Chapter 36

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Before Copter could react further, Kimmon already had to fight the guy back when the bad guy was fast getting back at Kimmon, getting pissed he was attacked from behind once again.

The guy was tough and skillful and all, but Kimmon was stronger and he seems more skillful that he could knocked the guy down only after a few more kicks the guy had to endure from Kimmon until he lied there unconscious.

Once finished with the guy, Kimmon turn to where Tae and Wuttichai are, helping them knocked down the rest of the guys.

Seeing his boys were all knocked down, the seemingly proud leader now scared shitless and getting into the car right away trying to flee the scene. Unfortunately, Knock and the others had arrived blocking the way.

Without care for anything else, Kimmon then fast taking his step to Copter, holding his shoulder and was checking Copter's whole body. "Are you alright? Hurt anywhere? Did the guy touch you? Is there anywhere you feel uncomfortable? Tell me, baby, are you really okay?"

Copter was just stand there straight, watching every move Kimmon made. Though he could listen every question throwing at him, he was just stand there like a statue, until Kimmon was standing straight once again after finished checking Copter's body, that Copter was fast hugging the guy, shocking Kimmon that he was almost stumble backwards, but was able to maintain his gravity.

Copter was crying silently pouring out all the feelings bolted inside since they was been followed from the beginning. Kimmon who felt the shaking from Copter's body just let the guy cry, and he would just rub his back, saying sweet nothing, reassuring the guy that everything is okay.

Tae was shocked. Seeing how Copter could keep calm from the beginning, he thought the guy is okay and that he was very brave. He was very brave indeed, but to pour out all the feelings inside only when he saw Kimmon, Tae could see how important Kimmon is in Copter's life. He knows now, how much Kimmon meant in Copter's life. He had lost his chance long before. He smiled bitterly to himself. Of course he lost his chance, because he was the one who had never gave Copter that chance. He was to blame from the start.

By the time Copter could calm his crying down, all the bad guys already had been taken care by Knock and the others. They were leaving the place with all the bad guys to their special place for 'questioning'.

"Are you okay, Cop?" Knock came closer to Copter who was just unglued himself from Kimmon's embrace, but still being hold by Kimmon on his waist when he turn to Knock.

"I'm okay, phi. Thank you for coming, phi." Knock had patting on his shoulder. "You are very brave, nong. I'm sorry I couldn't be here fast enough. But I'm really happy you are okay. I told dad you are okay already. The old man is really worried."

"Cop, who is this?" Tae was coming closer to them and the curiosity had the best of him when he could see the guy was so close to Copter. And somehow, the guy's face seems familiar, but he didn't know why. For sure, he didn't know the guy.

"Hi, Tae. My name is Knock, Copter's foster brother. You'll know everything later. But I believe Copter wanted to bring you somewhere. Are you still up for it, Cop?"

Copter was nodding his head. The lunch hour had long finished, but he didn't have anything else schedule for today, just like Tae. "Of course. I don't want to keep anything else from him. Like I always said, he should know, and he knows how to handle things as well."

Tae was frowning hearing their conversation. Kimmon was just smiling and walked near to Tae, dragging Copter too who still in his hold. "Little bit patient, man. You will know everything that is need to know."

"Get in the car. I will escort you until you safely arrived at the place and back to your house." Knock was saying to Copter from behind them, making Copter turn to Kimmon.

"I will escort you with my bike too. I didn't bring extra helmet. I'll always be behind you, okay." Copter was nodding his head and then followed Wuttichai and Tae to their car, getting in right away.

They were all leaving the place, left the two cars the bad guy used. Before leaving, Knock and other guy who drive him here had push the bad guy's cars down the valley.


"What is this place? It looks like an orphanage, yet it wasn't. I could say it was a hospital, still, it doesn't feel right. What is this place, Cop?" Tae was asking when the car was drive into the premise, past the gate without any inspection, and the guard even salute to them, and to the car behind them, where Knock is. Kimmon had to stop and needed to open up the helmet's shield to show his face, only then the guard let him in, not before salute to him as well.

Tae could see kids playing around when the car passed the field on the right with the building on the left. When the car passed a few adults, they even stopped their step and was waiing to them in the car they recognize is Copter's and Knock's. Tae was curious even more seeing that, but Copter or Wuttichai made no efforts answering any of his question.

Once the car was park at the underground parking lot, followed by Kimmon's bike and Knock's car, all of them was embark from their vehicles. The only confused one was Tae, who didn't have any idea where they were and why they were here in the first place. Still, he did embark from the car and following the other's steps as they start heading to the nearest lift.

Once they were all in the lift, Tae could see Wuttichai push the button to 6th floor. "Anyone would at least tell me where are we going, and what is this place?" Tae's tone was a little bit irritating, showing his frustration with all these people's silent. If not because Copter was seriously asking him for today's appointment, he would already going back to the company. There are things he still needs to prepare for the meeting in the next two days. Too short time, with too much to prepare.

Kimmon was patting on Tae's shoulder, looking at his best friend with a calm expression. "We will tell you everything, but you need to see someone first. Will be there, so please bear with it a little bit more." Tae was trying to say something, but then he canceled his mind at the last minute and just complied with it. They are here already anyway.

They were arrived at the 6th floor of the building and following Wuttichai who had walk first in front. Walking pass a few rooms at the right and left, Tae could tell the room just like a ward room, but most of the room were unoccupied. Reaching the room at the end of the hall, Wuttichai was sliding the door open and hold the door for everyone to get in, and Tae was the last one, only then he gets in himself and close the door behind him.

Tae was looking around inside the room. Just like the other room he could saw the same setup, but then there was a guy lying on the hospital bed, with tube connected everywhere. He wonder who the guy is and why he was here in the first place.

When he turned to Copter, trying to get the answer, only then he realized all of them was looking at him. "What? Who is it? Why did you brought me here?" with his innocent look, he pour out all the questions that was bolted up in his head for some time already now.

"Look closely, P'Tae." Is all Copter's reply making Tae frowning, yet he turned his gaze back to the person lying on the bed. Just like Copter's suggestion, he did looking closely to the guy. The more he look, the more he felt the familiar while his eyes scrutinizing the guy on the bed.

He looks thin, wonder how long he was lying here. The skin is so fair, almost pale, just like someone he knew and think, yet trying to forget. But more and more, he could see a lot of similarity the guy on the bed with the guy that was on his mind.

With a swelling curiosity, he walked slowly coming closer to the bed, only then he could see clearly the face that covered with a breathing cup, making him frown and at the same time shocked.


End of Chapter 36

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