Chapter 22

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Copter was fidgeting with his hands. He keeps on looking down, afraid to see Kimmon's reaction to the whole truth he just confessed.

Kimmon was looking straight at Kit, or should he called Copter now? His expression was blank, he tried to swallow every little fact that Copter throw on him just now. But it actually was too so much than he thought he could process, but he didn't leave any single point out everything that Copter throw at him.

Still, he couldn't help but to wonder, why everything was so complicated? On top of that, why must Copter bear all the responsibility? He watch Copter in silence a little bit more. The guy looks so small, so fragile, yet he had the biggest burden on his shoulder.

He could choose to ignore, he can choose to run away, living his own life, just like what he had here. But he knows things are not going to be better by just ignoring, or running away. He knows that better than anyone. Kimmon was sighing to that.

The night was getting old, and they can feel the chilly started to feel to their bones. The fire almost out, which didn't help much with the cold. He could see Copter was shivering a little.

Kimmon was standing up, while taking off his outer jacket. He put the jacket on Copter's shoulder, covering his body from the night cold, shocking Copter, making him look up at Kimmon.

Kimmon was smiling warmly at him. Copter didn't sure how to make from the smile given to him, but he knew he felt a relieved, a little. Kimmon then squat in front of sitting Copter while his hand on both Copter's upper arms.

"Thank you for telling me all this, and come out to me, and even trusted me. I know it wasn't easy for you to do this, to decide on telling me the whole things. It was even harder for me to accept that you are actually Copter, the one I had fall in love with at the first sight, but I saw your tattoo Bas told me about on your elbow at the beach this afternoon. I couldn't believe my eyes at first, but I know what I saw. I know you must have a good reason for all this, so, was one hella good reason, I guess.

But, Copter. My feelings to you doesn't change a little bit. I don't care whether you are Copter or Kit, I still loves you all the same. And now, that you are no longer a single Kit, but a married guy, Copter, things will get a little more complicated. But my feelings for you still the same nonetheless. But I will not force you on anything. I will loves you all the same, I will support you, loving you, and waiting for you. You can do everything you have to do, and when the time comes, you can make your choice.

But for now, let me support you, and count me in in whatever plan you have. I wanted to be there for you, and also, I need to protect you too. Please, let me in. Can you?"

Copter was crying the whole time Kimmon start talking to him. Why is this guy's heart is so pure? Why would he met the guy in such a situation? Why would he come into his life this late?

Once Kimmon finished his words, Copter was pulling Kimmon's face for the kiss, which Kimmon was shocked at first, but he didnt take too long to respond to the kiss. Copter pours out all his heart into this kiss, hile still a crying mess, and at the same time he wants to let Kimmon knows how he feels towards him, though he couldn't say it aloud. He wanted to scream this man name, and to scream how he loves this man, but he knows, he can't. Not now, but he will make sure he will. He will.


Kimmon and Copter was sleeping in the same tent, cuddling with each other through the whole night. They weren't actually having any conversation, not after the heavy and serious they just had outside, but just indulge in the warmness of each other's body heat, feeling contented with each other's company.

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