Chapter Ten

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After Louis shot out of his chair and ran for his room and Eleanor followed right behind him, I wanted to go right after him but I figured that I would give him some time to think it all through, I wanted him to think of all the lost time, the time that he could have been spending with his family, with his daughter.

"Dada, mean man my Papa?" She asked refusing to when Louis was punching me in the back repeatedly. "Your Papa is not a mean man, papa was just very hurt because he was kept from his beautiful princess for too long," I said. "But he hit, hitting is naughty. You told me so." She replied giving me the famous Tomlinson sass. "I know baby, but everyone makes mistakes, even dadas, mommies, and papas," I said kissing her on her messy but curly head. "Zak, can you watch her for a minute?" I asked my boyfriend to which he only nodded, I knew that he didn't like being in a room with too many people and there was quite a lot of people but I needed to tell Louis that he's only got another day or so to spend with Emilia, so I walked up to the room and hear the arguing coming from Louis guest room.

"I said did you fucking know Eleanor? Did you know that Harry was pregnant? Did you know that it was mine? Did you know!!!" I knocked on the door before she was able to get out any of her lies that she likes to feed everyone, and unfortunately she-demon was the one to open the door. "Eavesdropping on conversations is an all-time low even for you Harry." She said in a snarky and sarcastic way. "Listen, everyone in the house can hear you two arguing so if you think anyone is eavesdropping on your 'conversation' then I think we may need to go to the hospital and get your head checked because bitch you're loud." I then look over to Louis and say, "Do you want to spend some time with your daughter before we go back home?" He looked at me funny and said, "Back home?" to which I responded with a, "Yeah, this was a small vacation for myself and Emilia, we only came to stay a few days. I got to get back to work and Emilia is starting Pre-school in a week, so I need to get her supplies beforehand." "So, you come into my life yet again, telling me that you had my daughter for the last three years, you introduce me to her, and now you're taking her out of my life? What the hell Harry?" I could tell that he was very mad, even pissed, about this but I needed what was best for my daughter and a broken family isn't that, I should know... he should know...

"Louis, we can work on a plan for you to visit her and for her to visit you. But we need to go back home soon because this isn't our life. You have a fiancée and a baby on the way. You have your career still going for you and you have the guys. I may have been a part of your life, but I am to stay in the past along with our feelings. You can have the next day and a half to spend with Emilia before we go home. But if you don't want to spend time with her you need to tell me now." I said.   

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