Chapter 10

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"Tae, please. Come back to me. I'm sorry, okay, for whatever it is. You know I love you." Tee keeps on begging Tae, trying to hold hard on Tae's arm, just like it was his lifeline. They were at the park, after so much persuasion by Tee, Tae had agreed to meet with him at the park. Fewer people, less drama. Hearing Tee, Tae was shaking his head and with a scrunched-up face, he replied Tee.

"You've gone for how long already. You left me Tee. You left me, knowing how awful I feel with everything that had happened. You just disappeared, vanish from my life just like that. No calls, no messages. Do you know how I tried reaching you like crazy? Wishing you will be there beside me, supported me. But, you weren't there. Or, was it regrets, Tee? You know I don't have the company shares now, so, you feel regret being with me? Is that it?"

Tae was still trying to control his tone. He felt betrayed by his one and only love, that he thought their love was one true love. He was expecting a lot of denial from Tee and a lot more begging when he could see a different reaction from Tee he never expected of. "I... I"

Tae was gaping hearing Tee's words and watching how Tee's hold on his arm get loose.

"Tee, seriously being with of the...shares?"

Tee was fidgeting with his hands while looking down the floor, couldn't even look straight at Tae.

"You are not even denying it?'s true?!" Tae was shocked was an understatement. Was he wrong this whole time about the feelings they shared for each other? Was his love was one side?

"No, it wasn't like that. It's just...." Tee was trying to say something, but Tae was now standing up from his seat, stopping Tee from his trails of words. Tae was hurt enough. He was so disappointed and was really hurt by the facts he only knew now, after everything he had been through and with all the things that happened.

"Just what Tee?! I thought what we had between us was real. I denied my husband because of you! I let him suffered, because of you! And when I was hitting rock bottom, you left me just like that! Where were you when I needed you the most? Where were you?!"

Tae's shouting really did show how much disappointment he had right now. Tee could understand that. Oh, of course, he did. But that didn't make Tee stop his intention. He really needs to make Tae understand now that what he had for him was actually real. "I know I was wrong Tae. I'm sorry, please. After being far from you only I realized how much you mean to me, Tae. Please, give me another chance. I'm begging you, please."

"Are you saying, I mean, you are telling me, this whole time we were together, you don't think you have any real feelings for me?" seeing Tee's expression, Tae was laughing his heart out at the funny fact he just knew right now. So very funny. 'Yeah, screw me.'

"So, you were actually approaching me because you thought I will inherit the shares?" Tae was just trying to make sure he didn't have the misunderstanding this time. Tee was looking down the floor, couldn't face Tae, and couldn't even answer Tae's question. Seeing how Tee wasn't denying everything, Tae was rubbing his face a few more times.

"So, in the end, I'm the stupid one, am I? So, why are you here again? I don't have what you aim for anymore, so, just get lost!" Tae was about to get up from the seat, but Tee was grabbing his wrist making him stop his step. "Tae, please..."

Tae had brushed aside harshly Tee's hold on his wrist, and turn to him with his red eyes. He just glares at the guy, before making his step, leaving the guy he loves so very dearly behind, crying his heart out. He couldn't really hear that cry, or he will turn around and coaxing the guy, as he will always do. He was just so in love with the guy. As stupid as it sounds, it was the truth, and he hates himself now. So he makes sure to fasten his step and left.


Tae parked the car at the parking garage at his mansion, the gift from his late grandfather after the marriage. The big mansion was only a ticket so that Copter could have his own place. It was for Copter, he knew. He didn't want Copter to suffer discrimination from other family members, so he gave this to him. But, Copter still suffered either way.

Even after he turned off the engine, he couldn't let himself walk out of the car. He had no energy. The fact that he just learns was eating him up inside out. Things keep on revealing one by one, which proves how much he had been stupid, and clueless, and oblivious. 'Was his grandfather known about Tee all along? Was that the reason he forces him to marry Copter?'

'But why Copter? And how did he know about Tee, if he really knew about it? Or, am I thinking too much?'

Tae was raking his hair frustrated with everything. He keeps on feeling guilty, and now he feels stupid. Much much stupid. 'I'm sorry Copter. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.' He keeps murmuring the words, though he knew it was all too late for that, and even how much he felt sorry, it doesn't bring Copter back to life. Still, he just keeps on doing it. Because that's what people called regret is. It happens when it already too late for anything.


Tae was awake on the tap on the car's window, only to realize he had fallen asleep. The familiar woman, who treated him better than his own mother is, was giving him her warm smile. He opens the door right away, making Auntie Jingjoo walked away a little to give way to the car's door frame opening.

"Why are you sleeping like that in your car? You could catch a cold, Sir Tae." Tae then looked at his watch while embarking from the car and close the car's door behind him. "It's already 11.30 pm auntie. How do you know I'm here?"

"The guards told me. He was afraid to disturb your sleep, but I think you will feel sore waking up tomorrow, so I came here instead. Have you eat, sir? Do you want me to prepare a meal?"

Tae was shaking his head. "Just please prepare milk for me and send it to my room. We do have milk...." Seeing how Auntie Jingjoo smiling, making Tae stop on his words. "Did he...." Auntie Jingjoo just nods her head. "He makes sure we always had milk in the fridge, just in case you asked for it. Well, he wasn't wrong after all. I'll bring the milk for you. Please have a good night's rest, Sir Tae."


Tae was just finished washed up when he heard his room's door had been knocking. "Come in." Auntie Jingjoo had come with a glass of milk in her hands and put it on the coffee table beside the bed. Auntie Jingjoo was about to walk out when Tae's voice had stopped her, making her turn to her master of the mansion.

"Why didn't you hate me, auntie? The way you talked about Copter was enough indicators you were close to him. You should at least show me how you hate me or at least blame me for everything. Why did you treat me this good?"

Auntie Jingjoo had given her usual warm smile, though her eyes were watery. "Sir Copter never blamed you, even though he was hurt and lonely. He always told me how everything that happened had never been your fault. But, his love for you is genuine, Sir Tae. At least, I want you to know that."

Auntie Jingjoo had left stunned Tae right away after finished her words. Just like Tae said, she originally wanted to hate the guy, but seeing how ruined he was after Copter had missing, that later they get to know he is dead, she couldn't have the heart to do it. Besides, she remembers Copter's words, to always taking care of Tae on his behalf. She will do just like Copter had asked her to.

End of Chapter 10


Hi guys? Is anyone still waiting for this story?

Sorry, I couldn't update for more than a week, I guess.

I had a course to attend and I just finished my examination for it.

and, to all TaeTee shippers, please don't get angry with me na.

All in all, enjoy reading, and thank you for stopping by;)


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