Chapter 6

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"Where is your friend? Where do you hide him? All this was yours and his plan all along, isn't it?!" Tae was invaded Godt's bungalow with drunkenness. He was drive in that condition to here, at the Godt's bungalow, but not before hitting road divider a few times driving in his drunken state.

Since he was regular friends of Godt, guard just letting him in when they saw his car. He was pounding and screaming at Godt's door asking him and Bas getting out. It was late at night. The anniversary party had just finished, when Tae was refused of his own inheritance and all the stock and shares were changed to Copter's name.

He felt betrayed. Copter must have known about this condition and left him so that he could get that all for himself. This must be his agenda all along. His grandfather must have tellhim before that man died, seeing how he is favor the guy. He must have planned all this with his best friend. Must be it!

Tae didn't care wether his thought was ridiculous. He don't even care if it was the truth. All he knows that he didn't have much property for himself, and that wasn't enough, his father even torment and blaming him for everything that happened. Why was it his fault? It should be Copter's not his. That's why he was here, pounding and screaming at Godt's door, waking both the lovers inside up.

"What the hell, Tae?! Are you crazy?!" Godt was screaming at his friend right away once he opened the door while keep Bas behind him, afraid Tae would harm his lover, seeing him in this state.

"Your boyfriend and his friend had planned all this all along! THey had planned this to ruin me! It was their revenge against me and my family! Are you happy now Bas? You know where Copter is, don't you? Bring him to me! Bring him to me, right now! All my inheritance was all turn to Copter. Are you happy now? Huh?!!"

Godt was frowning hearing Tae. Bas was agape at the news he heard, since he never thought things will turn this way. Now, he understands fully why Tae cannot let Copter go. But Copter was innocence. There is no way Copter would know about any of it. Copter don't even know anyone on Tae's family side. All he knows was the housekeeper in the mansion, and the only person who really care about him was Auntie Jingjoo. She had been a mother figure to Copter, though she was just a housekeeper.

"So, in the end, it was always about your inheritance and money, isn't it, Tae? You never cared even for a bit about Copter, even though Copter had been missing all this times. You even accused him of things you know there's no way Copter capable of doing it. Just wallow your despair somewhere else, Tae. You are disgusting me. You are real bastards, you know that?! Come, P'Godt. Just ignore him."

Bas had pulled Godt coming back inside the house and Godt was just followed his lover. Bas had a point anyway. He never knew Tae could be this heartless. Copter had been missing almost ten days now, but all he could care about was his inheritance. What changed a person that much? This wasn't the friend he knew all this years. 'What happened to you, Tae?'


Kimmon was still focused on his laptop with scattering papers and pictures on his whole table when he received a call from the investigator. He picked the call up without turning his attention away from the laptop.


"Dr. Kimmon...." Kimmon was frowning hearing the tone. It successful in turning his attention away from his laptop.

"What is it? Just tell me."

"The police had received a report this morning. They found a burnt car and a body inside at a deserted road. It matches Copter's profile, so they asked for you and your friends to identify and confirming."

Kimmon's world was spinning around. It took him few more seconds to process the words delivered to him from the other side of the phone call.

" you okay?"

Kimmon was rushing his way out right away after grabbing his wallet and car key while his another hand was still holding on the phone on his ear.

"Give me the location. I'll be there right away."


Kimmon was rushed to the morgue in a hospital nearest to the scene where they discovered the body. Reaching there, he could see Bas was already on the floor with a blank expression yet his tears were falling like a downpour rain.

Godt was trying to pull Bas up, and he could see Tae was leaning on the wall not far from where the body was while raking his hair. Tee was nowhere to be seen. The guy had to go outstation, at least that's what Tae had told them. In fact, he wasn't there after the first day they were started looking for Copter. But that was least of his concern.

Kimmon's step was halted to the scene, and he was approaching the bed slowly, making his unsure and shaking step, while keeps on wishing this was all wasn't true.

The body was burnt very badly that nobody could recognize anything. His whole body was burnt very badly even though some part of his hands and arms could still showed skin here and there. Kimmon doesn't really want to watch the body, but he had to make sure if this was the real Copter. But, seriously, he didn't know Copter that well. The only person who had the right to identify the body was Bas.

He was covering the body back and turns to Bas who was still on the floor. "Bas, please tell me it wasn't him. It wasn't him, right? This is not Copter, right?"

Hearing Kimmon's question, Bas was breaking down right away and was pouring his heart out. He was crying as hard as he could for the unfairness of his friend had to face just because he didn't have anyone he could turn to. In the end, he had to die in vain....and for what?

"No, no, no. No way....why would he be here?" Bas had standing up and was hugging Kimmon right away while still crying hard. "I'm sorry for us, P'Kimmon. My pitiful Copter. Cop...Cop.." Godt could only pat on Bas back while Kimmon was just standing there like a statue, not believing every single thing happening now.


It was the day of funeral of Copter, but the one handle it shockingly were Bas and Godt, plus Kimmon. Tae's family refuse to recognize Copter as one of theirs and they were angry at the deceased since he had been the reason the Darvid couldn't be a major shareholder in their own company, Darvid Groups Corporation, the biggest mall chain in the country. Even Tae didn't show up, much to Kimmon and Godt's disappointment. Tae had changed that much, or was it the real Tae that they never knew? They weren't sure anymore.

But that wasn't shocking to Bas, like, at all. The only person who recognizes the marriage was Steve Darvid, Tae's grandfather and he was dead due to lung cancer less than 9 months ago. Copter was anticipated a divorce after the dead, but Tae was just act as usual even after the death. Actually, Bas remember Copter tells him that Tae was been angrier after the death of his grandfather, but he never knows why. Guess, he will never get the answer.

"How could you say he was Copter, Bas? There's nothing could prove he was Copter, right?" Kimmon still didn't want to believe that he could never meet Copter again after the first time. They were resting at Godt's house after the funeral when Kimmon asked the question that was been playing in his head since the day Copter had pronounce dead.

"On his left elbow, there's a small love tattoo I forced him to make. It was in our teenage years, still in high school when I pulled him into the tattoo store. He didn't want to, but I force it into him, by persuaded him nonstop. He didn't have any idea what to make, so love is all he could think of. He make sure the size was small so that it wasn't look like a tattoo, but a mole, only if you look at it close up you could see it was actually love shape. When I saw that that day, I know it was him. I don't want to believe it was him, but I couldn't ignore things I see, P."

End of Chapter 6

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