Chapter 51

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"Sir, a gentleman name Pete wished to see you. He said he is your friend and that you will know once we tell you about him. Customer service at the lobby wanted to know if you will allowed him up here to see you." Copter was frowning hearing Chantira's intercom. It was Monday after the event.

"Pete? Just let him come." Answered Copter. Ice who was hearing the conversation came close to Copter's desk. "Who is he?" he asked.

"He is one of our guest for yesterday's event. Wonder what he wanted coming to see me without a prior appointment." Said Copter while typing something in his phone.

"Is he a threat?" Ice asked.

"Hope not. Just be alert. I don't like his vibe." Said Copter. Not long after, the knocking was heard from the door.

"Come in." upon hearing Copter's voice, the door's open revealed the said person behind, with his sheepish smile. Copter was standing up when Pete was coming near his desk, offering a handshake.

"Hi, Copter. I apologize coming without an appointment beforehand. I hope I wasn't disturbing any big business deals." Pete said, while shaking Copter's hand.

Copter was just smiling, while aware to pull his hand fast, before the story repeat itself. "No big deal, just busy as always. Well, I'm just shocked, and mostly curious as why you appeared here out of the blue."

Copter was talking while pointing at the couch, indicating to Pete to take a seat at the couch, while he took his seat at the single seat couch.

Pete was just smiling hearing Copter while taking his seat. "Well, I just had meeting around this area, and then I remembered you. Since I was going to hold a private party, so, I think, why not invited you personally?"

Copter was frowning hearing Pete. He didn't think he was close enough with this guy to be invited to a private party.

"Private party?" Asked Copter still not convinced of what he heard from this guy. Pete was nodding his head eagerly while smiling.

"Well, party is something like a hobby for me. So, I usually hold a party for close friends to join me just to enjoy the music, the dance and itself." Explain Pete, trying to make it sound more casual.

"When?" Copter asked, still hesitant to this offer.

"Tonight." One word from Pete making Copter's round eyes getting bigger. "Tonight?" he asked again, still not believing his ears.

"I know you are a busy man, but please tell me you don't have any plans tonight. I really hope you could join me and my friends, and at the same time we both could be friend. I already consider you as one, that's why I invited you, but I wish we could be closer, like a close friend, you know." Said Pete, still trying hard to convince Copter.

Copter was exhaling his breath, while trying to think about the offer from this unfamiliar guy in front of him. "I don't know what to say. This was so sudden, and basically, party is not my things and...."

"Oh, come on! Seeing you hesitant this way, I'm almost sure you didn't have any plan for tonight. We just gonna have fun, nothing else, I promise." Pete didn't give up yet, and Copter was gradually losing. Copter was kept looking at Ice and Ice was just shrugged his shoulder. He never intervene in any decision-making process, be it personal or business, so, he will just let Copter decide this time, too.

"Well, if you insist, then.....yes, I will attend the party. But, will you mind if I'm bringing a friend with me?" Copter finally decided, not before heaving a heavy sigh, knowing that he lose. Pete was smiling from ear to ear, knowing that his persuaded had successful.

"No, of course not...just.. please don't bring the whole neighborhood. It's a private party for a reason." Pete says making Copter and Ice chuckled.

"Okay. Since my mission accomplished, I guess, it's my cue to go. Need to invite a few more persons. See you tonight, Copter." Pete was standing up right after, offering a handshake and leave right away, making Copter and Ice frowning to that.

"That was a little weird. Don't you think?" Copter said to Ice and just as usual, Ice will just shrugged his shoulder. "Are you sure you want to attend the party?" Asked Ice, making sure Copter's decision.

"I did say yes. I don't have a choice now, do I?" Copter was walking back to the back of his table, taking his seat while taking his phone, punching on his speed dial. It was only taking few second before his called had been answered.

"Hey, baby. How is it going? Finished work already?" the soothing voice making him smile automatically.

"Everything okay, P'Kim. Still at office, had a few more work to finished. Hmm...P'Kim?"

"Yes, baby? Any problem?" Ask Kimmon back when he heard his baby hesitant voice calling for him.

"Are you free tonight?" Copter was asking right away.

"Are you going to ask me out on a date? I hate myself right now. It was rarely that my baby asking me out on a date, but to not be free is my sin. Babyyyy.... I really wish I could, but I know I can't, but I should not deny your offer. What should I do, baby? You should kill me, and I should die in your hand."

Kimmon's ridiculous statement making Copter smiling while shaking his head. This guy is really something, but still, that's what he loves about Kimmon, always making his day, no matter in what situation.

"I understand P'Kim. It's okay. I can go there by myself. Not a big deal."

"Where to?" Kimmon ask, couldn't hide his curiosity any longer.

"Pete invited me to his private party tonight. Since I was free tonight, I was thinking why not, since I thought you were free too...but.." Copter's words were cut off by Kimmon before he could finished it.

"Wait..wait...Pete who? What party? Baby, you weren't a fan of a party, and who really is this Pete guy? Is he trying to hit on you? If it is, don't go, baby. Don't let...."

"P'Kim, he is the guy at the event, remember?"

"Pete...Pete, at the event? The one holding your hand tightly? The one I felt like punching him on his face?"

"'s him."

"No, you can't. Baby, you can't go to his party, not alone, at least."

"Ice will be there with me. Don't worry too much, okay. Besides, I don't think he had a bad intention, since he came to invite me personally."

"But, baby...."

"I already promised him, P'Kim. I can't go back on my words. I promise to call you if anything, okay?"

"I know I can't win against you, but baby, promise to be careful, okay?"

"I promise, P'Kim. Don't worry."

"I'm always worried for you. But, you know I love you so much too, so, it's okay. Love you, baby. Be careful, and remember always that I loves you. And missed you, so damn much. You should too." Copter was laughing hearing Kimmon's words. This guy will be the death of him, and still, he loves it.

"Yes, I missed you so damn much too. I love you, P'Kim."

Copter was ending the call only to looking up at Ice squealing watching him, making him clears his throat, trying to washed away the awkwardness in the air.

"Seems like just you and me tonight." He said, making Ice smiling while nodding. The guy was trying to hide his laugh still, watching how sweet Copter is on the phone, very opposite to his business appearance, serious and straightforward.

End of Chapter 51

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