Chapter Four

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As we were on our way to my parent's house I heard Emilia start talking to her baby doll that I bought her a while ago, "Dada says that he's got a surprise for me at his mommy's house." "Baby, I need you to be ready because it's your first-time meeting, Grandma Anne, Grandpa Robin, and Auntie Gemma and maybe some other people, just stay close to me and we will be ok. I know that you are shy around new people baby doll. But we will be ok, right baby?" I asked as we pulled into the driveway. "Okay Dada," She said as she started fixing her hair.

I got out of the car and walked around to help my baby out of the car which she sassed him about by pushing away his hand while giggling and saying, "I don't need your help dada, I'm a big girl."

We both walked up to the front door and knocked, and my sister answered the door. She screamed, "Hazza!" while pulling me into a hug making me drop Emilia's hand. "Dada?" Emilia said sound extremely confused and a little scared while pulling on my pant legs, so I ended up pulling away from my sister and crouched down to her level and said, "Yes Doll?" "I cold Dada." She stated which made me turn around to my sister and ask, "May we come in Gemma?" I asked which she nodded her head looking extremely confused, she then soon quietly asked where Emilia's mother is to which I respond with, "Closer than you may think." I then turn to Emilia and said, "Come on darling," I picked up my baby then she quietly whispered in my ear "Dada, I thought you said that I didn't have a mommy, that I have a Dada and a papa" "But, you and I are the only ones who know that right now babes." I tell her while walking into the front door and setting her down on the bottom step of the stairs in the foyer of my childhood home. "Mum! Harry's home." Gemma yelled making their mom come running to the entryway. She took one look at me and tears just started to stream down her face, as she pulled me into her arms, she soon stated that "I am very mad at you Harry Edward Styles!" After saying that she just kept pulling me closer to her, but we soon pulled away as Emilia started calling out "Dada?" To which I pulled out of the hug and turned towards Emilia and ask, "what's wrong darling?" She then pointed towards my very confused mother and then shying away from everyone else quietly asked, "Grandma?" after she asked that I picked her up and walked closer to my mother with Emilia in my arms and faced her towards my mother and answered, "Yes baby, this is your grandmother. Can you say hi to grandma Anne?" "Hi," Emilia said and then yawned and rubbed her eyes. "Are you tired bug? You didn't sleep long during the car ride over here." I stated. She just nodded and pulled me closer to her so that she could cuddles into me more, she likes to put her head on my chest so that she can hear my heart, it calms her down. "I'm going to go lay her down in my room and then you two ask all of the questions that you want," I stated then turned around without waiting for either of them to respond to my statement, I then Emilia's backpack that has all her pull-ups as well as her comfy clothes.

When I get into my room I see what looks like presents all in clear totes with the year as well as the event wrote on them, but I ignore them and focus on my daughter as I change her and put her in a pull-up, I then tuck her into the very bed that myself and her papa used to cuddle in which brings tears to my eyes which I quickly wipe away before can see. I kissed her and wished her a good nap.

"Nighty Night baby, I'll see you after your nap. I love you." to which she responded already half-asleep "Nighty night dada."

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