Chapter 8

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"I know both of you are still angry with me. And Bas must hate me to death right now. I know, of course, I know. But, guys, I was stuck in the middle. One side was all of you, another side is my family and Tee is another side. I care about all of you....."

"Yeah, except for Copter..."

Tae was speechless when Bas had cut his words abruptly. It was 3 weeks after Copter's funeral when finally Tae had enough courage to face his friends. Bas didn't want to meet the guy, but Godt had persuaded him. "Just let hear him out, okay?" Godt was telling him that which in the end Bas had given in to Godt's persuasion.

Godt had to hold Bas's hand, trying to stop him from lashing out to the guy, again. He really wanted to save their friendship actually and he really wanted to hear from Tae's side of the story. He at least wanted to be fair to Tae. He is their best friend for years, and he didn't plan to end it just like that.

Tae would just look down the floor since he knew Bas was right. 'Yeah, except for Copter.'

"Yeah, I know I was a bastard, Bas. I know now, how much I had make Copter suffered. From you, from Auntie Jingjoo, and I know he did a lot of things for me, without I even realize it. But, Bas, no matter how regret I was, it was all too late. I wronged him, for so many things, for so long. I know." Tae couldn't help but shed tears of regret. He wallowed to that feeling all this time, and he wasn't sure if he ever could recover from that.

"It was a wedding none of us wanted it. My dad hated it to the core, for a reason I too never asked, but he had to agree because no one defies my grandfather. The only person who really wanted this marriage to happen was my grandfather. Nobody knows the reason why. He didn't tell until his last moment.

We were stupefied, we don't have a choice. He had changed the will that was favorable to Copter, but nobody knows what the will said if Copter had died. When the share was supposed to be Copter's was managed by the trustee that was appointed by my late grandfather, my father was so furious.

That was the main reason he forbid me from going to the funeral, even as far as locking me inside my own mansion. Being locked up in the mansion, only then I get to know how much Copter had been doing things for me, that I never realized what more to appreciate it. My relationship with Tee is messed up.

He just, just.....I don't understand. He just changed and cut me out after Copter's death. No calls, no messages, not even replying to any of my calls and messages. I was so clueless, and my life turned upside down now, with everything that happened, the regrets I felt, I don't even know anything anymore. Please, guys, don't leave me. I need you both. I have no one now. Please."

It was a silent moment for a few minutes until Kimmon had to take in a deep breath and breath it out loud, taking the attention from everyone present.

Kimmon then was standing up and he already hearing everything he needs to hear from Tae, making all of them looking up at him.

"I heard what I need to hear from you, Tae. Hearing it from your side, I know I shouldn't, no, I mean, I know I don't want to blame you, I know, but I can't help but feel angry at you, Tae. I wished, Oh I wished for so many things, that I never ever had before because of Copter, but Tae, I wished you had told us about it sooner, but you, you don't trust us enough. With everything that had happened in your life, we, your only best friends, don't know a single thing, and you decided not to tell us because we weren't so important to you. At least, that's how I feel.

At the same time, you tortured, you make an innocent man suffered, who was caught up in your family's war of inheritance, and for what?! I saw him that day, Tae. I saw how it hurts him and how vulnerable he was, crouching beside the lonely road, alone, crying his heart out. It was so hard for him that he couldn't even breathe till he had a panicked attack. If I wasn't there, he might have died because of it, but thinking about it again, I think that would be much better than died burning in a car. Poor Copter.

It keeps on haunting me every night that I wished I knew him sooner and so that I could be someone he can depend on, even only as a friend. He was the only person that could capture my heart only to die on me before I get to hear his voice, Tae. I don't even get the second chance of meeting him again, only to see him.......

I don't think I could face you for a while, Tae. Since you are here, I'll let you know, I'll be leaving in three days. I decided to find my own peace of mind while giving my service to people. I'll come back when I'm ready. Well, if I ever."

Kimmon was about to leave when Godt had pulled him, forcing him to turn to them once again. "Won't you change your mind? It was a life you never live in. You were so used to live in the big city, and living on the tiny island was so much different. Please, Kimmon. I'm afraid for you. You know how much I care about you. You are like my brother, you know that."

Kimmon was sighing while he pulled Godt's hand off his wrist carefully so that he wouldn't hurt Godt's feelings while doing it. "I'll be okay and I'll be in touch. You know me. I'm good at adapting to a new place. This, all this hit me so hard, I couldn't bear it, Godt. You know how hard for me to fall in love and....I need time, Godt, please." Kimmon's eyes were watery and he was trying hard not to break down again. He had been crying so much all this time and right now wasn't time for that.

"Kim, I...." Tae was trying to say something when Kimmon had gave him a glare. Something he rarely does, since he was a very calm man, which makes Tae, shocked and stunned. "Don't tell me you are sorry, because that was the last thing I wanted to hear from you, Tae. Just keeps on living your life like before all this, and be as ignorant as you always be, Tae. At least, it would be easier for me to keeps on blaming and hating you."

Kimmon then turns to Godt and his tone turns soft and small. "I need to go. There are so many things I need to settle before moving. See you later, Bas."

Without waiting for any response, Kimmon then turn and walked away, leaving the bungalow that had been his second home for years now.

"I wish Copter had married to someone like Kimmon, or maybe to him than you, Tae. He was so desperate to feel the love and care from his husband that he tried so hard to win your heart. Did you think he will get out and find solace in someone else's arms when he was married to you? Copter was just like that. Living his life following the right morals which in the end all he gets was suffering. We were orphans, and when he had to marry you, a rich man, I thought his life could turn to be better, but I was wrong. I was so wrong....oh my pitiful bestie Copter."

Godt had come close to his lover and was hugging him tightly. It was hard for Bas. Godt had been a great lover and was supporting Bas wholeheartedly even though sometimes he didn't have enough sleep for Bas tends to have nightmares from time to time.

"Knows that what you did had affected so many people, Tae. I think for a while, let's just live our lives, and after some time, maybe we could sit together again and talk casually at each other as friends again. But for now, let's just take our time. This is your choice anyway, so learn to live with it. I need to bring Bas to rest in the room. Till we meet again, Tae."

End of Chapter 8

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