Chapter 58

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"Where is this?" Copter was asking once Kimmon stop the car in front of a house he has never been before. Instead of answering him, Kimmon turn to him smiling before opening the door and walked around to Copter's side to open the door for him.

Copter was just watching the guy with frowning on his head, have no idea where this place is and why are they here in the first place. When Kimmon open the door for him, and offer his hand to be hold, Copter was just follow the flow, though he was still confused.

While Kimmon was plastered with the smile all the time, while holding Copter's hand and walking together to the house in front of them, making Copter smile while shaking his head. There's no point on keep asking the guy if he didn't want to answer him. He will tell eventually.

It was three days after the saving from the ship, which taking them almost two days to land on nearby port and was taking the flight back to Bangkok, leaving the rest on the ship to the officers aboard.

Copter was still in shocked when they aboard the ship they come with, which Bas was waiting. Looking at how shocked Copter's condition is, Bas was running to him, engulf the guy in his embrace to tell him he was okay and that at the same time, telling him they were all so worried about him. Copter was responded to the hug and was hugging him back with the same intensity. Both were crying a lot.

Watching them, Kimmon and Godt was so heartbroken and knew that they both need each other for now. For that, Kimmon and Godt just let them both stay the night together, cuddling with each other, just like when Copter was 'coming back from the dead' before.

Kimmon wanted to stay with Copter too, so much, to let go his worried and afraid feelings he had inside all this time, but, he knew, Copter need Bas too. His brother. He will have Copter for himself later when the ship arrived at the port, so he will keep his patience for now, and spending his time with Godt. He ignored Tae and Tee most of the time. He still felt angry for the incident earlier.

Kimmon couldn't forget the feeling that he had when he heard the gunshot, imagined how things will turn badly if Copter was the one hit by it. Tee wasn't even a proper shooter to begin with. And even a cop would have hesitate to shoot a gun in that situation. While gambling on Copter's life like that, Tee shoot the guy, and Kimmon can't accept that. Not now, or maybe not ever.

Tae knew exactly why Kimmon was angry. He himself felt that too, thus a cold treatment to Tee, but he wasn't exactly avoiding Tee. He still stay together in the same room, but he couldn't calm himself down for a while, and couldn't even talk to Tee, unless necessary.

Tee wasn't really understand the situation, since he thought he saved Copter from that guy, wasn't they actually need to thank him for that? He was trying to talk to Tae his very best, trying to get Tae's attention, but his effort for now, wasn't really come to fruition. That makes him stress.

Copter was in the room the whole way to the port. Pete's death still get to him. Truthfully, the guy was indeed treating him good while he was holding in that room of that ship. Pete might trying to kill him many times before and he despised him for that, but still, watching him killed that way was really wasn't something he could imagined all this time. He wasn't feeling bad for that guy, or maybe a little, it's just that he couldn't handle this type of situation more. All he needs is time, and time was he taken.

So, now here he was, able to take a breather once they were off that ship, taking the first flight available to Bangkok, and Kimmon was taking Copter away, and coming here to this place right away. So, where was this again?

"Do you like it?" Kimmon asked Copter when they were already in the house, more like a bungalow, looking around. Copter was liking the vibe traditional and modern inside that house, and was enjoying the internal design so much, that he was taking a little bit before answering Kimmon.

"I really love this house's internal design P'Kim. Whose house is this? Where is the owner? Is it okay for us to come in like this?" Copter was asking while still looking around the house. Kimmon was smiling wider, if it even possible, since that was the longest Copter was talking ever since he was saved from that ship.

Kimmon was coming closer to Copter, hugging Copter from behind, shocking that little guy a bit, but was smiling later and rubbing on Kimmon's hand on his stomach.

"I'm happy you love it. This is our house, baby. A place I bought for us to live once you finalized your divorce with Tae. I wasn't intended to wait a moment after that, and this was supposed to be the surprise gift from me. But now, I know I want to stay with you, and I don't care even your document still not processing. But after everything, I don't want to be away from you again, baby."

Kimmon was talking with his husky voice while his lips was busy rubbing on Copter's neck seductively, he was voicing his desperation he was able to keep in until now. But now that Copter is already here, he didn't want to waste any more second, but to hold his baby in his arms, and not letting him go far more than arms reach.

Copter was tilting his head a little bit, affected by the seduction Kimmon had given him, but he needs to talk things with Kimmon. To tells him things so that Kimmon will be clear about things. So, he was tapping softly on Kimmon's cheek on his shoulder, then taping on Kimmon's hand on his waist, forcing Kimmon to stop what he was doing, and was loosened the hold he had on Copter's waist so that Copter could turn to him while still in his arms.

Once facing Kimmon, Copter was looking closely to the face while both of his hands cradling it, the face that he missed so much the whole time he was away, loving the guy so much, that even though he was looking at the guy closely holding him this dearly, he still feel that he miss the guy even more.

"P'Kim. Actually, I was already asked Wuttichai to turn the document for me to be processed, right after you saved me. The divorce document as well as all the property document. I will give everything back to Tae, since everything I had until now was all originally his. But, P'Kim. I will be left penniless and homeless, and I don't have anything. I don't even have a proper career that I could hold upon in my life. Will you still accept me, and love me?"

Right after Copter was finished with his words, Kimmon lunged to Copter's lips, nibbling on it hard shocking Copter a little bit but it was taking him mere seconds after that to respond to the kiss from his boyfriend.

The kissed went on and on, until Kimmon felt satisfied, for now, only then he stopped kissing Copter. He then cupped Copter's face and was giving pecks to Copter's face, finished on few pecks on Copter's lips.

"Baby, it wasn't even a question. I don't care about anything else, as long as you are here with me. Living together with you had been my dream since the day I first saw you. It took me a long way, but I never regret even a single thing. I missed you and love you so much that sometime I couldn't breathe just thinking about you, worried about you. Now that you are here, I don't want anything else, but you. So, I don't care whether you are rich, penniless, working or not. Those things you were listing was all the things we could find later. As long as we are together, we could face anything and everything. I promise."

Copter couldn't help but to cry hearing Kimmon. Its not like he wasn't confident with Kimmon's love, he knew that the guy will love him unconditionally, but he still needs to clarify his situation so that he could feels better and confident.

Hearing that, Copter was lunges on Kimmon, with his two legs straddling Kimmon's waist, hands straddling his neck and lips on Kimmons lips, nibbling on it. He almost taking Kimmon off-guard, but the guy was able to react fast and response to Copter's kiss without wasting anymore seconds. The fact that Copter was initialize this, Kimmon felt more excited. Slowly he walked heading to the room, slowly and carefully putting Copter on the bed, all while never stop kissing Copter.

Once Copter had lied on the bed on his back, with Kimmon still holding him, Kimmon was stopped kissing Copter for a while. They both were taking fast breath, and Kimmon was looking deeply into Copter's brown eyes.

"I was really sad when I thought you really lost the memories of our first time. But later, Knock told me about it, but you were nowhere to be seen. I missed you, so much that it hurts. Baby, can I?" with his hands still on Kimmon's shoulder, Copter was smiling to Kimmon's question. Without answering the guy, he just attack Kimmon's lips, and was nibbling on it so hard that taking Kimmon out of control.

Copter too, had missed his P'Kim so damn much.

End of Chapter 58

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