Chapter 57

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As usual, Copter will spend time with Pete inside the room he was staying. He looks calmer this time. He promise himself to make peace with the situation while not losing hope, even a tiny, that his P'Kimmon will come for him. Not that he will allow Pete do things to him. Not in a million years. He will comply with Pete, as long as he could keep himself safe.

He was reading a book that Pete provided him while Pete keeps on peeling fruit for him, not that he fond of eating fruit, but Pete keeps on insisting for him to eat fruit since he neglected his foods for days already.

Pete will also feeding him the food, despite Copter's denial, which eventually he had surrendered to that guy's antique.

"Do you enjoy the view from here?" Pete suddenly asked making Copter looking up to him from the book he was reading only to see the guy was looking up ahead to the glass window, looking outside.

"I did. The sunset view is so beautiful, despite this ship is moving around, I could see the view almost every day." Says Copter making Pete smile widely while nodding his head.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Copter was frowning looking at overly happy Pete's face right now.

"You did something, do you?" Copter couldn't help but to ask.

Pete was smiling sheepishly while nodding his head.

"I ask the captain to turn around and rest for a while every time it was almost time for sunset, except the time when your side already could view the sunset." Copter was sighing hearing Pete.

"You don't have to do that, you know."

"No, I want you to enjoy yourself as much as I could give you. I'm sorry I can't let you out from this room for now. I don't want anybody else close to you but me, and I was afraid you will jump out from this ship if I ever let you go out. Call me crazy, or whatever, but I'm not letting you go far from me. Not anymore."

Copter was swallowing his saliva hearing Pete. When he complied with Pete's antique, he thought this guy will be calm and go easy on him. Never crossed his mind that this guy will be more possessive than ever. What did he think he is? A statue? A doll? He is a living human for sake.

Still, he feels grateful that Pete didn't try anything else with him. He knows the guy just trying to give him time, confidently thinking that he will never get away from here, that he will stuck here forever with him. But whatever it is, he was happy he think that way, for now. But he was sure, Pete is also an impatient man. It will not be long until the guy will force himself to him, and he hope P'Kimmon will come before that. He also knows that he shouldn't keep his hope high, but for now, that was all he had.

"Do you want more fruit?" Pete's question was taking him out from his trance. He was giving him small smile while shaking his head. "I'm full. And sleepy."

Pete was smiling hearing Copter. He was tousled Copter's hair making Copter puckering that makes him looks cuter than ever. It makes Pete feels like to jump him right away, but he knows Copter will hate him for that. He didn't want the small guy hating him again, not when everything seems smooth between them right now.

"Then take a nap. I'll wake you up if you didn't wake up yet on my next visit."

Pete was standing up taking the plate of fruit from his lap and put it on the bedside table. He then taking the book in Copter's hold and place it beside the plate. Copter just make himself comfortable on the bed and Pete make sure the blanket was covered Copter till his neck before he took the plate with him and leave Copter behind.

Copter was just about to drift to sleep when he heard Pete's radio calling for him. He could hear it was sound urgent, but then it must be about something else, something technical, maybe. He didn't want to think about it but to just let himself drift to sleep.

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