Chapter 1

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Copter was waking up by the thread of light piercing to the gap of the curtain of his room. He was opening his eyes slowly and was turning to his side on the bed, and as always, it was empty, just like his heart, yet it still hurts.

He was just turning back to the ceiling, lying there unmoving, taking his time, and taking in deep breaths. He was tired of this kind of life, and especially this kind of situation. He thought time would help to fix things, but it seems the effect took things the opposite way than expected.

He was thinking, actually tried to think, but honestly, his mind is blank. He had tried his best. He had tried all the things he thought would make things better, but in the end, it doesn't worth any of his effort. Was he trying too hard, or was it not enough? He couldn't tell, and he didn't know anymore.

Was he giving up now? No, it wasn't him giving up, it was just, there wasn't any more hope. Maybe, it never even has any hope from the beginning, just his illusions and expectation. Or, just maybe, he wanted to try to live his life, yet this wasn't his life nor his place from the beginning. But still, yet here he is, being force and with no choice.

Copter was still lying still on his bed for some more before he was taking in a deep breath and pushes himself up for the morning routine. Still, he was taking his time, it's the weekend anyway.


"Good morning, Sir Copter." The head housekeeper, Aunt Jingjoo was greeted Copter when she saw him coming near to the dining table. Copter gave his usual smile, though it doesn't reach his eyes, and replied to the older women with respect. "Good morning, aunt." He was just about to take his seat when he saw another person just walk past the dining hall heading to the stairs.

"P'Tae..." Copter's calling makes the guy's step halted, but he wasn't even turning around to face Copter. "I was just about to have breakfast. Let's have breakfast together." Copter was actually hoping the guy he called P'Tae would at least agree with his suggestion, but after several seconds, that he felt like taking forever, Tae would just continue walking, ignoring Copter.

Copter was taking a sigh, and it wasn't even the first, but it always hurt every time. He was actually expected the rejection and even the ignorance, still, it hurts. With tear-filled eyes, which he was trying hard not to let the tears fall, he slowly took his seat, facing the various dishes Auntie Jingjoo and other housekeepers and the cook prepare for him.

He was just sitting there looking, no, staring at nothing, while waiting for Tae to coming down, he might join him once he finished changing his clothes.

After 20 minutes with no movement from Copter, he could see Tae was walking down the stairs, and hoping that he would come near the dining hall. But all his hope had been crushed again and again when Tae would just walk past the dining hall, not even giving a glance to Copter, and walked out of the mansion.

Copter couldn't help but shed the tears that he was trying so hard not to let it fall. Aunt Jingjoo and other housekeepers could only look and watching with sympathy to their master, but they knew, they couldn't do anything to help him. It wasn't their place. Still, it was always heartbreaking watching this usual situation, every time they could see how hurts their master was.

Copter was wiping his tears and was taking in a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, before digging whatever he had in front of him. It was his housekeepers and the cook's hard work, so he had to eat as an appreciation, though he lost his appetite already.


"What are you doing?" Copter heard his friend asking as soon as he answered the call. He was spending his time at the garden of the mansion when he received the call. "Nothing, just sitting around looking at the beautiful flowers. Why are you asking?"

"It's the weekend, babe. Come, let me bring you out from that awful castle. You are not Cinderella, nor Snow White. I was wrong when I thought you were before. I'm waiting for you at the gate, I don't even want to go inside."

Copter was giving out his small laugh hearing his friend's words. "Stupid Bas. Do you know how far the lobby is from that gate? I could melt under the hot sun before I reach you." Copter was smiling. At least, he has this friend, the only good thing he had in his life, that could always make him laugh and smile.

Bas was laughing hearing his friend. "Okay, okay, Ice Prince. I will wait for you in front of the lobby. Be quick."

It took Copter only 10 minutes to get changed and already in the car with Bas. Without waiting even a second, Bas make sure he was leaving the mansion behind as fast as he could, earning him a smack on his arm from Copter.

"You didn't have to drive this fast. We are not late or anything. Anyway, where are you taking me?" Copter was asking Bas in his grumpy tone, yet Bas was just giving him a smirk, not replying to his question, making Copter frowned more. Well, he was already in the car, so, he just followed Bas anywhere, it doesn't matter, as long as Bas is there with him.

Turns out Bas was taking him to a party at another luxury house, somewhere he's never been before. "A party? Seriously? Whose bungalow is this? A friend of yours?"

Bas was nodding and smiling at that. "We met at the club last month. We keep contact with each other ever since and we have a few lunches and dinners together. We still in the 'knowing each other' state, but I think I like him. No, I think, I really love this guy. Today is his birthday party, but he prevents me from bringing any gifts. It was just a casual party, and he didn't want to make it look childish, according to him. So don't worry about any of it. And besides, I do promise to you I will introduce him to you before anything, right?"

Copter was still frowning even after he heard Bas's explanation. "And, am I invited?" Bas was laughing hearing his friend's question. "Of course, silly. I already asked him beforehand. Come."

Bas was pulling reluctant Copter and walked into the beautiful sophisticated bungalow, that right now full of person they didn't know make Copter feel anxious. He didn't really like to be in a crowd, what more of all strangers, but he knew Bas will always be there, so he just followed wherever Bas was pulling him to.

However, coming closer to a set of couches, where Bas's 'friend' was supposed to be, Bas's and Copter's step halted when their eyes fall to another couple who sit next to Bas's friend, kissing the hell out of each other. The friend of Bas, who had saw the sweet guy he met last month appeared close to the set of the couches, greet him right away. "Bas, you are here." The friend of Bas was just about to stand up and coming closer to Bas when Copter pulls his hand from Bas's hold and turning around, running away, trying to get away from this place through the crowd of people as fast as he could be.

End of Chapter 1


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