Chapter 48

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It was the day of the event. Copter was so busy, making sure everything was in correct order, denying him of sleep for two night in a row. He was able to take a nap at most half-hour from time to time, taking a rest enough at the same time making sure everything was ready as it should be. This was the first event for him to handle, too many eyes watching him like a hawk, waiting for him to do mistake and finally finding the reason to strip him from his position. It was a high position, a young boy like him don't deserved it, according to some people.

It was already 7.00 pm while the event will start at 8.00pm. Copter was so busy making sure preparation for the opening event went safely and accordingly, while standing tall in his white tuxedo, that he didn't had time to check at the kitchen, just receiving the report from Warunya, telling him everything was in order, and him, not to worry. Not until Niran running to him, when he was checking the rope setting by the technician, with an anxious face.

"What's wrong? Anything wrong with the registration, or any complaint from the guest?" Niran was taking his time calming his fast breathing while shaking his head. By the time he was calm enough, Ice was already standing behind Copter, leaving whatever he did, Niran seems to have much bigger problem than what already in his hand. "Not my part. Its.....its the kitchen. When I passed by the kitchen, the kitchen was still empty, and I couldn't contact Warunya. Her phone is off. I tried to call the restaurant that was supposed to serve tonight, but they said we never make the order. They never received any calls from us. I tried to ask if they were available right now, but they already had another event right now, boss. What should we do?"

Hearing that, Copter was taking past strides heading to the kitchen, not before telling the technician to keep doing his job carefully, and that he will check it later.

True enough, the kitchen was empty with no single soul reside in, when the food should have been served start at 8.30, right after opening ceremony. Shit.

He tried to call Warunya, and true to Niran's words, the phone is off. Double shit. He should know things like this will happened, while he was so thankful just half an hour before that everything had gone smoothly. Too soon to be thankful, he jinx at himself.

He turns to Ice and Niran.

"Ice, please double check, and test the rope a few times to make sure nothing will go wrong in the opening ceremony later. Check all the participant too, make sure they are fully ready 15 minutes before time." Ice was nodding his head and was turning back heading to where they come from before.

"Niran, please make sure registration process was smooth and entertain the guest while waiting. I'll be there shortly. I'll handle things here." Reluctantly, Niran too had nodding his head going back to his original place. Somehow, he was worried about his boss and the event. If the guest ends up with empty plate, his boss will face big problems, and might even fired from his post.

He was skeptical about Warunya's suggestion of using outside restaurant instead of the hotel's food service. Mr. Copter was reluctant at first, but they did the testing all together, and the restaurant's food was better than the hotel as her suggestion, making everyone agree to the decision. So, they ended up just renting the kitchen space instead the hotel's food service. Now, it was too late to go back to hotel's food service, and he wonder how his boss will deal with this in less than an hour. Impossible!

The reason Copter sent everyone away was so he could call his dad. In this type of problem, his dad is the only option, and he hope his dad could help him. It doesn't took long for the call to be connected. As expected from his dad, the old man never leave behind his phone.

"Yes, Copter. What is it? I thought you have an event today." Prem was saying right away, without giving a chance for Copter to even say hi. Guess, curiosity took over him fast.

"Yes, dad. I called because of it. I need your help."


"Really? Can't wait to see his face and everyone else. Don't ever appear tonight." Thanachit was ending the call right away, while he was still in the car, on the way to the hotel, heading for supposed to be the biggest donation event of the company for the year. But he was smirking to it, making Vanida beside him scowling.

"Who is that, and what's with that smirk on your face?" she asked, but Thanachit never felt the need to answer that woman's question. The only reason why that woman was still beside him, being his wife, was that he didn't want to show the world that his family is a trouble one. His image is important to him, since he was aiming further power than only being a CEO of a company. It was just a puny power than what he was aiming for.

Vanida just scowl to the man beside him. It's not like she wanted the attention from him, she was just curious. And if it was a call from any women he slept with, she would never care anyway. Knowing that she will never get the answer, Vanida turns her head away from the said man and turn towards outside the window.

Not long after that, the luxury car they were in was stop in front of the Starry Sky Hotel, and the driver and the assistant were fast opening the car's door for both of them. Emerging from the car to the red carpet, just like an auto switch, both of them were smiling to each other and Thanachit was waiting for Vanida until Vanida walk coming closer to him, hooking her left arm to the right arm of Thanachit before both heading straight to the hall where the event taking place.

Arriving to the hall, the couple had taking the attentions of the press who were already waiting for the guesses of the event. Copter, Tae, and the other shareholders were just watching them taking their step, while still giving the smile and waves to all the reporters. Flashes are everywhere, until they arrive at the same table with Copter and Tae. Both husband and husband was standing right away, giving waii to their parents.

Thanachit was giving out a scowl for a second, and before anyone realize it, he changed back his expression. He was thinking that Copter was so calm for someone who should have a big problem for the event. And besides, he even have times to entertain him and the other shareholders, including the people from the cancer's organization. However, he had faith, and he knew he will never failed his plan.

"I'm sorry gentlemen, I need to take my place. The event will start in a moment." Hearing Copter's voice making Thanachit out from his reverie. The calmness that Copter shown on his face was just like thorns pricking his heart. How he hates the younger guy! Still, he force himself a smile in front of his 'son-in-law', since he knew, everybody was watching them, even the press.


"P'Kim, where are you? The event was going to start any minutes now." Getting away from all those gentlemen, Copter was dialing Kimmon's number.

"Sorry, babe. Just arrive. The traffic was bad. I am here with my father and sister. I'll introduce them to you later. Well, as Tae's husband, for now." Kimmon's tone was low towards the end of his words, and that was making Copter feels sad. He always pity his P'Kimmon for this situation, and this situation at the event makes it worse. He wished he could do something about this, or maybe, his P'Kimmon should just dating someone proper, instead of a guy, stuck in complicated life like him.

"I loves you, P'Kim. So much. Wish me luck, okay?" Copter's eyes was watery while saying this, but he's trying to control his tone so that it sounded casually as usual. Still, Kimmon not buying it. Who knows him better anyway, if not for Kimmon?

"Of course you will do great, Cop. You are a great person. Love you too. So very much." Kimmon was ending the call, and was fast catching up with his father and sister. He was letting them walked ahead when he received the call from Copter just now.

Once they were settle at their seat, the announcement begin.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seat and get ready for the biggest event of the year!"

End of Chapter 48

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