Chapter 15

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"Thada! Come and take your sit. I'll prepare drinks for both of you." Sandee then just walked away, heading to the clinic's pantry leaving Kimmon frowning and Thada just make a guilty face while shaking his head. He knows better how Sandee is.

"Good evening doctor. I'm Thada, Sandee's friend." Thada had coming inside the room and was offering his handshake which Kimmon took it right away. "I'm Kimmon. Please, have a seat."

Thada had took the seat that Sandee had occupied previously and was looking straight at Kimmon which Kimmon too was watching the guy the whole time from the time he arrived just now. "Hmm..before we start with this sudden interview, I'll be honest with you. This is unexpected, really. This clinic is still new, we were just opened, less than a month. It wasn't profitable, but I still could manage with the help from the parent hospital. What I'm trying to say is that, I for sure couldn't afford to pay you high."

Thada was smiling to Kimmon's statement. "It is fine with me. It's been my dream my whole life to work here at my hometown. My parents weren't at their best anymore and I want to settle down here so I could take care of them. I'm just a simple person, and I think I have enough experience outside. It's time for me to come and serve here, if you willing to take me in."

Kimmon was nodding his head and was asking to see the file Thada brought with him. Reading it, it was all the same what Sandee had told him and a few minutes after reading all those files, Kimmon had closed it back and turning his attention back to the guy in front of him.

"Well, if you say so....and I think an assistant will let me have a little extra time for myself. You know, I still didn't have full tour in this island, so, I'll accept you. When are you going to start?"

Before Thada could answer him, the door already open and Sandee had walking in with a tray of drinks in her hands. "He is ready to work anytime, doctor. Oh, I need to call you both differently. I'm going to call Doctor Kim and Doctor Thada."

Putting the tray on the table, Sandee had spread her hand for a handshake to Thada. At the same time Kimmon's phone had make a beep sound, telling him he receive a message. "Welcome back home, Thada." Sandee and Thada had just having their handshake when Kimmon jump with his hand high in the air, screaming "Yes!" startle both of them.


Kimmon was smiling widely and sweetly standing beside his car, waiting at the front gate of the Chaichana's house, while watching Kit walking towards him. That makes Kit uncomfortable walking while keeps on rubbing behind his neck, trying to wash off the awkwardness of the situation he was in right now. Coming closer, Kimmon was never even take a glance away from Kit the moment the guy coming out from the main door of the house.

"You look too happy about this. Are you sure you are not crazy?" Kit who just reached right in front of Kimmon making the statement right away. Seriously, they just met a few times. What's wrong with this guy, really.

Kimmon was just about to open the car's door for Kit, when the shorter guy stopped him fast. "I think I'm still capable of opening a car door for myself."Kimmon then taking up his hand both, making a surrender position while never lose his smile. There's nothing that can ruin his mood right now.

Once he received the message earlier that evening, Kimmon just left the clinic right away, leaving it up to Sandee to close the clinic, making Sandee and Thada dumbfounded with the handsome doctor's reaction.

Kimmon and Kit were on their way to the dinner promise by Kimmon. Reaching at the seaside restaurant, Kit was dumbfounded with the setup. It was a special place set up by the beach with four lights surrounding the table, making a private space, with a candle holder on the middle of the table, and with flowers decoration around.

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