Chapter 32

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"Master Copter!" Auntie Jingjoo was fast hugging Copter the moment she caught the sight of a living smile Copter in front of her eyes, making Copter almost stumble back, alerting Wuttichai who was standing tall right behind him.

Copter was smiling as wide as he always did while putting up his hand to Wuttichai, telling him it was okay. Copter was rubbing on Auntie Jingjoo back to calm the crying old woman. "I miss you too, auntie. I'm sorry for making you sad and worried about me."

Auntie Jingjoo dissolve the hugs and was looking intently into the face she never thought she would see again and how she missed the dimples so much. "The most important thing is that you are here now, safe and sound. Thank you for coming back Master Copter. Let's have dinner. I cooked a lot of your special favorite dishes tonight."

Auntie Jingjoo was about to turn around when Copter was taking her attention once again.

"Auntie, this is Wuttichai. He will live together with us from now on. So, please prepare a room for him. And as for me too, I wanted to stay in an another room than the master bedroom. Please make a proper preparation."

Hearing Copter, Tae was shocked to the core. He never thought Copter would want to stay in different room. The master bedroom had always been his room from the first day.

"Cop, why do you want to stay in different room? The master bedroom had always been yours." Copter then turned to Tae while smiling.

"Because the reason I was here right now is different than back then. I have made it clear to you, P'Tae. I hope you can remember that. Auntie, I am hungry. Let see what did you prepare for my welcoming dinner feast."

Auntie Jingjoo is more than happy to lead the way to the kitchen, hearing Copter's whining. Copter and Wuttichai were following Auntie Jingjoo, leaving Tae who was still stunned to Copter's statement just now.

He was sure he heard Copter said it yesterday, but somehow, his pride never want to accept it as the truth. But now, been reminded of it again, makes him confused. He followed them slowly and taking his place at the dining table, trying his best to enjoy the dinner as he planned.


"Now, are you ready to tell me everything?" Deepak had look into his son's eyes as he conveyed the question. The father and son had sit together at the backyard of their house that night after having a full dinner after the returned of their beloved son.

"I will, as promised. But, before that, can I ask you questions?" Deepak was scowling hearing his son's word. "You are willing to tell but not that willing? Are you playing with me now?"

Kimmon was laughing hearing his father's whining. It was so rare to see this serious of a man to whine like that. Moreover, they were actually have a little time for each other, and this kind of moment was already very rare to both of them. Still, both of them had a good relationships of father and son.

"Come on, dad. Don't be petty with me, will you?" Now it was Deepak's turn to be laughing and shaking his head. "Just ask away, you ignorant boy."

Kimmon was smiling and taking a sip of the wine before looking back at his father. "Were you close with the late uncle Steve? What about uncle Thanachit? How close are you?"

Deepak was frowning hearing Kimmon's question. Why were all these questions related with his decision to live in the island, and to come back to Bangkok again? Still, he answer the questions honestly.

"I don't know why with these questions all of a sudden, but yes, I was quite close to Uncle Steve. Since I inherit our hospital quite early on the age, he had teach me a lot of things and I had respected him much as an elder and also a teacher. But, Thanachit is a different story. He is a man with ambitions. He could be impudent and cheeky guy, but still, he is a smart guy. As per my relationship with him, I could call an acquaintance and business relation. I wasn't close to him even to call him as friend. He hated me for I was close with Uncle Steve, I guess."

Kimmon was nodding his head to his father's answer. "Before Uncle Steve died, did he mention anything to you?" Kimmon keeps on asking his father.

"Well, he did asked me to support a boy name Copter and that he told me the boy was his family. He makes the boy as his family. I didn't really understand that part, but, yes, he told me his company is in danger. As one of the board member, he asked me to convince another shareholders to support the boy too.

That's why when you mention the boy's name, it was all coming back to me. But I never thought he would be too young. I was a little worried since the position he was taken hold a big responsibility. But still, I could trust late Uncle Steve's judgement. But I was afraid the other shareholders will not have faith in him as much as I do, so the boy needs to prove his ability as fast as he could. Talking about it, how did you knew the boy?"

Kimmon was rubbing the back of his neck giving out his sheepishly smile. "Well, you wanted me to tell you everything. So, yes, it was all about him."

Deepak was scowling yet again hearing his son. "Dad, I loves Copter with my whole heart. The reason I was decided to live in an island because I thought he was dead, and living in an island is one of a way to heal my heart. But now that I found him once again, I will not let him go again, dad. I really hope you could support me in this."

Hearing his son telling him this straight to his face, without an ounce of hesitation, Deepak could not react to this fast enough. He took his time trying to understand the whole situation, but still, the fact that his son had fallen for another guy stuck in the middle of somewhere, that making him confused. He actually didn't really know how to respond to his son. If it's not because his calmly nature, he already choked on his drink upon hearing all these from his son's mouth.

"I know for a fact that you were heartbroken that you were leaving for the island, and I was very curious what kind of woman break my brother's heart. Never crossed my mind that it would be a boy." Achara, Kimmon's sister had came out of nowhere taking both of the men's attention to her.

Achara then casually taking a seat between the two men, and pouring the wine for herself. Kimmon and Deepak would just watch Achara's every actions, while their mind was still processing things.

"What?" Kimmon and Deepak was blinking their eyes to her despite her normal reaction. "Come on, dad. He said he truly loves the guy. Don't tell me you couldn't see how heartbroken he was when he was begging you to open a clinic for him in a small island. Still, Kim, bring him to me. I wanted to see him first before anything."

"Wouldn't it was suppose to be my line?" Deepak was asking her in his confused tone. "Well, since you didn't know how to react to him, I'm taking charge now, as his family and his guardian." Achara was answering her dad in a normal tone while blinking her eyes making the old guy frowning.

"I'm still here, I'm not dead yet! Bring him to see me. Well, I know how he looks like, but I need to know whether he is good to you or not."

Achara was smiling. Hearing his dad's words, Kimmon then turn to his sister and was high five right away, making Deepak scowling, sadly, yet again. "You both sure know how to force me to agree over anything."

"Well, I saw how confused you were, so, I decided that my little brother needs my help. So, here I am." Deepak was making an act to hit her daughter but Kimmon was stopping him, yet Achara was just sticking her tongue out at her father.

Later, the three of them laughing out loud and was spending the rest of the night together until they could feel the night's chilly, only then they going into bed.

End of Chapter 32

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