Chapter 5

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It had been five days Copter had gone missing. Godt, Kimmon, and surprisingly, Tae too, had used every sources, every unit possible in police department to search for him, but it was like he was missing into thin air. He was nowhere to be found, not even a trace.

Copter was last seeing captured by the CCTV of the hospital, walking out of the hospital and walked away. He cannot be find in any other CCTV footage from the building around, making everyone in a dead end.

Bas's condition was getting worse. He couldn't even going to work, and was ignoring the call from the office but to keep on looking for Copter. Godt was always beside him, to make sure he had enough rest and meal, while helping him to look for Copter too.

Tae was in a mess as well....well, Bas was right about him. He thought Copter was the one forcing his way to him, using his 'innocent' late grandfather. He forgot the fact that the old man was indeed one powerful man, capable of doing anything and everything just with a few words. What can a mere orphan guy like Copter could do to him? But why Copter? Why choosing and forcing Copter to that extend just to get him to marry him?He really couldn't understand that part.

The main reason Tae was in a mess because of the changing of the will of his late grandfather, of course, among other reasons. The will had stated that Copter could never fall to any harm, and only then he could receive his inheritance little by little, every year on his company's anniversary.

And that anniversary will happen in three days time. Copter should be there at the anniversary party to sign the papers so he could receive another percent of his company share. If Copter wasn't there on that day, all his share that left would be Copter's officially and he would be left with whatever he had in hands right now, which just a tiny portion of the total inheritance he was suppose to get.He will be in a big trouble, and it will affected his family as a whole too.

But, the strange person of all was Kimmon. He was in a total great agony. The whole situation of losing Copter was affected him more than he was anticipated. He just met the guy once, and that one time, they don't have a chance to just inroduce themselves to each other, that makes him a stranger in Copters affairs. Still, why was everything had brought him so much agony?

He knew he cared for Copter even if they just met in that brief moment. He knew he was looking, no, watching Copter's profile a little bit different he do to others. He knew Copter makes him curious for a lot of things. But he never thought he would care this much to that guy to the extends that he was in a total mess, even worse than Tae, and, even worse than Bas. The heck?!

The fact that Copter was married is another thing, and that the fact that he is Tae's husband was disappoint him to the core and maybe a little bit much of angry too, but most of it, he was afraid for the said guy. He was worried, and he was clueless, yet restless. He was making sure to ask the investigators that they were all hired almost every day, more frequent than others would.

In the end it occurs to him that he already falling for the said guy, and maybe it was a love at first sight, even though, what a sight that was. He surrender to that fact, and he didn't want to ponder to it more than it should, for now. What is more important is that, to find Copter.

The hospital's CCTV had shown Copter had walked out by himself, but there were no traces of him outside of the hospital, like, at all. Kimmon had watched the record again and again, looking for any clues Copter would have left, but there was nothing. But still, there's no way Copter would just vanish into thin air. 'Where are you, Copter?'

Kimmon would ask the same question over and over again. The police was still looking for him, but Tae wasn't giving them full cooperation, afraid his reputation would tarnish if people were to know how Copter was treated, or if people were to know about his affair with his lover, even after he was already married. The company and his family were making sure the investigation had been conduct silently to avoid any scandal.

It was just make things worse for Bas, and Kimmon, and it affected Godt too through Bas. Tae left with no choice, but to comply his family's status and order.

Even though the three of them, plus Bas, were still gather together from time to time, to discuss about Copter, Kimmon know their friendship had fallen apart. Things wasn't be the same anymore but Godt and Kimmon would be focusing on Copter's first, before discussed about anything else.

Godt and Bas had officially been a couple, and whatever happen, for sure Godt will supporting Bas. Plus, he still couldn't forgive Tae for deceived them about the marriage and for the way he refer Bas as a sex tools the other day.

Kimmon??? He couldn't think about anything but to focus on Copter and his where about. Kimmon had taking a leave for a month specifically for that which Godt was astonished and Tae was just shrugged his shoulder. He didn't care anyway.

"P, thank you...thank you." Bas was so thankful for Kimmon for doing that for his bestfriend. He wiahed, deep from his heart that Copter would have found someone like Kimmon earlier. Kimmon was just smile to that because honestly, he did this because he wanted to. He was glad at least, Copter had Bas in his life. He couldn't imagine if Copter would face everything by himself, until he found him that day. But still, he, too, wished he would know Copter earlier.

"Bas, I did it, because I wanted it. I will find Copter and I will never give up. I don't care if he is married, or the fact that he is Tae's husband. I wanted to see him again, and I really wanted to see him smile. I'm sorry to you, and to Copter. I wish we should have found out sooner about his marriage. At least, we could do something about it before all of this happen."

Bas was giving Kimmon a small smile, while Godt was never letting his hold on his shoulder. Tae was leaving earlier since he was busy for the anniversary that will happen in a few days. All his friends and Bas still didn't know anything about the will.

"I wish Copter would be back soon, unharmed. So that he knew he had more friends now, and that more people who cares about him. All this time, he only had me, useless me. I couldn't do anything to help him, P. But he was always smiling and laughing whenever we were hanging out together, trying to convince me that he was okay. But I know, oh, of course I know how he was dying inside."

Godt was rubbing on Bas's upper arm trying to calm Bas down. "You are not useless, baby. Trust me. Copter knew that. We will find him. I and Kimmon would try our best. I don't know about Tae, but we will find him. Don't worry, okay?"

Kimmon was sighing hearing Godt. "Do you have any other idea? No matter how many times I watched the recording, I couldn't find any single clue at all. Who would took Copter, and why? He was walking out by himself from the hospital, I know that fact. But all he had was his wallet, and he should be taking any public transport or at least walking, but there's no trace or any evidence he was taking any public transport. The only conclusion is that he was taken by someone, but then again, who?"

Hearing Kimmon, Bas was fast to look at him. "What? You don't think someone was kidnapping him, are you? Not many people knew he married to Tae. But if that's true, you don't think Tae would keeps from us if the kidnapper contacting him, right? And, Copter would be okay, right, P?"

Bas's question making Godt and Kimmon looked at each other. "If there any suspicious calls, we will know baby. It was one of the possibilities laying out to us from the police, so Tae's number had been monitored. Don't worry, okay, baby."

Kimmon was sighing. It wasn't a good idea to actually discussed things with Bas, since he was too emotional. Still, Godt was right. If Copter was been kidnapped, the kidnapper might already called asking for ransom. Unless, if they were meant to, oh please not, they were meant to harm him. Of course the call will never happen.

End of Chapter 5

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