Chapter 11

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"So, you are saying, after night and nights of rendezvous with a various person, that you refer to as 'night's adventure', you are having a steady relationship right now, and that is with a guy! A guy!"

Thawan Thanit, Godt's father had raised his voice after his son had told him and his wife about the steady relationship he had. At first, hearing that their son had a steady relationship, Thawan and Dareung had breath out a pleasant sigh and was smiling widely to that. How much they were anticipated to that. They had wished for this for how long already now.

But to have a steady relationship with a guy is another story.

"Dad, pl....." Thawan had raised his hand, showing his palm to Godt right away, stopping his attempt to talk.

"Don't you think you were just curious, Godt? Maybe....just..maybe.."

"Dad, you know me. I will not tell you this if I wasn't sure myself. I know this news wasn't a piece of great news for both of you, but, I need to be clear about me and him to you both. I don't want to hide him from you or from anyone else. I love him that much, dad, mom. And, he too, love me for who I am. I never know I will meet someone who actually appreciates me for who I am, not for being your son before I met him, dad."

"Can you trust him? Maybe that's exactly what he needs you to see."

"You should meet with him, mom, then you will know I'm not bluffing."

"No, no one's going to meet anyone. You should left. and dad need time to process this. Leave, now."

Godt was sighing out loud hearing his dad. It's not that he didn't understand his dad's position, but still, it hurts him how his dad reacts to this fact.

"I know how this very fact would hurt you mom, dad. But I don't want to keep things from you. You know how I never wanted to lie to you in any circumstances and now is the same. I fell in love with him, and I'm really in love with him, dad. I want you to know that I'm really serious about him and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I just want you to know that. I'll take my leave for now. I love you mom, dad."

Godt slowly standing up from his seat and was hoping his father would at least glance at him before he left, but the old guy was just looking on his side, so was his mom who keeps on looking down at her own hands. With another sigh, Godt makes his step out of his parent's house.

He knew he hurt them, but Bas had been his life for months now, and every day, the feeling he had inside for that guy had grown more and more, he couldn't cope up. The feelings were so foreign to him yet not in a bad way, in fact, he was never been this happy in life, since he never had that kind of feel even though he had dating a few times before. But the relationship he had always physical, and nothing more.

Even though he was scared of these feelings, still, he knew he is happy, and he never thought he will ever feel this high on cloud nine. So happy that he never thought this kind of happiness ever existed, yet he feels it. So, he was determined to keep these feelings inside, and of course, to make the person who makes him felt all these feelings always stay by his side. Then, he knew, this is his commitment.

His parents might be disappointed in him, but he knows they couldn't be angry at him for long. Even if they are, he will persuade them no matter how long it takes. He was the only heir of Thanit's Hotel and Leisure, the 5-star hotel chain in the country. Even now, he already works in the company as one of the directors. He still needs to face his dad in the company, and he sighs to that. Everything will take time, and time he will give and take.


"Tae, please. I'm really sorry. I'm begging you, please forgive me. I love you, for real, I really love you for real now, Tae. I'm sorry for lying to you for so long, but I can't lose you now. I don't care about anything else now. I just want to be with you. Please, Tae. I don't know where to go anymore. My family had abandoned me. Please, not you too."

Tee keeps on messaging Tae and was begging and begging Tae nonstop. Reading at the message, Tae was sighing so hard. The truth is, he really is missing the guy. But, still, he felt betrayed. When he thought about how much he did for him, and the consequences that come after, he just couldn't face the guy. At least, not for now. He needs a little bit more time for himself.

Tae turns off the phone without replying to the string of messages from Tee, not even bothered if Tee could have known he had read those messages.

"Still fighting?" that sudden voice from behind him makes him jolt a little, but seconds after that, he had given the voice's owner a glare. "Why so bitter, relax, man." Korn had taken the seat opposite Tae at the restaurant. They both just about to have their lunch when Korn had excused himself to the men's first and Tae had taken any seat available near the window when he received the message from Tee.

"You obviously love the guy too much Tae. I don't know why you are angry for this long, but I think you should give him a chance. Or, just end it for real. This situation doesn't really give you an advantage, so does him."

Tae was thinking about Korn's word. In a way, that guy's advice sounds reliable, only he didn't have the full pictures of what really happened in Tae's life. Korn was one of the many people who didn't know about his marriage and, of course, the death of his late husband.

"You don't understand, Korn. All this time, he never really loves me, but pretended he did for a reason I don't know and he never mentions it. I only realize it after everything was too late for me." Tae replies to Korn's words after they both had given the order to the server who approaches them as soon as Korn's finished his words.

"Don't you ask him the reason? And, too late for what?" Korn's curiosity getting up as always every time they discussed things, making Tae sigh to that. He really didn't want to answer the guy, but he knows Korn enough of how the guy could be so annoying and will keep pestering him until he gets the answer. He could never leave his curiosity unanswered.

"No, I don't. I felt betrayed by the fact that he was never really sincere with me from the start, so nope. Go to h*ll with his reasoning, I don't need it. And for the second question, you don't have to know the details, just know that everything....everything was just.... too late."

Tae's voice was almost inedible towards the end of his words that makes Korn frowning. Actually, he was curious about Tae for quite some time already. Since the day he came back from his three days off work, for a reason he didn't know either, Tae had been down ever since. Tae wasn't as usual Tae that he knows. In a sense.

"Whatever that is, I hope you have someone who could help you or someone who could hear your whine, Tae. You shouldn't close yourself this way. I'm afraid you will get down to a depression state. I see you every day. And I can always see the state you were in. You realize or not, you are my friend, and I care for you as much."

Tae could only give Korn his bitter smile. "I wonder if you would support me if you know what I did, Korn. I couldn't forgive myself even, and my best friends put their distance from me. I couldn't blame them, though. What I did was unforgivable."

Korn was frowning more hearing Tae's words. Tae he knew was someone full of pride, and to see this type of Tae, he was actually astonished by this turn of personality. What kind of things did he do to change himself this much?

Right after Tae finished his words, only then things occurred to him. He felt so betrayed by Tee's insincere against him, but Copter had been ignored his whole existence in his life, living alone by himself in that mansion. And that, how many times he told the guy to his face how much he loves his boyfriend and that he should just f*ck off from his life. He was rubbing his face hard with a heavy sigh as the realization hits him, again. It seems like it had been an endless cycle, which he wasn't sure if it ever will stop.

End of Chapter 11

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