Chapter 24

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"Thank you for all the Board members of shareholders for coming to the annual meeting of the New Year for the Darvid Groups Corporation, still, the biggest mall chain in the country. As usual, I will be here for formalities to start the meetings as well as to take the attendance."

All the board of directors present just nodding their head, listening to the announcement by the announcer of the meeting. Tae had seating calmly at his seat ignoring the staring from his father, for he knows that his father still couldn't forgive him for the shares he lost because of his marriage. He was already tired trying to prove himself to his father. The guy never acknowledge any of it, anyway.

"Before we proceed to the first agenda, we were informed last minute of a new information about one of our shareholders. Since he is the new one of the biggest shareholders, been proposed by the late Mr. Steve for the new Board of Directors, please welcome, Mr. Copter Panuwat."

Hearing the announcement, shocked was understatement to describe Tae's feelings right now. Who will not? The husband who had been declared death, said to be appeared, here? Of all the places? Right after the announcer was finished with his words, the door of the meeting room open, reveal a sweet young man in a black suit standing still while smiling looking inside, making Tae's world work in rather slower than usual, which is hard for him to comprehend.

The smile of the young man appeared before him hooked him in place, making him standing up from his seat, watching how the guy walking into the room, taking his few steps, and was stopping at the edge of the table, bowing his head to everyone present.

"Good morning. My name is Copter Panuwat, hold of 15.3% shares of Darvid Groups Corporation." Copter's voice was taking out Tae from his trance, and New who sit beside him was pulling him to sit down, understanding how his brother would feel. He, himself was shocked no less.

Some of the board of directors were talking between themselves, shocking for this unexpected appearance, making the room a little noisy than usual.

Copter then take the seat that the announcer had pointed to him, ignoring all the comments he could hear and not, even ignoring all the eyes looking straight at him, but to just looking ahead, focusing at nowhere considering his nervousness inside, before the announcer continue with the meetings.

"Mr. Copter had been declared death a year ago after an unfortunate accident and his shares had been handle by the trust agency, appointed by the late Mr. Steve himself. However, Mr. Copter had appeared with a proven identity that he is the real Mr. Copter and all the shares had been given back to him. Thus, the special agenda for today is to appoint Mr. Copter as one of the Board of Directors, and also, to appoint him a position as the Director of General Department that had been vacant for quite some time now. In front of all the members are the profile and qualification of Mr. Copter that can be help in voting session we will held after this."

All the Board members was opening the file that was in front of them and was reading the content very intently, except for Tae and Copter. Tae was busy watching Copter and Copter was just looking ahead, hoping things were going according to the plan. His hands was twitching under the table, trying to control the nervousness that was clouding his head and his heart right now. Luckily, he could still focus to the meeting alright.

He had to be accepted as one of the Board members and also, he needs the position in the company. The position itself is quite high in the company hierarchy, and he knew in normal circumstances he didn't deserve it, and he wasn't confident, but still he hopes for the best, since he already work his hardest to prepare himself for everything. Today is only the beginning, he needs to make sure he can do this. He have to do this.

The announcer voice was taking him out from his thoughts, though he still maintained his straight face and trying to portray a calm demeanor despite the tornado he felt inside.

"Okay now we will start voting process from all the members, except for Mr. Copter himself. Usually, to vote for member for Board of Directors, we have to hold a public meeting involving all the shareholders. Since Mr. Copter had been in the category of one of the biggest shareholders, which in fact, he was the second biggest shareholder after Mr. Thanachit Darvid that hold 20.1%, the voting is for the agreement between the board members. The vote will be count according to the total of members."

"We will start voting right now. Those who agree with Mr. Copter to be appoint as one of Board of Directors members, please raise your hand."

Those who was not part of Darvid family were all raising their hands, making the majority votes sides with Copter, making Copter sigh a relieved sigh. Still, he needs another votes to be on his side too.

"16/20. Thank you. That makes a majority votes, and therefore, Mr. Copter had been formally accepted as one of the Board of Directors members effective immediately. Congratulations Mr. Copter."

All the members present were clapping hands and Copter was standing from his seat and was bowing to everyone and the members around him was shaking his hand while congratulate him as the new members Board of Directors.

"Now we will proceed to the second votes. The second votes is for appointing Mr. Copter as the Director of General Department in Darvid Groups Corporation. This votes will be taken into consideration of total shares represent by every members for every votes. If the total shares that more than 50% were agree to the votes, Mr. Copter will be appointed as the Director of General Department who will start on his post starting tomorrow. Since the application was from Mr. Copter himself, his 15.3% shares will be account for the votes."

"We will start voting now. Those who agree Mr. Copter to be appoint as the Director of General Department, please raise your hands."

And this time too, all the members outside Darvid's family had raised their hands, making Thanachit scowling watching them. Vanida was hissing, showing her unsatisfied feelings watching things happening in the meeting room right now. New was just giving out his straight face, while Tae still watching Copter like a hawk from his seat.

He was actually still in unbelieving state, but the smile of the guy was telling him that he is the real Copter, still, how? Why? Those questioning keeps on replaying in his mind that he was in and out in that state. One moment he knows that is Copter, one moment he don't want to believe that was the real Copter. He is in real agony, but still he still understands things happening around him at the same time.

"Considering the people who had voted, minus 4 members present and one member absent, the total shares voted agreed with the appointment of Mr. Copter Panuwat as Director of General Department, including the shares of Mr. Copter 15.3%, is 60.2%. I hereby declare Mr. Copter Panuwat as the new Director of General Department of Darvid Groups Corporation. Congratulations once again, Mr. Copter."

Once again, the claps sound was erupting in the meeting room and Copter was once again standing up and bowing to everyone while accepted the handshake from the member around him with the congratulation wish from each of them.

"Now, we will proceed to the first agenda of the meeting. Mr. Thanachit will be conduct the meeting and continue with other agenda as well as the head of Board of Directors. Allow me to excuse myself. Thank you."

The announcer guy was taking his leave from the room, and once the guy was out of the room, Thanachit was taking over the meetings and was conducting as usual, as professionally as he could, considering how he hated the fact that a supposedly died young man appeared before him and was sitting not just as the members of the Boards of Directors, also joining the company.

Shouting and screaming needs to wait.

End of Chapter 24


To those who familiar with shareholders meeting, pardon me if any situation i describe above is funny and unnecessarily stupid. I'm not in business field, so i just trying to imagine the procedure as i see fit.

Thank you as always for stopping by;)

Hope you enjoy the chapter and the the stories as a whole;)


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