Chapter 9

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Kimmon had just landed at the Trat Airport, and was waiting for his contact person, Knock, to come and fetch him. Knock was suppose to wait for him, but the car he used to get him having a problem that makes him late to arrive at the airport.

He was left alone from Bangkok. He forbids his friends and even family from sending him to the airport, afraid he will change his mind at the last minute. He knew he decided this very firmly, but he could be weak sometimes, and he wanted to evade that at all cost. He needs this. He really really needs this.

Copter's death was unexpectedly affected him in a way he never expected, which is, hard. Harder than when he lost his grandmother two years ago. His mother died giving birth to him, so his grandmother was everything and when he thought he took losing Copter was harder than losing his grandmother, he felt guilty for his late grandmother, but he knows he still missing the old woman so much. He wonders what will she said in his current condition, thus, making him miss her so much too.

He knew he was interested in Copter the first time he saw him. He cares for him because of his situation, but he guesses, the eyes full of sorrow had hooked him to the core. Still, he could see the honesty in those eyes and the disappointment too. When he saw the dimple briefly, only then he knew, he was a goner.

He was trying so hard to finish the surgery he was in at the time so that he could tend to Copter as fast as he could. But, when he came back to the room Copter was supposedly in, he was gone, and since then, he was desperate to see the guy again.

He never thought things would turn out this badly after they first meet when he was just started to....

Well, love was something, some feelings foreign to him, except for his family, of course. He has never been in any relationship, and never interested in one, which makes his late grandmother worried about him so much until her last day.

Despite his cold heart, people thought he had, since he didn't respond to any relationship offer from any women, even guys, people had labelled him that, he actually has a dream to have only one lover and to be loyal to that one person his whole life. He was waiting for that moment all this time. And to that, his heart has already chosen Copter, and he guesses, because of how his fate had to play him, being someone with a cold heart was suited him best, maybe.

He will need some time to think about love or relationship....if he ever will. Falling for someone who already married was bad enough, but to die on him in a very bad way possible, he really needs time to heal himself from all of this agony, even though he wasn't confident enough he would ever heal.

"Doc...." The voice had taken him away from his unstoppable thoughts and his attention turn to a familiar face smiling at him. Another guy who came with Knock was taking his entire luggage and put it in the car boot. "Hi, Knock." He greets the guy with a small smile he could give. "I'm sorry Doc, for making you wait. We had to change the car since it will take time to fix that other car."

Kimmon was just smiling at it. "Don't worry. You don't make me wait for long anyway. So, we good to go?" Knock was nodding his head while replying and opening the car's door for Kimmon. "Yes, of course." Once they were all inside the car, Kimmon who was curious about the big box of Kitkat chocolate bar sitting on the seat beside him was asking Knock right away.

"So many Kitkat. You seem to really love it." Knock was giving out his small laugh while the driver was just smiling at it. Knock turn behind from his passenger seat so he could face Kimmon and reply to him.

"It's for my baby brother. He loves Kitkat so much and would ask for it every time I'm going out to town. I hope you don't mind the box sitting there." Kimmon just nods his head and smiles to Knock. "I'm fine with it, don't worry." The conversation stops right there when Kimmon turns his head to the window and was looking outside. From time to time, he will turn to the box and then would turn outside the window, with a blank mind. He just didn't want to think about anything, but to just start a new life in a very stranger place.

"All the equipment in the clinic had been set up and ready, Doc. You just have to test it tomorrow, and I'll be there with you for the testing. Is there anything you need for the clinic, Doc?" Knock's sudden question after the silence for some time makes him jolt a little bit and he turned to him fast, making Knock smiling sheepishly, feeling sorry for that he kind of make the handsome doctor startled.

"Nothing for now. I'll let you know if I need anything else later. You will help me for it, right?" Knock was smiling and nodding his head. "Of course, Doc. Always ready at your service. Anyway, you could talk to nurse Sandee too, she had more resources than I am since she lives on the island her whole life."

"I will."


Kimmon had settled down at his new home, just behind the clinic, at Koh Mak island. It was just a small island, more than a 5-hour journey from Bangkok to the Krom Luang pier and another 1 hour with a speedboat just to reach the island. The island didn't have a proper clinic which forces its residents to take boats just to have medical treatment to Trat town. (I made this up. I don't know the real situation on the island)

That's how Kimmon decided to build his own clinic here while trying to have his own getaway from everything, for a while, though, not sure for how long. And the location of the island is between two bigger islands, Koh Chang and Koh Kood, which makes it a strategic place for people from the two islands to come to his clinic for treatment.

He didn't build the clinic for any profit, considering the residents was majoring in people working in rubber or coconut plantations. The only profit he could gain the most of are from tourists, but that wasn't his focused either. The hospital he worked at back in Bangkok is own by his family, and his father is still healthy and eager to run the hospital. There is still his sister if his father needed backup. His sister is a doctor just like him, but she is in the neuro department, a neurologist, and her way to turn to a neurosurgeon.

"Doc, tonight, my father had invited you to have dinner at our house. I'll come to pick you up at 6, okay." Knock had said before he left Kimmon with his luggage at his house. Well, Knock had been so helpful for every arrangement he needed in order to settle down here.

Kimmon's father was against this idea of him at first, but after the slow talk with the old man, at last, he permits it and had given his full support to Kimmon. This is his choice anyway.


"Please add more, Doc. My father is a good cook, isn't he?" Kimmon was waving his hand to Knock who had tried to add more rice to his plate for the second time. "Oh, please, I'm full already. But yes, Mr. Prem was a very good cook. I enjoy all the food tonight. Thank you so much Mr. Prem, for inviting me to this dinner tonight."

Prem, Knock's father just smiles hearing the young doctor's compliment. He was a cook, a retired one, so it wasn't a brainer. He still had his skill, and he still needs to cook for his sons. "Anyway, Knock. You talked about your baby brother, but I couldn't see him around. Is he not living here with you?"

Kimmon had said while he washed his hand with a manual hand-washer that was prepared on the table while looking at Knock and Prem alternately.

"Kit? You told him about Kit?" Prem had asked Knock and Knock was nodding his head while smiling widely. "He saw the box of Kitkat, dad. That's how he knows about Kit." Prem was laughing a little before turning to Kimmon once again.

"He gets his KitKat. He took it too much earlier this evening, so, no dinner. He must have been in his room, playing video games. He'll come down looking for food late at night later. Since then, he will not come out from his room."

Kimmon was frowning at that comment. This father and brother had spoiled the boy so much, he thought, but he didn't comment anything on that.

"So, ready to start the business tomorrow?" Prem was changing the topic making Kimmon turn to him. Before he could answer that, Prem cut him once again. "Since we finished our meal, let's continue at the parlor. I have my collection of liquor, though not an expensive one. Come."

Kimmon was shocked that this simple house had a parlor with a liquor's collection. He was just following the old man with Knock tailing behind them. He watched Prem opening one of the glass cabinets and taking out a bottle of liquor with three glasses and joined them at one of the circle tables and had to pour the liquor into each of the glasses for each of them.

"So, back to my question again. Ready to start the business tomorrow?"

End of Chapter 9

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