do it, then we can easily just continue where we left off last time.~”  He tugged at my white suit with a smirk, ripping a piece of it off.

I shot my head back up and looked at him. I shook my head rapidly with a nervous smile. “No! I—I'll play your game! I—I'd rather do th—that!”

“Very well.~” Third took a step back and raised his hand, swinging from left to right and breaking the restraints. 

Without any hesitation, I stood up and grabbed my hat, placed it on my head, then rushed out the door. I glanced around in a panic, not knowing where to go. It turned out that we were in a very small cabin all along and in the middle of a forest.

I chose a direction and ran, the snow below crunching as my footprints were left behind. Behind me I could hear Reich shout something.

“Run my little, sweet flower!~ I will be coming for you very soon!~”

One Last Chance [Countryhumans! Germany x Reader Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now