Chapter 44

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"How did they could come so fast? How did they know our location? No one supposed to know that building, even Tee himself! So why?!"

It was the night of the day the kidnapping happened when they have safely arrived at their usual hangout, Pete was screaming his heart out to Weerawat, the head of the gang who he put under his wings especially for this purpose of getting back New to his side, while throwing everything around him. "I don't know boss. My boys will never betrayed me, and besides, nobody had any connection to those guys. I'll be looking into it, boss."

Says Weerawat trying to calm this young crazy guy in front of him. It was irritating enough he had to listen and taking order from this guy, and now he even had to deal with his temper. He was sure this guy is crazy, but as sure as he was, he knows he couldn't mess with the guy. He knows better than that. Besides, he need the guy's support. Despite being crazy, he was much generous when it comes to money, and he and his gang need that the most.

"You and your excuse!! I don't care! I want that guy Copter back. How dare he escape from me!!! No one's escaping from me! You want to make it personal?! Let make it personal Copter!" Pete then turn to Weerawat and coming closer to him with his expression enough to almost make Weerawat pissed himself.

Pete's face was right in front of Weerawat's face, nose almost touching each other. With a low voice, he delivered his order.

"From today onward, I want Copter's movement been monitored 24 hours. And report to me every hour of his movement. He will be my focus. Ask Thanachit to come to see me tonight. I want to have dinner with him."

Unable to look straight at Pete's eyes, Weerawat was looking down, with sweat on his forehead. With a control low voice, he replied to the guy, "Yes, boss."

Only then Pete was away from Weerawat's face and only then the old guy could take in deep breath, which he didn't realize he was almost stop breathing with the guy's face on his face, ever so closely.


The reason Copter was ask Knock to fetch him was because Knock could arrange a dummy way for him to get out from the mansion to their place for serious discussion regarding the seriousness of the situation he just had face yesterday.

He knows the crazy guy wouldn't just let him go just like that, and for that, the guy might had someone following him around. Still, it was only guest, but it wasn't hurt to be cautious. So after he asked Kimmon to send him off to the mansion after they have their breakfast together today, he called Knock right away.

For that, Knock had used the usually food truck to sneaked Copter out of the mansion safely without being detected by whoever it was that might follow or watch Copter.

Reaching the house, the base they use for every mission, Prem was fast taking Copter into his hugs. He really missed the boy and truthfully, he was dead afraid for Copter for the incident yesterday. Receiving the hugs he understand that much, Copter was rubbing his dad's back trying to calm that old man's down.

"I'm okay, dad. And I missed you so much too. I'm sorry I couldn't contact you much all these times." Copter had talked right away once Prem tear the hugs.

"Just make sure you are okay. Always." Prem was half demand and half pleading, for he didn't want to be hard on the boy. Copter was nodding his head for his dad while smiling.

"So, let's get to business, shall we?" Knock was cutting in taking the attention of the two sweet man in front of him. He loves very much.

They were all was about to take a step heading to the work room when Copter saw someone was coming out from it.

"Wutt? Wasn't you supposed to be lying rest on the hospital bed now? You still need time for recuperating. You hurt real badly, I know that." Copter was the one question the guy who wasn't supposed to be there.

"I know, and for that I'm sorry I couldn't be by your side for the time being. But, I wanted to be useful, and I think my IT skill is useful at this time. So, I'm going to help in that way, while recuperating." Hearing Wuttichai, Copter was frowning, but he knows how stubborn the guy is. He just didn't want to waste his breath for nothing.

"As long as you take care of your wound and recuperate well, I'm fine with it. Let's talk business. I can't wait to give them the best payback ever."

Taking their seat in the work room, that they were organize just like a meeting room, Knock was handing a stack of paper full of information request by Copter before he arrived at the house.

"This is all the information of New and the people around him as you asked, Cop. But why is it you asked New's information instead of his father, Tee or Tae himself?" Knock was asking while Copter took the papers right away and go through with it, while listening to Knock's question.

He took a little bit more time to go through that thick documents before he took out a few pictures and put it on the table for Knock, Prem and Wuttichai to see. He was smiling while looking at Knock, Prem and Wuttichai before he turn to Knock once again, while pointing to a face in the pictures of New with a random guy they didn't really took notice of before.

"Him." Hearing Copter, Knock, Prem and Wuttichai was frowning and looked at each other, before turn to Copter once again asking for more information or any other explanation Copter would have given them.

Copter's face turning serious with a smirk, while gritting his teeth, he continued. "He is the core for every single thing that had happened to me. And he is really, I mean literally really crazy. In order to deal with this type of person, I think I need to be crazier than him, or maybe craziest ever."

End of Chapter 44

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