Chapter 14

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The next day, Kimmon was once again appeared at their door with a box of kitkat in his hands. When Kit opening the door, Kimmon was showing the box with a guilty smile on his face, "I'm here to apologize properly to you. But this wasn't all, I was planning to take you to dinner out this weekend, if you could accept my invitation and my apology."

Kit was looking straight at Kimmon with unamused face for a few more seconds and then he was just opening the door wide open, giving Kimmon space to get into the house, earning a chuckling from Knock who was standing not far from the door.

"Welcome, Doc. Dinner's ready. Put that box on that tea table, he will jump out of joy later tonight." Knock's comment earned him a glare from Kit that makes him make his step fast to the dining area.

"Take a seat, Doc. But, you are aware, right? I don't give you any response for your question yesterday. Still, asking him out for dinner is a good start for him to mingle with others, so, yes, I'll approve it." Prem's words makes Kimmon smiling more widely, but Kit was just ignore his father and was just taking his usual seat at the dining table.

"I'll accept the kitkat. I'll give my answer for the dinner later. Till then, don't come here as you please." Kimmon was nodding his head to Kit's decision. "Okay. Fair enough. But I want you to know that you will not regret if you accept my invitation. I'll make sure of it."

Kit just rolled his eyes to that.

The dinner went just fine after that. It was normal, yet it was enjoyment to Kimmon, though he wished he could see some reaction from Kit, but this is more than enough.


It's been 3 days, but Kimmon didn't receive any answers from Kit for the dinner. Just like the guy had ask him to, he didn't appeared at their door for the meantime, and tomorrow was already the weekend that he had anticipated so much.

Don't ask him why it had to be Kit, and don't tell him he shouldn't do any of this. He didn't want to think about anything else, just that, he wanted to be happy. And Kit makes him happy, and he was hoping Kit would be happy because of him too.

He was already sighing countless times already making Sandee shaking her head almost everytime hearing him. "Doc, are you okay? You keep on sighing, and then you will look at your phone. Is there any problem? Or are you waiting for anyone? Can I do anything to help you?"

It was already evening, almost closing time, and currently no patient waiting. Kimmon was just sighing out loud hearing Sandee's string of questions.

"Doc, if you didn't want to talk about it, can I discuss something else with you?" Kimmon then looking up at Sandee who was already taking a seat in front of his desk, making a curious face but still nodding his head to that question.

"Hmmm....I know you can manage, I mean, on your own, and so far, you didn't have any problem treating the patient. But, are you interested on hiring a doctor to help ease your schedule?" Kimmon was frowning to that and was looking intently on Sandee, trying to guess her intention.

"You are not telling everything. Who is it? Someone you know? Hmm....your lover?" Kimmon was making a speculation and watching Sandee's reaction, he knows he guess it right. He was laughing to that. "Where is he working now? Or was he unemployed?"

"Bangkok. He works at a private hospital, he had finish his residents years and now is already a full-time salaried doctor. He is good in emergency department, and general medication is his expertise." Hearing Sandee, Kimmon was frowning more to it.

"He already had a good job down there. Why would he want to work here, in this small clinic? You know I couldn't afford paying him the same pay he got right now, if and only if I want to hire him." Kimmon's response was just making Sandee smile widely.

"It was always our ambitions to open a clinic here at our own village. At the time, we didn't know opening up a clinic would be needed so much capital we couldn't afford, even though we were a professional already now. As long as it was here, it doesn't matter how much we get paid, Doc."

Hearing Sandee, Kimmon felt warm in his heart. Somehow, he felt proud for this young people of their own sweet dreams and ambition. Giving her his sweet smile, Kimmon response to her. "Ask him to come see me when he is able to."

"How about right now?"Kimmon was shocked was understatement, but Sandee just keeps on talking, like what she said wasn't that shocking news. Well, maybe not to her, but to Kimmon, this was all so unexpected.

"The business hours already over, and you will still here, at your seat. So, can I ask him to come over?" Kimmon wasn't usually a slow person, but this woman surely was one h*ll of character that could put him in that slow state without him realizing it. He wasn't really gives her any response when she already dialing someone's number, which he thought the other doctor who really want to work here.

"You can come now. Doctor Kimmon is expecting you, and be fast." Kimmon was scratching his unitchy head, while Sandee was just smiling telling him she was satisfied with everything going on right now.

"So, still didn't want to tell me about the person you are waiting for almost a whole day today? Thinking back, you didn't really had a good mood this few days, compare to the early of the week. Care to share?"

Sandee's question taking Kimmon back to his own problem, to the response to his dinner to the person he was waiting the whole day today. So, he was looking at his phone right away, hoping, but he receive none message from the said guy making him sigh again, still disappointed.

Sandee who just watch Kimmon's action just shaking her head while she still wondering and curiously thinking of the reason this handsome doctor would be sighing over and over again.

Did he fell in love with a women here? Local? Who is it? Should she be worried? Those cunning women in her village were all could not be trusted. They might be using this handsome doctor just to get a higher status in life. If that's the truth, she needs to prevent it from happening.

Doctor Kimmon needs to be protected. This guy is one innocent man she ever met. He might looks sophisticated and all, but he was just an innocent man that could trust even a devil. Now, that makes her worried more for the said guy.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Kimmon was asking when he realized Sandee was actually staring at him with her small eyes, while making a suspicious face, making him astonished to that sudden change of reaction.

"Who is she? Tell me, now!" Her question was once again making him frown.


"The girl you were waiting for a message or a call. It was a woman, isn't it?"

Kimmon was scratching his unitchy head once again. "What makes you think it was a girl?" Kimmon was asking her again.

"So, it wasn't a woman. You weren't interested in any women? Good. It's very good. If you decided to like a woman, don't choose any from this island. Never!"

Her vehement tone was making Kimmon a little laugh and he was shaking his head to that. Few seconds after that, he heard the knock on the door, making Sandee standing up right away, and opening the door, reveal another handsome young man, while both of them smiling back at him.

End of Chapter 14

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