Chapter 47

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"I saw most of the staff, especially women giggling watching you and Mr Tae walking hand in hand coming to the office today. How long are you going to put up this act? Mr. Kimmon will not like it if he knew this." Ice was talking while Copter was taking his seat on his desk, after they were coming into the office that morning.

"He will understand, don't worry. We both know what we were doing, and it was only for the sake of peace at work. Do not think much of it, help me sort this data according to the date. I need this by this afternoon." Copter didn't give much expression to Ice's statement but to just focus on the files and the pile of work on his desk.

They were focusing on their work silently when Chantira, the assistant director had telling them the sudden visit from the current sitting CEO of the company, no other than his own father-in-law, making Copter a little bit off-guard, but was able to accept the visit in a calmly manner. The truth is, he was never had a chance to talk privately with his so called father-in-law. It makes him felt curious, a little bit nervous, but he knew he had to face this man one day. So here he was waiting for Ice opening the door for him and was waiting for the man at the couch.

Once he saw the man stepped into his office, Copter was standing up welcoming the older and was invited him to take the seat at the couch.

Copter: "Please take a seat, father. Which you prefer? Tea? Coffee? Juice?"

Thanachit: "Just coffee."

Copter: "Ice, please prepare coffee for father and juice for me, as usual."

Ice just nodding and bowing to Copter and was heading to the little space at one corner of the room, a little pantry, where they place the juice maker and coffee maker so that it was easier for them to make the drink for themselves stay while working late.

Copter: "So, what honor did I gain today, to accept your visit, father."

Thanachit was snickering hearing the word 'father' coming from the mouth of a young man in front of him.

Thanachit: "Cut your bullshit. I know you were not in real relationship with Tae. I don't know why you are coming back. But I get the feelings that you were trying to take everything from us, just because my late old man was dotted on you. You don't think I'm going to make it easy for you? You wish."

Copter was smiling hearing the harsh words from the man he called father, because he respected him as much. Still, he knew the old guy was hating him right from the beginning, so, it was understandable all he received was harsh words. Copter was sighing before talking again.

Copter: "It's not like I never knew you hated me, but I'm really busy right now, can you just tell me straight to the point why are you here, anyway? You are not telling me, you came just to torment me, are you, father?"

Thanachit was smirking hearing Copter's impatient words.

Thanachit: "It's good you have a sense of time. Well, when you were taking your sweet time coming back to the company who-knows-what-kind-of-emergency you have, the company had decided to hold a fundraiser party for the cancer institution, and to see your real ability of handling a big event for the company, we choose you and your department, responsible for that. You were supposed to have two weeks to prepare for it, but since you were taking your sweet time, all is left was a week and a few days. All the details for the event had been emailed to you just now. Since it will be portrayed the image of the company, you should do better this time."

Thanachit was up and leave Copter and Ice dumbfounded for a few more seconds before Copter had gestured for Ice to bring him his pad. Once the pad was already in his hand, he was opening his email right away. Fair enough, the event he was supposed to handle had actually been spread around by marketing department, which he didn't get any report regarding this. Not after a week the event had been posted out.

Had it not fast enough, Copter was calling all his assistants for a quick meeting regarding this matter. Ice was handing the information to all of them while Copter was staring straight at Niran. "Why am I not informed of any of this, Niran?"

NIran was swallowing his saliva while keeps reading the documents in his hands, trying to make any excuse he could think acceptable, but he knew current situation was bad enough. Truth is, he wasn't informed of such event too.

"Hmmm, I'm sorry Mr. Copter. I was put in the dark regarding this, I was just receive the email just now." Copter was staring dagger at the guy before inhaling a deep breath trying to calm himself down. It wasn't the time to blame each other, or finding faults, they had so little of time already in hand, he shouldn't waste anymore time.

"Since we had so little time, we'll talk about this mistake later. I want all of you, put aside all the other job, and focused in this event. We better start right away, if we didn't want to fail this event."

without wasting anymore second, Copter start the meeting right away.


Tae blasted the door of Copter's office open, startling the two guys inside, who were busy doing their work. "Cop, I just heard about the event, I'm sorry, the news didn't get to me, P'New just told me about it just now."

Copter who shocked a little was focusing on his job back right away after seeing the face of Tae. "It's okay, I understand, P'Tae."

Tae was calming himself down before taking a seat in front of Copter's desk. "Is there anything I can help?" he asked, making Copter looking up at him for a while before getting back to whatever he was doing.

"Don't worry too much, my team can manage. If I need help with anything, I promise, I'll tell you. It's late, you better get back home first, check on Tee. Auntie Jingjoo said he had a good progress nowadays. I'll be late going back home today."

Tae was showing his guilty face at Copter. He hated himself of how helpless he is whenever Copter having problem. Be it personal, or company matters, there's not much he could do, seriously. His department was so different with Copter's, and for once, he wished he had a good network with lots of people, at least, but he don't have that either.

Tae was about to say something before he left and going back home but the ringtone on Copter's phone stopping him. Looking at the caller, he knew it was Kimmon, so he let Copter pick it up, and only give him gesture telling Copter that he will left for the home first.

Copter was nodding his head while answering the call.

"Yes, P'Kim."

Kimmon: "Are you still at the office? It's already 6."

Copter: "Yes, unfortunately, I had a big event to manage, with little time. I'll be busy till next week, but you will get the invitation, of course."

Kimmon was sighing hearing Copter's answer. "So, no time for a date, I guess. Just please don't skip dinner, okay. If you want I can order for you."

Copter: "No, don't worry about it. Ice is here, so were everyone on my team. I'm sorry P'Kim, we can't see each other for a while, but don't worry about me, okay."

Kimmon: "There's nothing we could do. It's job and it's important. Take care, baby. I miss you and loves you much."

Copter: "Love you too, P'Kim."

End of Chapter 47

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