Chapter Three

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My dreams were always taken over by my bandmate with ocean blue eyes and a beautiful straight smile. But this time it was a nightmare it was worse because it happened. It was the reason why he had to leave. Louis and I had just made love in our conjoined hotel room, on the most romantic day ever, as we were on tour for their recent album. There were rose petals all over the floor and two half-drunken glasses of wine on the dresser with half a bottle of wine itself. There was a vase of freshly picked rose and a box of chocolates right next to the roses.

"Boo, do you ever think of the future?" I asked. "Hazza, who doesn't think about what the future has in store for them?" He asked in return. "Do you see a future with me?" I asked once again. "Well, I hope so Hazza." He states to which I asked, "Then when will we come out together and start our family?" I asked but soon regretted it because it's a sore topic with us. "Harry, this isn't the time to be talking about starting a family!" He yelled getting out of the bed and putting his clothes back on. "Then when is the fucking time Louis? I don't want to be shoved into your closet of lies and secrets. I want to be able to go on vacation without having to bring security. I want to hold your hand, kiss you, hell I want to be able to sit next to you, but I can't do that because I'm not going to force you out of the closet because I love you, Louis." I said crying to which he just walked out of the room.

The next day I woke up to find the boys in the living room part of our hotel suite and all the signs from yesterday gone. and, from there on our relationship became less and less because I love him so much, I let myself hurt because he needed to have a beard, while I was stuck with the reputation of being a total man-slut. As we kept a distance from each other I started getting sicker and sicker, as he slept on the tour bus and I slept in the hotel room that we were meant to be sharing I would cry myself to sleep and wake up nausea. And, one day our security guard walked in as I was spilling my guts out and got worried because I was always the healthiest and the one to never get sick, so he thought it was serious, so he made me get dressed and then took me to the nearest hospital. After being asked many questions, giving a urine and blood test, I was left sitting in the room by myself, I thought that I should check my texts just to see if anyone texted me and to my surprise, Louis did for the first time in almost two weeks.

From-LOULOU💙💙: Hey went to go talk to you, and you weren't in your room

To-LOULOU💙💙: Yeah Paul took me to the hospital, under a lot of stress and he came into me getting sick this morning.

From-LOULOU💙💙: Why didn't you tell me?

To-LOULOU💙💙: Maybe because I never see you anymore, well ever since our fight, I feel like I try too much with you sometimes

From-LOULOU💙💙: Hazza

To-LOULOU💙💙: Listen, the doctor just walked in and wants to talk to me. But we need to talk about our relationship when I get back.

From-LOULOU💙💙: Ok, I'll be in our hotel room waiting for you to get home.

I then put my phone back in my coat just as the doctor walked in and sat down and started saying, "Well Mr. Styles I hope that you are ready to become a father because you sir are pregnant..."

After hearing those words and finding out what that really meant I was scared as hell. I couldn't be pregnant. Louis and I haven't even gotten to talk about our argument. He's going to think that I did this on purpose. I thanked the doctor and told Paul that I was fine and that I wanted to take a walk to clear my head. The walk took longer than I thought because it soon became dark and as I found my way to the hotel, I started to regret ever bringing having a family up to him because this baby isn't going to have a real family. So, as I walked into the hotel room, I found it empty unlike what I was told was going to be there when I got there he wasn't. He was nowhere to be seen, and I don't know if that's the reason why I packed my things and left or the fact that I already loved my baby and knew that I couldn't continue because this job was stressful, and I wasn't going to lose them.

I was soon done packing everything that I was going to need and had it all placed neatly into three suitcases. I brought them down to my car and then drove from Manchester to London to talk to our label. I got there sooner than I thought and walk up to the receptionist. "May I help you Mr. Styles?" she asked. "Yes, I would like to talk to the band's managers and label." I started to which she picked up her phone and called for a three-way talk, "Mr. Styles is here to see you, it looks urgent." She stated. She soon hung up the phone and let me into the elevator, and as I rode it up to the higher floors, I started thinking why I was doing this, and it brought an even bigger smile to my face. As I walked out of the office and into the managers, Public Relations, and label conference room I did so with confidence.

"I want to come out and be released from my contract," I started as soon as they all were there, they didn't agree right away but soon stated that the only way that any of the boy's contracts would be terminated if we had sexual relations in the band on top of other things. To which I stated that I was in love with Louis and though we've been boyfriends for a while, valentine's days of this year was the day that I lost my virginity to Louis. And as soon as I told them that they signed the paper stating my contract will be dropped and that I was to leave the band. And, from there I called James Corden of the Late, Late Show and told him that I had the inside scoop for him.

Flash-forward to me being three months pregnant and hating life. I never wanted to eat, never wanted to shower, or even talk to anyone besides Zak. I lost hope for my life and future. I was now so into the thought of death but when it because worrisome I talked to my doctors and they told me that becoming depressed when pregnant is something that many women go through, so they put me on medication and soon found the light at the end of the tunnel of depression, my baby. One night going into the eighth month of my pregnancy, I was on my Twitter looking through everything and a picture of Louis was shown but he looks skinnier and weak and not as strong as I remember him to be. I wanted to cry because we used to be so close that we knew when the other was hurting and I knew he was hurting. I then read the caption, ''He hasn't looked the same since @HarryStyles came out...' to which seems so true too. He stopped calling me when I found out the gender of the baby but that doesn't mean that I didn't keep his voicemails.

But today I was feeling quite lonely, so I picked up my phone and went to listen to the voicemail that he last sent me, but I ended up calling him instead. I just wanted to hear his voice, so natural and loving but what I got was totally different.

"Hello, Harry. Please stop calling my boyfriend." Eleanor said.

And to that, I woke up still on our plane flight about to land but I woke up because my beautiful princess was shaking me awake, from the horrible reality which happens to be my past. I was the reason why my beautiful daughter is just now going to be finding out who her papa is.

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