Chapter 30

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"Are you waiting for me?" Copter was surprised when he saw Tae was standing at the company's lobby and when the guy saw him, he just smile his tooth smile, waiting for him coming closer. "I guess at least, someone should welcome you. My parents will never do that, of course, and P'New just didn't really want to involve with you, he said. So, here I am. Welcome to the Darvid Groups Corporation, Mr. Director."

Copter was laughing a little and was shaking his head. He didn't expect this from Tae, but at least he got the answer for his first question. "This is Wuttichai. He is my bodyguard and my personal assistant. He will be with me always, and he will be living with us in the mansion too. So, please note that."

Tae was scratch his un-itchy head a little after taking the hand of Wuttichai in introducing shake hand, confused with all decision Copter had make without even discussed with him first. "Shouldn't you asked me first regarding that?"

Copter was just smile to hear that. "Well, maybe you forgot P'Tae. That mansion is mine, the gift from grandpa for me, and I had the full right to decide anything with it. Including who can stay or not."

"Excuse me." the other voice of a woman making all three of them turning to the voice. A woman, with a yellow blouse, and a black skirt just above her knees and a round glass, coming closer to Copter, Tae and Wuttichai.

"Mr. Copter Panuwat?" She asked once she is getting closer. "Yes, I am." The woman was giving her widest smile she could give and extended her right hand to Copter after waii to him. "Nice meeting you Mr. Copter. I'm Achantika, a manager in HR department. I have been assigned to assist you on your first day today."

Copter was taking her hand for handshake, and Achantika was bowing a little when Copter  taking her hand in his hold. "Nice to meet you too."

Once Copter had released the handshake, Achantika then turn to Tae, and was bowing to him and waii to him too. "Good morning, Mr. Tae. And may I know about the gentleman here too?" Achantika was asking referring to Wuttichai who stand tall behind Copter.

"Oh, he is Wuttichai, my bodyguard and will be my personal assistant too. You don't have to worry about him, I hired him personally." Achantika was frowning a little and then gives out her hesitant smile, not really knows how to deal with a personal bodyguard, since she only prepared pass only for Copter. Knowing the confusion by Achantika, Tae step in.

"Just prepared him a guest pass, just like those we prepared for collaboration. It will do." Hearing Tae, Achantika was smiling widely once again and usher them to the VIP elevator.

"I will do that, then. So, shall we?" Achantika had took her step first followed by Copter and Tae, and Wuttichai just following them from behind. Not forgotten to watch around while walking.

Once they were arrived at the 29th floor of 30-storey building, Achantika had usher Copter, followed by Tae and Wuttichai right in front of a big door of a department room, taking the attention of 4 personnel in front of another room, making them all standing up right away.

Before they can enter the department, Tae had patted on Copter's shoulder. "Good luck on your first day. I will get back to my office. My office at the end of the hallway, if anything just call me." Copter just nods his head and Tae then leave Copter and his department's business for them to settle in. "Thank you, P'Tae."

Once all of them standing in front of the big door of Director's room, facing all the personnel, which had their desk two on the left and two on the right, Achantika start the introducing the new Director right away.

"Good morning, everyone. This is Mr. Copter Panuwat, our new Director of General Department that will start working with us today. Mr. Copter, this is Sunan, General Department Operational assistant, this is Warunya, General Department Sales assistant, Chantira, General Department Leasing assistant and last but not least, Niran, General Department Marketing assistant. And I'm originally under General Department, but I was told by former Director to be place in HR department itself so that I can deal with current issue effectively, and reported it back to General Department. I would like to know your standpoint on this, so that I know where to place myself."

While introducing all the personnel, Copter had shaken their hands one by one while they would waii before accept his shake while bowing, showing their respect, even though they could see how young the Director is. He might be the youngest Director ever in this company's history.

"Just keep doing what you are doing, Achantika, and make sure to report to me daily. I won't want to miss any issues in HR." Copter would replied to her. "Understand, sir." Achantika was replying while bowing to him.

"And for everyone, including you Achantika, I need the past three year's yearly and monthly reports and make sure all reports will be on my desk in an hour. And one thing, this is Wuttichai. He will be my personal assistant, if anything, you just can tell me through him. Any questions?"

When all of them was shaking their head, Copter was nodding and smiling. "Then, I hope we can work together well from now on. You can continue with your job." Achantika too had waii to Copter before excuse herself to her department.

After half an hour the door to Copter's room, had been knocked and opened, reveal all 5 personnel with a stack of files of reports in their hands. Wuttichai was standing up right away and was asking them to put the files on the coffee table where the set of couches were, and all of them just do what Wuttichai asked, but they can't help but to watch how Copter was sitting carefree on his seat, while putting his legs on the desk, with his right leg cross on his left leg while he keeps on playing with his tablet, ignoring all those personnel who just came in.

"Thank you for the files. You all can get back to your work." Wuttichai's words had taken them away from Copter and they were bowing to Wuttichai while reluctantly smile, trying to cover the embarrassment they saw.Talking about first impression.

Wuttichai and Copter just ignore all their reactions and Copter keeps on doing what he is doing. While the door was closing, one of the personnel was turning around and she could see how Wuttichai start opening the files of reports instead of Copter and she was shaking her head to that.

"What's wrong Chan?" Niran was asking once they were taking their own seat. "It seems true. The rumors." Niran was frowning to that. "What kind of rumors you are talking about?" Niran asked.

"That he got here just by connection of late Mr. Steve. That he didn't really knows how to do his job. That's why he hires his personal assistant, don't you think? I saw his personal assistant is the one analyze the reports, not him."

Niran was shush Chantira faster for he was afraid people would listening to them. In this kind of company, even walls had it ears. "You can't say it like that, Chan. It's only his first day. We can't judge him, and we didn't have any right to judge him. Ignore the rumors, and let's just do our jobs right, okay."

Chantira was smiling sheepishly to that, since she knows what Niran had said was all true. She was always affected by rumors but Niran was always there to remind her not to succumb into several of rumors. "Okay. You were right. Thanks Niran."

Niran was nodding his head and then shaking his head before focused on the monitor in front of him.

End of Chapter 30

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