Chapter 53

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Flashback to the time after Chapter 44, before chapter 45 happened.....

"You wanted to be the bait yourself? No! I will....." Prem was against Copter's idea of making himself as the bait. The whole plan is a messed up one, he didn't want to risk Copter's life in any situation.

"Dad, it's okay. It just can only be me. P'Knock, tell him. I know it's a bit risky....." hearing Copter was saying the little word 'bit', making Prem staring at him, squinted his yes, that forced Copter to changed his statement.

"Okay, its not a bit, it's risky, I know, but this is our chance. My chance, dad, to fix everything. I don't want to live like this anymore. I want to be with P'Kim, but until all of this is over, P'Kim will only be my shadows and we could never be together freely. I loves him too much....please understand, dad."

Copter was almost crying when he talked about Kimmon, making Prem and Knock a little teary too.

"I understand, Cop, but this....what if something happens to you? What if we couldn't save you on time? We didn't know how much person that guy had." Prem was still not convince with Copter's idea.

"Dad..." Knock's words was taking the attention of both person that was sitting together with him in the meeting room at their house, also their base. "I, too understand your concern, dad, but I'm with Copter on this. It was a bit risky, we just had to make sure we were efficient enough to take action on time. Besides, Copter deserves to be happy, don't you think?"

Prem was sighing and was rubbing on his face a few times before facing the two sons in front of him once again. "Okay, I'll play along, but make sure you update us the second that stupid guy showed up in front of you, okay?"

Prem's answer making Copter and Knock smiling ear to ear. "Okay, how do we do this?" Asked Prem.

"First thing we need to do, is letting them know that I forgot the guy, forgot that I ever seen the face, or forgot that I even knew he existed. It sounds ridiculous, but partial amnesia do exist, so we took that chance." Copter was started telling his tale.

"And you having" Knock was the one asking but the looks on Copter's eyes, and smile, he sure regretted his decision just now.

"By accident...of course."


Flashback to the time at Chapter 48....

"Yes, Copter. What is it? I thought you have an event today." Prem was saying right away, without giving a chance for Copter to even say hi. Guess, curiosity took over him fast.

"Yes, dad. I called because of it. I need your help." Prem was frowning hearing that. It was two hours before the event.

"What happened?" Asked Prem. "It was my fault. I should have been more careful, but I was careless. And now, I have nothing to feed the guests. The catering I should take, didn't even ordered by that traitor. I don't know what to do dad. You are the expert when it comes to food department. Still, with little time, I know it's like impossible.....but the guy might appear tonight, and if the event failed, not only do my plan will failed, but the whole thing we worked for wil....."

"Hey, hey, breath, Cop, breathe. Everything is going to be okay. I will contact all my ex-student, okay. You just have to calm down and making sure everything else is right on place. Leave this things to me and your brother. Don't worry."


Flashback to the time after Chapter 49....

"Hello, dad. He showed up as expected. He had no doubt that I recognize him. He was testing me, I know, but I didn't bought it." Copter was calling Prem right after the event was over.

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