Chapter 18

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Copter had decided that he no longer needed, or was never needed in Tae's life. He knew it for a fact, oh, of course he know, but to see that fact in front of him was like a waking up call. He was hoping, he thought he still has even a tiny hope, but now he knows that that hope, sadly enough, was and will never existed for him.

So he decided, firmly decided that he will left everything behind. There's no point living this fake life. Grandpa wasn't here anymore. For whatever reason, he didn't want to go back to that empty life again.

He wakes up from the bed in the private hospital room, he wonder why was he here, and walked out of the room, taking the elevator to go down right away. He wasn't rush, nor he inform others of his leaving. He just wanted to leave, yet he still didn't know where to go. So he took his time. He walked with his own pace walking out of the hospital turning to wherever his foot brought him.

Copter did not care which turn he took, his mind was blank, he couldnt think of anything or everything, everything was feel so dull and blank. He didn't even realize, did he turn left or right from the hospital? Whatever...... he just keeps on walking when suddenly a black van with dark window stop right beside him, startling him. He was looking around and only then he realize he was alone at a corner.

He didn't have time to react nor think about anything when he was been pulled and pushed into the van, been hit out of nowhere, and be tied. What the....

He was been hit by a guy, he couldn't see the face. All the guys inside the van was wearing some cloth covering their faces and he could see in the midst of chaos and been hitting, that the van was leaving the place he was taken before. Not long after that, his world turn black. He passed out from the continuous beating.


He was awake when he felt water on his eyes and face. That was hurtful and stinging when that water hitting all the parts on his face that was beaten earlier. When he was awake, he was tied up in the middle of nowhere. It was already late evening, and how long was he out? He was sitting on the ground with all the guys surrounding him. They were still covered their faces though.

He wanted to scream, but then he was gagged too. 'Oh my, who are these people? What are you going to do to me, you bastards? let me go! Let me go!" All can be heard was only a muffled scream, and Copter was trying his hardest to be free from all the tied, but the rope tying him was so tight, makes his body scratch from it. It hurts too.

"Put him in the car." He heard a voice giving direction. He was looking for the person who was giving the direction just now, but he couldn't see the face. He wanted to shout. He was trying to fight, when two men was pulling him up and was dragging him to a car not far from where they were.

He was struggled some more when suddenly he felt the hold on his two arms was loosening. He turn around and could see the group of man that was taken him was been attack by another group, and their faces was all covered too. He couldn't understand a thing when he was been dragged again but this time out from the place. He was been push into another car, and they were accelerate fast leaving all the fights behind.

When the guy who had pulled him earlier make sure that their car was far enough from all the bad guys, Copter assume the one who tie him up and hit him was the bad guys, and that no one from the other group or gangs was coming after them, the guy was opening the cloth reveal his face.

"Hi, Copter. I'm Knock. Nice to see you at last." Copter was frowning to that. How did he knows my name? At last? What was that supposed to mean? With all the questions in his head, he let the guy name's Knock free him from all the tied rope around his body and his mouth.

Once free from all the rope, Copter was rubbing on his wrist that was already getting bruised from all the tight rope. He was hissing while moving, since the pain from the beatings earlier shooting to him now that he freed from the bad guys, and hoping this Knock guy was a nice guy. Whoever they were.

"I know you have thousands of questions right now, but you have to wait. We need to head somewhere first, and treat your wounds and my father will explain everything to you. We will do all those things once we going far from here. All you need to know is that now you are safe, and we are on your side. Just rest for now."

Copter was looking, no, blinking his eyes at Knock and the driver in front, trying to read the situation he was in, and reading them too. He wanted to believe the guy, but after what he had been through just now, he just wasn't sure. He didn't know what those guys earlier were going to do to him, but he was sure it was all bad, or maybe killed him even, though he didn't know the reason why, and who they were, but this guy next to him had saved him from all that. So, he wanted to believe the guy, still, could he?

The guy name Knock was just sitting comfortably beside him, while sometime looking out of the window and sometime turn to him, maybe checking on him. Copter was just sitting straight, not even leaning on the seat. He was afraid to be comfortable, afraid he will fall asleep since he was already weak. And falling asleep wasn't really a good thing considering his situation now. He still need to be cautious. Knock would just smile at him and turn his head to the outside view once again.

They were already an hour on the road when finally Knock's phone had ringing. He answer the call right away. "How is it?.......finish? Did you make sure it happen the way they plan?........We are still on the road. Don't worry about us. We will head straight to the destination........will stop for foods later....Thanks for the good work. Talk to you later......Me too. Bye."

Copter was watching the whole time Knock is on the phone and when he saw a genuine smile on Knock's face at the end of the conversation, he felt relieved somehow. He can feel the guy wasn't a bad guy, and he was leaning on his seat at last. He felt tired, weak and hurt. It only took him a few more seconds to lost in his dreamland.....he is tired after all.


Copter's sleep had been disturbed when he felt the continuous tap on his shoulder. He was hissing because of the wound and he was opening only one of his eyes, trying to adjust to the little light around. "Copter, you should washed your wound and we will have some late dinner. Sorry it took too long to arrive at the rest stop."

Copter was just nods his head and still with his scrunched up face, he followed Knock to the restaurant. Knock had point to him where the toilet is and told him he will wait at the table. Copter just nodding his head and heading straight to the toilet. He badly needed to watch his face and all the blood on his face felt sticky, though he was sure it was all dried up already.

Once he was finished washing his face, he was looking at his face on the mirror. He couldn't recognize his own face, honestly. Now that he felt calm and safe, all the thoughts about the bad guys who did this to him came back to him.

Who are they? Why are they doing this to him in the first place? Why would they want to hurt him...or killed him? He was just an orphan, seriously, he was just an orphan. What did he do? He couldn't stop thinking of why, when suddenly he remember his best friend. Oh shit!

He was rubbing all his pocket and his body looking for his phone, only then he realize he actually left the phone at the hospital. Bas must be worried as hell.

To that, Copter was running out looking for the table where Knock was supposed to be, and was running to him, sitting beside him right away, shocking both guys, Knock and the driver. "Can I borrowed your phone? My friend must be worried sick about me. I have to tell him I'm okay, please."

Knock was just staring at him and he was looking at the driver and Copter a few times before heaving a heavy sigh. "Sorry, Copter. You can't contact him anymore. You were supposed to be dead by now."

End of Chapter 18

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