Chapter 50

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"What are you doing here? I t......" New couldn't finished his words when both his lips was attack by another pair of lips. Very familiar yet very estrange, forcing him to keeps his mouth close, preventing the intended invader of another lips or tongue.

New was keeping himself together and was trying to push hard the guy who was forcing himself unto him. It took him for almost 2 minutes to lastly able to push the other guy and was punching the guy right away.

He was just coming back to the event after dealing with an emergency matter only to see the guy was harassing his brother-in-law. For other it seems normal handshake, but he knows better. Once the guy retreat from where Copter, Tae and Kimmon were, he was standing right in front of the guy, taking his attention and was brought him here in the emergency staircase area just to have a normal talk. He forgot how the guy could never had a normal talk.

"You know what? This is why I left you Pete! Because you never tried to listen! I was tired, and I told you many times not to disturb me and my family again. But what were you doing just now?"

Pete was gritting his teeth while his hand was still rubbing at the place where New had punched him. But he was taking a step closer to New and New know he need to hold his reserved, so he stays. He knows Pete was trying to intimidate him, but he was still able to put up with it. Their face was inches away from each other, and Pete was holding New's face before he was saying in almost whisper,

"I know you don't meant any of it, New. We were so happy together and I want to go back to that time. You promised me a lot of things, and I will claim every single of it. And the top of my list is, your promised of not leaving me ever. You promised me that almost every day and I know you meant every words. I'll take you back, so don't worry. Please wait for me, baby, I'll bring you back to me. Please be patient a little bit more."

Right after finished his words, Pete was turning around trying to leave scowling New, but was stopped when New pulled him, making him turned around once again.

"What do you mean by that? Did you do something? What did you do, Pete? Tell me." New was trying to keep in his tone, trying to beg the guy, but Pete was just smile and patted on Pete's cheek two times before leaving New dumbfounded.


"Who the heck is that guy?" Kimmon was almost shouting when Copter holding his arm, calming him down, and he was able to control his tone at the last minute, avoid taking the attention from other guests. He was still talking together with his father and sister to a few other guests when he keeps his position open to keep on watching Copter. When he saw the guy was shaking Copter's hand a little bit longer than necessary and he could see how uncomfortable Copter is, he was fast excused himself and was forced that guy's hand off of Copter's.

Once the guy leave, Kimmon just wished he could punch the guy in the face. "Do you know him, Cop?" Copter was shaking his head. "Personally, no. But his company had been listed as one of the guests, so..."

Tae was frowning, thinking of something. "You, Tae? You know him?" Tae too was shaking his head. "Not really, but he did seems familiar. And when I saw him with P'New, I remember I saw him once. He is one of P'New's friends."

Kimmon was sighing frustrated, never thought that P'New would befriended that kind of guy. He didn't want to meddle, but the the guy did give a wrong vibe, and he couldn't decipher what kind of vibe, but he knew it wasn't good. But anyway, it's time to introduce Copter....and Tae, not really have to introduce Tae, still need to bring both of them to his father and sister.

"Copter, so glad to finally meet you in person." However, coming closer, Deepak was the one approached the young man, making Kimmon smiling silly behind Deepak while Copter was just smile looking straight at Deepak, while taking his handshake, taking a mental note so that he is not to act silly watching Kimmon.

"I'm glad to finally meet you, Mr. Deepak. And thank you for supporting me all this time. I should had find time to see you personally, forgive me, sir." Deepak was patting on Copter's shoulder while nodding his head.

"Don't worry young man. And, please call me uncle. Me and Darvid's family wasn't stranger to each other, right, Tae?" Deepak then turn to Tae making Tae smile and was nodding his head.

"Yes, uncle." Was only Tae's reply.

"Anyway, Copter. Meet my daughter, Kimmon's older sister, Achara." Achara then offer her hand for a handshake which Copter take it right away, with smile still plaster's on his face.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Achara. You look beautiful tonight." Achara's smile got wider hearing Copter's compliment while Kimmon was rolling his eyes upon hearing it from Copter, making Tae almost laugh to that reaction.

"Thank you. Nice meeting you too. Never thought you could be a sweet talker, though." Respond Achara.

"Of course he is. If not, he wouldn't having an affair with your son, Deepak, behind my son's back, right?" Thanachit sudden interruption making them all silent with various expression on their face.

"Dad, I told you it wasn't true. The video was fabricated, and please, I'm begging you, please don't humiliate me and Copter in front of the people here." Tae was fast coming closer to his father, before their conversation gets attention from other guests, or worse, from any reporter that was still around, even though the event was almost over.

"Did you see the video Deepak? Do you think it was fabricated?" Deepak then smiling hearing Thanachit called his name. He wasn't sure what the motive of humiliating Copter at this event, since it will bring along his family's name also with company's name if this scandal of argument leaked out.

"Which video are you referring to, Than? Your videos? My videos? My son's? Or your son's?" Deepak then coming closer to Thanachit whose expressions was turning from smirking to scowling hearing Deepak's answer.

"You knows so very well that kind of videos you are mentioning could do to your reputation that you were so keen to protect. I'm warning you right now, Than. This is the only warning I will gives you. I'm tired of your shit anymore. I was keeping my patient all this time because of my respect to late uncle, but now he is no more, not anymore. Don't you ever touch my children and their life, including their affairs. Cause if you do, you will see my rage that you or anyone else here yet to see. You don't think you were the only one with power here, Than, don't you?"

Thanachit was feeling various feelings inside, since this kind of Deepak, he was never see before. Deepak he knows is a gentle and sweet guy, that to him, he looks weak and he despised him more and more every day because his father was really dotted on this guy. They were supposed best friend turned enemies, and here he thought he knows everything about Deepak, which caught him off guard for a second there.

He cleared his throat, sending to each of the person a glare before turning around, going back to where he came from. Since Deepak was talking almost whispering to Thanachit, all of them couldn't really heard what Deepak was talking about with Thanachit. But whatever it is, they were glad that the guy could leave them alone with their conversation.

End of Chapter 50

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