Chapter Twenty-Seven

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As I ran out of the studio with Em attached to my hip I could hear Zayn calling for me. I soon made it to my car and he wasn't that far behind me. "Harry?" he said once he got within arms reach of me. "I can't do this Zayn, I can't be here, I can't watch him be happy, I cant watch them together," I said with tears running down my face and I knew that if I didn't calm down soon I was going to hyperventilate. "Harry, nobody's asking you to be ok with them being together. I know that I have never been ok with it. But, you have to realize that when you came out and left he was left broken because he thought it was all his fault, he didn't know the reason you ran off, and he didn't know that you were pregnant, she was there to pick up the pieces that you left behind." he said as he pulled me and Em into his arms, I miss this feeling, the feeling of having an older brother protecting me and making sure that I was ok. "I left because I want to go to let modest degrade my choice of keeping my child, I wasn't going to let them persuade me into getting an abortion or even giving my baby up for adoption. And, I sure the hell wasn't going to stick around and listen to how much I fucked up Louis's career and life by keeping our child. he didn't want to come out with me, he didn't want to have kids with me, he didn't want this future! So why would I stay?" I asked. "Nobody knew what you were going through, and the boys and sure the hell wouldn't have let anything happen to you or our beautiful niece, we are a family Harry and you never turn your back on family," Zayn said now pulling away from me to look into my eyes. "I missed you boys and I missed singing but, I still love him and I am trying to keep my daughter and boyfriend happy, these two have been the only thing keeping me alive for the last few years. I lived for my daughter because without her I would be dead." I stated factually. I then look at my watch and see that it lunchtime and I could tell that Em was getting tired as well because she was getting fussy. "Harry come back to the studio with us so that you two can eat and we can finish the last little bit up and then we can go out tonight, just the boys, no partners, no children, just the five of us." He said. "Let me think about it," I started taking Em back towards the studio where everyone was now sitting eating I look around and realize that someone got me something I would use to pig out on but now I wouldn't. The boys don't know this but in the last three years I haven't really picked up any meats, I have become a vegetarian and it just shows how much we can all change. I take Em's bag out and grab two granola bars and give one to her and one to myself than order some soap from a place right down the street. "Haz? Why aren't you eating the takeaway that we got you? it's your favorite." Niall said to which I just smiled and laughed a little bit and said, "Ni, I haven't eaten any types of meats since I left, I have become a vegetarian." Nobody said anything else as the boys finished eating up their takeaway and I asked Liam to watch Em for two minutes so that I could go grab our food from the delivery guy. When I had the food I was on my way back to the recording studio when I heard Em yelling! I ran the rest of the way to the room that we were in. 

"No!" Em yelled as I walked into the room with Louis and Elanour near my daughter and Liam looking a little frightened. "What is going on in here?" I asked. "Papa, girlfriend being nasty daddy," Em said as I got next to her. "What did she do baby girl?" I asked her pulling her into my arms. "Papa asked a question" I didn't answer because I mad at him. Papa kept calling my name. I didn't answer. She called me bad words daddy." She stated and I looked at both Louis and Elanour, Louis looked guilty and Elanour looked smug. I handed Em to Liam and told him to keep an eye on her and I told both Elanour and Louis to follow me, and they surprisingly did. "What the hell is going on?" I asked Louis. "That spoiled little brat that you raised was being disrespectful so I told her to grow the fuck up and respect her father and myself," Elanour claimed. "And why the hell would my daughter have to respect you?" I asked her crossing my arms and staring her down. "As hard as it is for you to understand Louis chose me, he proposed to me,  we are engaged and will be getting married, meaning that little brat of yours is going to be my stepdaughter." She said and while she was talking all I could think about doing was breaking the window next to me with her face, but I wouldn't turn to violence. "You see Elanour, you can keep Louis, he is a big boy so he can make the decisions of who he wants to be with for himself. But, I will not tolerate the fact that he is sitting here letting you degrade our daughter so, I am leaving, I am taking Em home and until you can talk to her like she is a child then, none of you will see her. And, Louis..." I said looking him in the eye with as much hate and anger I could muster. "Hmm?" I said sounding like he was trying not to cry. "Get your bitch under control." I then walked into the room told Zayn and Liam that I would be in early tomorrow to work on any vocals that needed to be worked on and left.

After I left the recording studio I went home where I found Zak backing a suitcase, I told Em to go play in her room so that Zak and I could talk. After she ran off into the direction of her room I turned back to see Zak packing enough clothes that look like he would be gone for a week or two. "Where are you going?" I asked just being curious. "Harry, I don't know who the hell you think you are talking to me like that but I'm going to do something about it." He said grabbing my wrist so hard that I knew it would leave a bruise. "No," I said trying to pull away from him. "Listen you little whore, either you do as I say or I'm going to make it worse." So, I just gave up and stopped fighting. He soon had me naked and was having his way with me while I just let it happen and silently cried wondering how my life got this way. After he was done he got up and got dressed, I am leaving for a business trip, I will be back as early as next week but don't expect me to be home for about two. Make sure this house is clean and my clothes are washed and taken care of." and without another word, he was out the door leaving me to clean up the mess that was just made and make sure that Em didn't have any idea that this was happening.

And soon the normal routine was in place and bath, story, and bedtime rolled around. I sat on the end of Em's bed and wondered how life got so crazy.

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