Chapter 31

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"Lunch?" Copter was answering his phone while still in his earlier position, not moving from his seat and his legs still on the desk. He had answered the phone as soon as he hears it ringing, and it was a call from Tae, asking him out for lunch.

Copter was looking at the watch on his left hand, and was turning to Wuttichai who was still focused on the files they receive earlier.

Copter: "We will just order the meal. Wutt is still busy with the files." Tae was frowning hearing Copter.

Tae: "Cop, Wutt is the one looking over the files? Not you?"

Copter: "Yeah. Why?"

Tae: "Cop, you were supposed to do the work. People already spread rumors about you, don't do things to let them spark another rumors about you, or make them believe that the rumors are true." Copter was sighing hearing Tae.

Copter: "I never knew you were someone who really cares about rumors, P'Tae. Anyway, don't worry about all that, I know what I did. And for lunch, P'Kim said he will brought the lunch for us, so you don't have to worry. Besides, Wutt hated it if he have to stop his work half way. I don't want to disturb his pace of work. Still, thank you for asking, P'Tae."

Copter had cut the call right away after finished his words. It's not like he didn't know about the rumors, but rumor is only a rumor, and it will die down after some time. If the rumor didn't affect him and his jobs, Copter had decided to ignore it all together. Though he couldn't denied that sometime rumors do had a big effect on things.

Not long after that, the intercom on his desk makes a beep sound before Chantira's voice can be heard. "Sir, there's a gentlemen name Kimmon request to see you at the lobby."

Copter then fix his seat and press on the button on the desk phone, answering Chantira. "Let him in. Chantira, please escort him using the VIP elevator."

"Okay, sir, right away." Replied Chantira. "Thanks." Copter had gave his short response before finish the conversation.

A few minutes after that, Kimmon had appeared at the door, making Copter standing up right away, coming closer to Kimmon, taking the plastic on his hand, and pulling him to his desk, making Kimmon taking the seat opposite him.

"Let's not disturb Wutt. I'll make sure he takes his meal later. But, P'Kim, you should have called me instead of asking to see me through the front desk at the lobby."

Kimmon was just smiling while unwrap their meals on Copter's table. "I need to declare myself as a regular there, of course I have to approach them. They don't know about you and Tae, right? So, it will not be a problem. Besides, like I had promised you, I will make sure you have your meals, and for that I might be frequently coming here for you."

Copter was shaking his head hearing Kimmon while he could see the flirting smile and smirking on the guy's lips. "Like you gonna stop doing it, even if I ask you. I know how useless that is, so, whatever."

They both start enjoying their meal while having a usual conversation, and most of it, of course, Kimmon teasing Copter. Still, they were having their own time, enjoying their lunch date, even it was just lunch in Copter's office, with Wutt behind them, too focused in his task.

They were already finished their food and Kimmon was drinking his water when the screaming behind him startled him, making his drink spill all over his chest and a little bit on his lap, making Copter laughing hard to that, but was faster taking the tissue to help Kimmon wipe the spill white water. still, laughing.

"Yesss!" Wuttichai was blinking his eyes when only then he realized Kimmon was there at Copter's desk. Seeing how Copter was laughing, Kimmon had gave a playful scowl. "You are enjoying this, are you? And you!" Kimmon then turn to Wuttichai, who was giving him his innocent look, irritating Kimmon more than he is. Copter was just smiling and shaking his head while keeps on wiping Kimmon's shirt.

"Next time, look at your surrounding first before screaming." Only then, Wuttichai was smiling. "Sorry Kim. I wasn't realize you were there."

Kimmon was shaking his head. "No. it's okay. I'm happy you are here, helping Copter. And at the same time you were protecting him, make my mind at ease. Because if not, I will be very very very worried about him."

The sudden change of tone of Kimmon's words, making Wuttichai scratching the back of his head, which wasn't even itchy. "Don't make me feel awkward, Kim. You know why I'm doing this, and FYI, I only help this much. Copter had been doing everything else by himself. Anyway, do you bring any food for me too? Now that I had finished my task, I feel very hungry."

"Of course. Who do you think I am?"


"His personal assistant who had been doing the job, sir. Mr. Copter was just seating comfortably at his desk while playing with his tablet, letting the other guy do all the work." Thanachit was nodding his head hearing the report from one of the staff from General Department.

"Anything else?" He asked. "No, sir." Thanachit then nodding his head to that. "Okay, make sure if anything, you reports to me as fast as possible."

Instead of answering Thanachit, the woman was walking closer to Thanachit, and was sitting on Thanachit's chair's arm while her fingers keeps on creeping starting on Thanachit's tie and moving upwards to Thanachit's face, flirting and seducing the old man.

"You seems so tense nowadays. How about I help you tonight? It's been so long you came looking for me. I missed you." she was using her low and hush tone, trying to seduce the guy on the seat, which just giving out his straight face. He was taking the woman hands in his hold and was patting on it a few times.

"I have a meeting tonight. I'll come after the meeting. Make sure to wait for me." That was succeeded to make the woman giggling happily. "Okay, honey. I'll be waiting. See you tonight." The woman was left right away, but not before kissing the guy's cheek, at the same time making sure not to leave any mark.


"What's with the long face?" Korn who was enjoying his lunch was asking when he could see Tae was having a troubled look on his face. Tae was turning up to face Korn instead of looking down on his fried rice.

"Korn, what will you do to make things right after you know that you had screwed up?" Tae's question was making Korn frowning more, doesn't really understand what Tae's meant by that.

"Fix things. I think, I will start with the basic things first, only when I'm sure it was okay, I will move to the complex things. It is a slow process, but that's what you need, and the other person too. Why? What did you do this time?" Korn's words makes Tae's thinking hard.

'Basic things?' Korn was watching Tae a little bit more waiting him to answer him. He was sighing when he could see the guy didn't give any effort on answering his question but to drown on his own thoughts. He then said something else, taking the attention of the lost man in front of him. "You need to eat. We have a bunch of reports to prepare. The meetings is in three days, remember?"

This time, Korn's words were able take Tae out of his stupor. "Yeah, right. Thank you for the advice. Let's finished our lunch." Both of them continue their meal, while Tae was making a mental note to remind Copter for the meeting in three days.

End of Chapter 31

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