Chapter Thirty-Seven

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After they were able to stabilize the baby's heart rate I was told that I wasn't allowed to leave because they wanted to make sure that everything was going to be ok with not only me but with my baby as well. While I was in the hospital Em was with Louis during the day and spent the night with my mom at my house. It was hard to be in the house not remembering what happened, Louis barely talked to me but I knew that we needed to sit down and talk after what the doctor had told me. I then start thinking about what was said that day. 

"Mr. Styles I have something that I need to discuss with you." my doctor said and I sat up in the bed and got comfortable. "Is there something wrong?" I asked. "Well, Mr. Styles after a lot of testing we have come to the conclusion that you will not be able to bring this baby to full term, if you do continue to move forward with this pregnancy then you have a higher risk of either losing your baby or losing your life." "What happens if I do end up having my pregnancy terminated?" I asked. "Well with these complications I would not recommend that you tried again because you will have a higher risk during that pregnancy." He said. "Ok, and what if I decided to keep this pregnancy going?" I asked. "We would have to have you go into the OBGYN office once a week to make sure that your pregnancy is going to plan. You would also have to be put on bed rest, and keep the stress level to a minimum." The doctor said but then added, "And if you do continue with this pregnancy I would highly recommend that you make sure that you have a will written up so that if something does happen to you, your children are in good hands."  

I was soon pulled out of my thoughts when Louis walked in the door with Em attached to his hip "Papa?" She said before walking in. "Yes, dear?" He asked her. "Do you still love Dada?" She asked but he doesn't respond d because eEm saw that I was sitting up in my bed. "Dada! She said trying to run out of Louis's arm to get to me and when he put her down she came running to the bed. "Hi, baby!" I said kissing her all over the face. "I'm going to head out," Louis said. "Actually Louis can I talk to you about something that is going on?" I asked and he nodded and sat in the hospital chair closest to my bed.  

"I'm pregnant Louis and I need you to know this because of what happened." I said and he nodded so I just continued, "I was told today that if I continue with this pregnancy then I have a high risk of either losing the baby or losing my life."  After I said that his eyes got wide.  "Why would you put yourself through that?" he asked. "Because if I end this pregnancy they said that it would be a higher risk to try and get pregnant. Em has always wanted a sibling," I said looking over to her playing in the corner with her toys that Anne dropped off. "Oh." He said. "But, anyway. I want you to sign a paper stating that if anything happens to me I want you to take custody of both our kids." I said. "OUR?" Louis asked shocked out of his mind. 

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