Chapter 27

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The room fell silent. Kimmon was holding Copter's hands, rubbing on it, and was smiling at Copter, while saying through his mouth movement, "You are doing great." Making Copter smile back to him in the same intensity, if not more. He glad he had Kimmon by his side. Especially at times like this.

After hearing everything from Copter, Godt and Bas was speechless. Bas was leaning back to the couch, trying to calm himself down. He couldn't even define how he feels right now. Was it how? Was it why? Or was it who? Everything just jumbled up in his mind and suddenly he was engulf in an embrace, so familiar, so soothing and somehow he could calm himself down miraculously.

Tae? He was in a mess. How could he not? The reason of all of these things happened was him all along. All those years, forcing by his grandpa, forced to accepted a stranger as his husband, he had blamed everyone and everything. Why him? It wasn't fair for him, only to know that it was all because of him?

"It was all a lie, Copter. There's no way, right?" Copter was sighing seeing how Tae was raking his hair and was looking down his laps, trying to accept the reality hidden from him all these times. Of course it was hard for Tae to accept the news. This was the very reason why his grandpa taking a roundabout solution to prevent everything bad happened to his family and his company.

"Let me ask you one question, P'Tae." Tae had slowly turn to Copter once again without saying anything. "When was the last time you heard from P'Tee?"

Now that Copter mentioning it, Tae had just realize that it had been so long Tee stopped messaging him, or begging him. He thought Tee actually giving up his feeling for him since it weren't so real from the beginning.

"Not sure. It had been months. Why?" Copter was sighing looking at Tae. "You both were so lovey-dovey in front of me, and now that I've gone, he didn't matter to you? Was it easy for you, P'Tae? To love and discard people as you please?"

Tae was gritting his teeth. He didn't like Copter's tone. Yes, he was in the wrong before, but that doesn't mean he had the right to mock him and his feelings.

"Easy? You think all of this is easy for me? I was so in love with him, only to know that he was just pretend to loves me. The betrayal I feel? Nobody cares! You don't have any right to talk about me that way, Cop!"

"Oh, I have every right, P'Tae. Of all people, you know better. Nobody cares? You have two best friends who really care for you, but you chose to not care. P'Tee and you? It was your choice to begin with. Granted, he had lied to you, but he came back to you, isn't he?"

Tae was frowning to hear Copter. How did he knows about Tee trying to come back to him? The only person who knew about it was Korn.

"How did you knew about it?" Tae was asking Copter. "It doesn't matter how I knows, but I want to know now, did you still care about P'Tee? Are you still had feelings for him? I need your honest answer P'Tae, so I could decide what to do next."

"Why are you the one needs to decide things? It's my problem, not yours." Tae wasn't sure where all this conversation leads to, but he didn't think telling Copter about his feelings to Tee is right. Not after he act like he cares about Copter just now, though, Copter was brush it off just like that, ignoring his attempts.

"I don't care about your feelings to him P'Tae. I'm done with that. Sorry to say, I came back right now is not because of you, or us, but for me. I've in too deep in this sh*t, that I can't even run from it. The only choice I have is to face it. And for that, I had every reason to make the decision P'Tae. Unless, you have a better idea, I will listen to you. But, since right now, you don't even get the full picture of the situation, which I can assure you is far worse than you ever imagine, I don't think your idea would be good enough right now, P."

Literally, everyone in the living room had fall silent at the vehement tone that Copter had used. Bas was shocked. It's like he never knew this Copter. He couldn't help but to think, is Copter change? Once again, Godt was wondering whether this is the same guy that his boyfriend keeps on talking about. He start to have doubts, just maybe the real Copter was actually really died.

Tae was shocked. He didn't know Copter well in the past, but with a few encounter in the past, he knew Copter wasn't this strong. Copter wasn't even couldn't face him and look him in the eyes talking to him with unsure tone every time. But this Copter? He felt himself like a boy who just get reprimanded by someone older than him in front of Copter.

But Kimmon? He had his time of shocked already. He still remembered the first time Copter using a boss-like tone discussing about the whole plan, he was shocked yes, but at the same time his cute Copter turns out to be this hot guy, it turns him on. But he have to calm himself down, dealing with it by himself later, since his relationship with Copter still didn't reach that level. Cuddling was as far as they could go, for now.

"Still, I need you, P'Tae. I couldn't do this without your help. Are you willing to help, or are you going to choose to be ignorant? It's all up to you." Copter's tone change this time, since he needs to make Tae understand his position in this whole plan.

"Do you think I can be any use to you? You were up against my family, and I'm apart of that family." After saying that, Tae couldn't help but to think that, was he feeling in-confident?

"Why do you think they would go as far as killing me, and stage my death for an accident? It's because they wanted me dead, but they needed you in the process. At least that's what they thought, until another will pop up at the mention of my death. Their original plans had ruined, but I'm sure they have another plan that we didn't know about yet. That's what we need to figure out. And besides, P'Tae, we were not up against your family. We were facing a lot bigger power behind your family, I mean, behind your father. We just didn't know them yet."

Godt was inhale a deep breath while leaning on the couch. "How big their power is, Copter?" Copter then turn to Godt. "We weren't sure, all we know is that they have access to almost the whole part of Darvid Group Corporations. Especially in the small branch and small child company. The reason we thought they have bigger power because they have their men in police and prosecutor side, and also inside the customs that they get the connection through Darvid Group Corporation."

Stunned and shocked, was actually understatement. Godt, Tae and Bas was stupefied to the fact that they just heard. "Cop, what are you doing? I don't like this whole things. It is dangerous and I don't want anything to happen to you again. You can't fight them if they were that strong. Please, stop whatever this is." Bas was the one talking making Copter smile warmly to his brother.

"I know. At least that's what we thought. But we still didn't know, really. And I don't plan on facing them head-on. I just want to find the leader. Our target is the leader, but the identity of that was unknown. He was so meticulous and he rarely appear anywhere. Okay, enough of this first, I want to get back to my original questions to P'Tae once again, which I still didn't get the answers. So, are you in? And what about your feelings to P'Tee?"

End of Chapter 27

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